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Everything posted by Scroby

  1. Scroby


    that's because you gotta catch them all.
  2. Scroby

    WWE announces 2007 DVDs

    Evolutions song was on the Volume 6 cd. but thats a sweet deal for all three things I think Was vol. 6th the one on Itunes?
  3. Scroby

    WWE announces 2007 DVDs

    So I just checked WWE.com's shopzone to see if they had the Raw CD track listing up and they do (the only song not put out by WWE already is Evolution's) and they have a deal up where you can pre-order the Raw dvd, the Raw cd, and a shirt for 32 bucks and it's a sale price. I think I'm gonna end up doing it before they take the sale off.
  4. Scroby

    WWE announces 2007 DVDs

    So here's my question about the Raw dvd. Are those segments going to have a documentry setting to them where the people involved or somewhat involved talk a little about it the segment or match or will it just be that segment or match and that's it?
  5. Scroby


    I was poking aroud with the Mii stuff tonight and I noticed that some people have like animal faces and new hats and what not. Was there a download or something that I missed that gave Mii's new stuff?
  6. Scroby

    RAW XV

    Raw was very fun to watch tonight. I'm glad I got it on tape. By the way, I told Gangrel you all marked for his enterance.
  7. Scroby

    Impact spoilers (airs December 20th)

    I'll wait and watch the show before I judge it, but I'm not complaining about the match types, they all might be good matches to watch.
  8. Scroby

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    it's pretty much like that every year.
  9. Scroby

    WWE General Discussion - December 2007

    Yes, he'll be working on his first project pretty soon actually. Drew Rohsenhaus would be proud of this post Well I do aim to please.
  10. dude, I can't even pull off a front flip without screwing it up....I'll end up killing myself on a shooting star. The camel clutch on the other hand...yes.
  11. Scroby

    RAW XV

    They never tried with Bob Sapp. They couldn't get Bob Sapp to try to do anything with him. Which made Bobby Lashley one of the most luckiest guys to get a push. It was rumored Bob Sapp was suppose to do everything Lashley did in ECW.
  12. Scroby

    The poster above you (forum edition)

    I believe put the Fonz in his sig after I posted the same picture of the Fonz in some random thread I don't remember.
  13. Scroby

    The poster above you (forum edition)

    I truely wonder if he can play the guitar..and if he can...I wanna hear.
  14. Scroby

    The Youtube Thread

    Damn, I miss Rick Rude.
  15. Scroby

    WWE General Discussion - December 2007

    Yes, he'll be working on his first project pretty soon actually.
  16. Scroby

    WWE Results From Iraq

    Ok so I'll ask it...Why is Layla and Kelly Kelly tagging?
  17. Scroby

    WWE General Discussion - December 2007

    YES! I can not wait for his entrance, especially if they let him come up from the floor. I wouldn't get my hopes up.
  18. Scroby

    The poster above you (forum edition)

    He ended up annoying the hell out of a lot of people in the WWE folder.
  19. Scroby

    WWE General Discussion - December 2007

    When like hardly any of the Cena brought in fans will know who she is. Nice to see she'll get a little paycheck though. GO SUNNY! And she looks great to boot.
  20. Scroby

    WWE Folder sucks dick

  21. Scroby

    WWE Folder sucks dick

    I think it's worse when they both post the same thing only a couple of posts away from each other.
  22. Scroby

    The poster above you (forum edition)

    Who the hell are you!?
  23. Scroby

    Best member of the nWo

    I hate when any established finisher is no-sold. It makes the worker doing it and every other person whose sold it look like pussies. The only exception is when there's a special and/or specific reason to do it (ie: Warriors SS return, no selling HHH's Pedigree). However, Norton was one of my guilty pleasures. A huge guy with a believable power offence. Used properly, he could have been a great monster. It was played off perfectly. The whole match was "Benoit is getting thrown around by Norton. At least he has the Crossface! There it is! The Crippler Crossface! It's all over, not even Norton can get out of...oh wait, he just got out of it. Shoulderbreaker and its over. What a monster." True, it did make for a good story in the match, but seeing how Norton went nowhere, why pussify the finisher for a mid-carder in a mid-card match. They did the same routine with Batista, but seeing how Batista went on to become a dominant main-eventer, those were acceptable circumstances. Have you ever seen Norton live before? The man is a fucking bear. I'd buy it even if he was at Barry Horowitz level.