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Everything posted by Scroby

  1. If the WrestleFanFest weekend wasn't long enough, this past weekend certainly was. I ended up having a total of four shows over pre-Halloween weekend, two Rocky Horrors and two wrestling shows...but I'll skip the Rocky Horror shows because I know you guys read my blog for Pro Wrestling, not for my adventures in Rocky Horror land. On Saturday CCW was running a show at their brand new studio. Well ok, it wasn't brand new as they ran there last month but it was at least new...right? I was impressed with how the studio looked this time around, last month, the studio was very small and packed and hot, but since the last CCW show in Sept. the powers of CCW made some changes to the building. In sept, the locker room was this small room that we all packed into to get changed. Well a wall got removed, the room got painted black and what was once the locker room was now set up so crowd members had a better place to sit, thus giving them more room. The locker room got moved though, to out back. A hole was cut into a wall and a door got added, thus giving us access to the building from the back. It will be intresting to see how the new locker room works out as Newman is really windy and the rainy season is starting to show itself, hopefully everything works out. The CCW show was another good show. Since CCW runs in Newman, they normally draw a good crowd. Newman, is a small town off Highway 5, so there is pretty much NOTHING to do down in Newman and if you do wanna go out to something, it's most likely happening miles away from Newman, so normally a big/loud crowd pops up and last Saturday was nothing differant. The crowd seemed to like how the building was re-done as they had a lot more room to sit and weren't packed in like a can of sardines. I Ref'ed two matches that night, the first match was Virgil & El Chupacabra vs The Buissness man Jesus Cruz & R-Cayde. Jesus Cruz is normally known as the brownsnake but apprently he changed his ways and isn't a thug anymore, he's now a buisness man. He came to a ring with rolling luggage and started selling stuff out of it. He had some pretty good stuff on him to, dvds, cds, horrible smelling colone. I always love Ref'ing Virgil's and Chupi matches as their just fun to work with. Something about me and Virgil just click. I don't know what it is, but when we are in the same match, for some reason it just seems me and him are always on the same page and act like we're on the same team. It's a weird thing as he's the wrestler and I'm the Ref and the only thing me and him have worked as a team on was holding onto The Dead Fed title. The Dead Fed title is a title that was invented after the Scum took the belt away from a promotion that....umm wasn't playing correctly with others. That promotion is now dead and gone, thus The Dead Fed Title was born along with a game, where ANYONE in the buisness could play. The way you played the game was to just steal the title from the person holding it at the time.Myself and Virgil decided to join up and co-hold the Dead Fed title. Our pairing worked out pretty well as it took awhile for the boys to figure it out. I remember one night at BRAWL, Rik Luxury grabbed the Dead Fed title and ended up trying to hide it in his bag...unfortunaily he had no clue that I was watching him and let Virgil know what Rik had tried to hide the title, but when I told Virgil this, Kenny K was standing next to him and was listening in, so Kenny K joined our group as he snatched the title from Rik's bag. Well a few minutes later, Kenny had let myself and Virgil down as Dj Rizz stole the title off Kenny. So now the Commandos had the belt. Well for the main event that night, two of the three commandos were in the main event, D-Unit who wasn't in the match, sat at ringside. Rizz before getting involved in the match, gave the Dead Fed title to D-Unit to hold onto. Well after the match, D-Unit got into the ring to comfront I think Pogo and tossed me the Dead Fed title to hold onto. I was at the music table running music for that match, I quickly ran the title back to the back and found Virgil. Rizz for some reason was chasing Virgil, I think he figured Virgil had the title. I yelled "Virgil!", Rizz noticed I had the belt and started charging at me like I was a quarterback and he was a lineman......a very skinny lineman, as Rizz was running at me I tossed the title to Virgil and ran back to the soundtable to finish what I had to do. Virgil ended up leaving with the title that night and it was safe in our group. Ok back to my other story telling, enough of the Dead Fed title game. Oh and before I forget, the game ended a few months ago. Now the reason why I like Ref'ing Chupi matches is because he tries so hard to make me laugh. Before the bell rings, while me and him are in the ring, he keeps kinda charging after the guy he's wrestling and I have to back him up, well when I'm backing him up he keeps talking to me telling me why he hates him and for some reason I almost start laughing everytime. He does it on purpose and it's sorta devloped to a game for him. It's fun but sometimes I really hate him for doing it. Anyways back to CCW. So the Chupi & Virgil vs The Buissness man Jesus Cruz & R-cayde goes really well and the crowd really enjoyed it. The match ended with R-Cayde walking out on Jesus Cruz as he got frustrated with Jesus because Jesus kept jumping down from his corner to try and sell his wares. Well after R-Cayde finally got a tag to Jesus, R-Cayde left and Chupi and Virgil took advantage. Chupi hit Jesus Cruz with a back to back backbreaker and held Jesus Cruz bent backwards on Chupi's back, Virgil got into the ring, stood on top of Jesus Cruz, jumped up and hit Jesus with a Cannonball. Chupi made the pin and got the pinfall. The 2nd match was the main event, which was Adam Thornstowe vs CCW champion Vinnie Massaro. The match went really good but not so much for me. At one point during the match, Adam went for a superkick on Vinnie while Vinnie was facing me, Vinnie had gone to hit Adam with a elbow but Adam ended up ducking and Vinnie almost nailed me with the failed elbow because I was behind Adam but Vinnie was able to stop himself before nailing me. So while Vinnie was facing m and his back toward Adam, Thornstowe went to nail a superkick from behind but Vinnie ducked and Adam nailed me with it instead....and that didn't feel to good. I was out.....but what's new. Apprently while I was out, Massaro nailed Adam with the CCW title, but since I was out, I didn't see it, had no idea it happen and when I was waken up a bit, Vinnie was making the cover on Adam and got the win. After I rang the bell, the rest of Buddy Sotello's synicate came out (Badapples, Rik Luxury who replaced Ryan Drago) and started attacking Thornstowe, I was still recovering. Big Ugly, and Scum members Luster the Legend and Shane Dynasty ran out from the back to get the Synicate off of Adam. When I started standing up, Adam got in my face about the belt shot but I told him I didn't see any belt shot as he nailed me with the Superkick, after telling Adam what happen I tried to leave the ring, but apprently Big Ugly wasn't to happy and the next thing I knew I was in a half nelson being held by Ugly.......yeah, not good. Luckily Ugly let me go and I left the ring really quickly. So other than the superkick from Thornstowe, CCW was good and fun, but it doesn't seem I won't be doing a CCW show for a few months. The next show is on November 17th, which is my birthday and I decided to take all wrestling related stuff on my birthday so I could just relax. Then the next CCW show is on December 15th, but Devil Mountain Wrestling is also running on that date, and Devil Mountain is my home, so that's where I'll be. After CCW was over, I made that long drive to Oakland to do Rocky Horror where my Saturday night ended after Rocky. Sunday was SPW in Sacramento. This was my 2nd time working SPW and it was a historic/great night. It was a historic for a few reasons, one reason was because Rik Luxury and Adam Thornstowe had a 60 minute hardcore ironman match that I will talk about in a few minutes but the other reason is because The Gangstas re-united. Yes New Jack and Mustafa put all their past issues in the bag and re-united at SPW and they spent the show taking pictures and signing autographs for the fans. That night I ref'ed two matches. The first match was all 3 Surburban Commandos vs Ryan Drago, Wage, and Luster The Legend, the match went well with the Commando's winning after D-unit rolled up Wage in a school boy while Wage was yelling at Luster for not really getting involved in the match. After the match, Wage attacked Luster before leaving the ring. The 2nd match was a 4 way tornado elimation match which was The Big Ugly vs Chupacabra vs Virgil vs Dante. This match was great to Ref, as it was just all over the place and the fans loved it. Virgil and Chupi were the first two elimated then Ugly hit a vicious clothesline on Dante and then getting the pinfall victory over Dante. Now it was time for the main event, for the SPW title, in the 7th match of a best of 7 series, it was Rik Luxury vs SPW Champion Adam Thornstowe in a 60 minute Hardcore Ironman match and honestly this match was un fucking believeable. This is a match you have to see, and as soon as it get's online, I will post it in a thread on the messageboards. You have to see this match. I'm not going to go into full details about it because I really really want people to see this match once it comes online, but here's a few things that happen. Rik drops a elbow off a basketball hoop, Adam doublestomps a flowerpot that has Rik's head in it, barbwire is involved, Adam jumps from the top of the enterance, many things happen but you have to see it to believe how good this match is. I sware if this match gets put online, it will be posted. The weekend full of shows went really well, but man I spent a lot on gas. I did a lot of driving that weekend and that was kind of the downpoint. I have another wrestling show on the 3rd as Devil Mountain Wrestling is running, then I think I'm taking a break from so many wrestling shows for November. I'm not like burnt out or anything, but I really need to save some money and driving so much, isn't going to help me save any money as my car really isn't a gas saver. I'll try to make another post after the 3rd to let you all know how Devil Mountain went, so until then, please keep enjoying my blogs and thank you for reading.
  2. Scroby

    WWE General Discussion - October 2007

    broken link
  3. Scroby


    If the WWE could somehow manage to stretch it out until the Royal Rumble, that would be great return.
  4. Scroby

    Smackdown Spoilers - 11/2/07

    not that I can re-call. If I remember right, the Ref for the HBK/Taker cell match wasn't knocked out but because the match really had no rules, there was nothing he could do about Kane coming in.
  5. Scroby

    Smackdown Spoilers - 11/2/07

    I haven't watched Smackdown in quite awhile, but I think i will tune in just for Noble vs Mysterio.
  6. They'd have to dig out the old Bundy/Hogan blue bars cage for that, though they'd probably all use the door. However Khali was pretty agile in the Punjabi Prison cage climb and Mark Henry has climbed and stood on top the tv cage before and you'd think Kane woudl have the least trouble out of the four right - BDV isn't climbing out no matter what you do. The old blue bar cage would be awesome!
  7. Scroby

    OAO 10/25 Impact Thread

    I thought they may have been going with the idea that Tenay is tired of all the run-in's and screw jobs and was looking for a clean finish and that's why he got his panties in a bunch.
  8. One thing I've been really digging about ECW lately is how it seems the booking seems to get most of the roster interacting with one another. Miz is feuding with Morrison now while he still has issues with Balls and Kelly dating and is still working on trying to go after the title. Morrison hates Miz but wants to get his hands on Punk for taking the title off him and get his title back. Big Daddy V just seems to be involved with everyone some way or another. I love it! Though instead of a battleroyal, a cage match would be better.
  9. Here are the results from Saturday.
  10. California Championship Wrestling's staff has been working NON STOP to improve our BRAND NEW TV Studios in anticipation of our return to COMCAST ON DEMAND! It's taken a lot of hard work to get everything ready for TV but the results will be worth it! Come visit our new TV studios for our TV taping-- with more seating and more features for YOU the fans! And what an event the fans will be witnessing on the 27th! * R-Cayde & Hammerhead Jones vs Virgil Flynn & El Chupacabra! *Mother Truckin' Otis vs Lost Boy Mike Rayne *Luster the Legend vs British Messiah Timothy Thatcher w/Sir William *CCW Westside Title Challenge: Rik Luxury vs Sotello Syndicate Member Ryan "The CA Crippler" Drago! *CCW Tag Team Title Match: Big Ugly & Shane Dynasty vs The Champions, The BadApple Associates! *CCW Heavyweight Title Match: Champion Vinnie Massaro vs Adam Thornstowe! Come visit the new studios right off Highway 33 in Newman, CA! For details visit www.californiachampionshipwrestling.com and continue to join us as we SLAM OUR WAY ACROSS CA!
  11. "If I can be serious for a moment."
  12. Scroby

    Pictures I Like

    That's a great picture
  13. It's now Sunday, and I've overslept. I was asked to be at the Cow Palace at 9 in the morning and I might be booked on the AWA show that is happening at 11..or noon. There was a AWA show happening, around that timeframe and that's all I knew, but I overslept and woke up at 11:00 or 11:30. I didn't get home till about 4 in the morning Saturday due to be at Rocky Horror, and when I got home, I just crashed out. I was so dead tired. I actually did wake up at 10:00, but that's because I was in a lot of pain. My leg muscles were having very sharp pains. They felt like cramps but both legs were hurting. I finally was able to fall back asleep after a few minutes of sharp only to get a phone call from Rik Luxury asking me how he could get in. I told him I think he has to buy a day pass for 25 bucks, because I don't think they have anymore passes. He said he was going to try and make it out and he hung up. I got up and got ready to go back to the Cow Palace, praying that the whole event wasn't burned down by now. Rumors were still running even higher that the guy putting the event still wasn't paying talent, so I had a feeling things were going to be quite intresting. I got back to the Cow Palace a little after 1, and instead of deciding of arguing with the parking people about paying for parking, I decided to park on the street and walk a little ways to the palace. I had one of those staff passes, but decided fuck it anyways, I'll walk a block. When I got inside, the first person I found was of course Sir Samurai. He explained to me that the AWA show was basically taken over by APW and his, Helfyre's, Jason Vega's, Alexis Darevko's match was made into a tag match, and right before they went out...two more guys got added, and then those two guys never got tagged in, and there's a reason. One guy (who'll remain nameless because he doesn't deserve to be known by name) has worked in years and all of a sudden just showed up at the Cow Palace and said "oh hi, I'm a indy wrestler.", the other guy likes to believe he's a wrestler, he'll rename nameless as well, but he's nothing more than a mark who carries bags for a wrestler. So they didn't get tagged in for a reason. I also found out that none of them got any music or introductions, because apprently they couldn't figure out the sound stuff, but after the tag match was over and by the next match, it was all of a sudden working. Funny on how that works. Sorry, I don't have much tolerance when it comes to APW. They bash the hell out of every other promotion out here in Nor-cal and will happily try to fuck another promotion over when it comes to certain talent. Though I did meet their ring annoucer as he annouced on Friday. He seemed like a nice guy and did a good job on Friday, so I'll give him props. After I talked to Samurai about the AP..I mean AWA show, I went off to find Darevko and Helfyre. I found them after a few minutes and saw that Helfyre was limping...badly. I asked him what happen and he told me how he kinda landed arkwardly while performing a move in the ring (think HHH spinebuster on Orton cause of said injury.), Helfyre ended up limping for the rest of the day. Sunday seemed a lot better fan/booth wise. Steve Austin did indeed show up, so there was a lot of people in that area, which was great because that ment the SPW/DMW booth might get a lot of foot traffic. The Territory had also showed up and merged with us as well. The Territory are two guys who films pretty much all of the wrestling shows here in Nor-cal. They do annoucing, filming, and editing. The Territory guys set up a few tv's and put up a SPW and a BRAWL show....they just happen to forget the DMW show, but they had BRAWL instead...bastards, I'm only kidding. Because the tvs got hooked up and were playing the SPW/BRAWL shows, we had a lot of people stop for a few minutes and watch the footage, which allowed me to hand out flyers for DMW and SPW to these people. Two funny stories for you people. Funny Story 1: So this woman with her two kids stop at the TVs and is watching some of the footage of the shows, I stop to talk to her and hand her flyers for SPW and DMW, well Rik Luxury had made it in as well and was hanging out with us so I introduced him to her as well. Rik is the current Devil Mountain Wrestling champion and has a 60 minute hardcore ironman match for the SPW title this Sunday. We talked to her for a few more minutes and she asked how was the parking and we said, oh there's plently and said she could see what she could do to come out. After she left, Mr. Frost walked up to me and Rik and asked "Do you know who that is?". Rik and I said no, who? "That's Rey Mysterio Jr.'s wife and kids!" Frost said. I had just promoted the SPW/DMW shows and Rik Luxury to Rey Mysterio's Wife and his kids! Funny Story 2: So people are starting to gear up for the ROH show that's taking place at 4 o'clock. Well someone in a football jersey walks up to the tv's and starts watching the footage of the SPW/BRAWL shows. I walk up to him and hand him a flyer for the SPW and DMW show and start talking to him, after a few minutes I find out he's from Delaware and tell him he could follow us over online at www.devilmountainwrestling.com if he would like, then I told him thank you and walked away. Well later at the ROH show, it's main event time and Jay Briscoe comes out and who do I see right behind him, holding the ROH tag titles? The same guy in the football jersey, Mark Briscoe. I had promoted the shows to Mark Briscoe. So both SPW/DMW boothes got a lot of foot traffic and I handed out a lot of flyers and promoted the shows to a lot of people, so I was very happy about that. Around 3 o'clock the boothes started shutting down and people started packing it up, the ROH show was the last part of WrestleFanFest and the area where the vendors/boothes were, was going to be closed during the show. So we wrapped everything up, and myself, the guys from SPW, the guys from DMW, and Rik Luxury all headed over to the ROH show. I felt the ROH show was alright, I only really enjoyed 3 matches out of the card and the fans were annoying as all hell. I did like the fact they were loud and hot, but all the chants over and over got really annoying. After the ROH show, we all said our good byes and I found Blue Meanie again and said good bye and thanked him again for Friday. After that I went home and relaxed. It was a busy/tireing weekend, that had a up and lows...well lows for other people. For me, I really enjoyed the convention, as a fan, I got to meet a lot of the guys who I looked up to while growing up, as a Indy Referee, I was given the biggest opportunity of my life by being able to Ref the Sandman vs Steve Corino vs The Great Muta match. By the way, I found out who that woman was who came out with The Great Muta, the woman was Bobcat. I also had a LOT of fun working with Al Snow & The Blue Meanie in their match against Alkatrazz and Luke Hawk. I honestly couldn't have asked for anything more that weekend...ok maybe a pay out, but I'm ok that I didn't get one. Well that's it for my series of blogs. I hope you enjoyed them as much as I enjoyed writing for them for you guys. Thank you for reading and I'll try to post more often.
  14. can you give more detail? No That's all the text said, but from what I'm reading at various "news" sites he is trying out to become a backstage agent. Huh, I thought he was still in talks with the WWE. Intresting.
  15. can you give more detail?
  16. Now it's Saturday, and everything still feels surreal. I still can't believe I got to Ref the matches that I Ref'ed and I still can't believe I shared a locker room with guys who I grew up watching and being in awe of. Myself and the Ultimo Dragon got dressed in the same locker room and for those who don't know, Ultimo is one of my heroes. I honestly feel that if I quit today and never looked back, I'd be happy with what I've done, but I still had a weekend to finish. So now it's Saturday and I woke up around noon and got to the Cow Palace a little bit after two o'clock. I had to pay for parking as I still didn't have my pass for the convention. After I parked, I saw Mr. Frost and Sir Samurai and said my hellos. They told me that the SPW and DMW booth had been combined and we were right next to Molly Holly and The Blue Meanie. Which was great! I hadn't seen or talked to Molly since December when we were both in Oregon and I wanted to try and get to know Blue Meanie a bit better, but I had a problem, because I didn't have my pass yet, I got stopped at the door. I told security who I was, what I did the previous night, and how I had a booth in the convention but that didn't really work. They told me to call someone and so I did. I called Darevko and he came over and confirmed who I was and they let me in so I could go and get my pass. I ended up getting a staff pass instead of a vendor pass, which was better because it allowed me to go anywhere I wanted to. After getting my pass, I returned to my booth and there was Meanie and Molly Holly. I was a bit nervous saying hello to Molly as it's Molly Holly and I was pretty sure she didn't remember who I was. After a little bit of being arkward, I re-introduced myself and we got to talking about things. She did remember that we met in Oregon at BAW and we talked for a few minutes. She's still doing really well and she's really loving her current job now and doesn't seem she wants to come back to wrestling. We ended up talking to one another on and off until she left. I also re-introduced myeslf to Meanie and ended up talking to him for a bit as well...he really likes the Devil Mountain Wrestling shirt, I should try to get him one. Overall I was pretty dissapointed with Saturday. Not a lot got done, the MMA show got cancelled, and a lot of people were drunk, and rumors were running that the promoter was stiffing the workers. Hell, when I was heading over to get my pass, someone, who thinks he's a worker but he's really not AT ALL!, tried to stop me and tell me how so and so didn't get paid and asked me if I got paid. I told him no, and so and so not getting paid isn't my problem. I was a bit dissapointed that the MMA show got cancelled, only because I was going to use it as a time killer. I honestly don't care for cage fighting as to me it seems, one fighter just puts the other fighter near the cage and pin him against it and that bores me. I actually prefer to watch Pride over all. The plan was to go to the MMA show, leave around 10 or 9:30 and head over to Oakland to get ready for the Rocky Horror Picture Show, but since the MMA show got cancelled, the convention shut down at 6:30 and had to head to Oakland because I didn't want to waste the gas. So I sat in Oakland, at the bar from 7:30 to 11:00. I was really fucking bored. The best part of Saturday was getting to talk to Molly Holly and the blue meanie. Oh and also finding out Francine was ok...I kinda kicked Francine hard in the wrist on Friday night. I was checking on Steve Corino in the ring and she slid in behind me and I didn't see her. I shot my right leg straight out so I could be more comfortable and when I shot my leg out, I kicked her hard in the wrist. I couldn't fucking believe it, my awesome night almost went to complete and utter shit but luckily she was alright and told me not to worry about it as she's had worse happen to her. So that was one of the good parts of Saturday. Sunday, was a lot better but that's going to be for another blog.
  17. Necro/Jacobs vs. Davey/Romero was impromtu. Basically after the Davey/Romero vs TJ/Kozina (first match I really got into by the way.) the lights went out and Jacobs/Necro music of a girl screaming (annoying as hell) started playing and out they came. They got in the ring and challanged Davey and Romero then the Ref rang the bell. Then they spent most of the match in the crowd on the other side of the arena, leaving many fans not being able to see what was happening.
  18. Scroby

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Goddamn I hate being a gamer and being so fucking broke right now. I think I'm gonna start selling my Halo figures. I should at least get 25 or more a piece for them.
  19. hmm maybe they don't. The FIP match has a 20 count but that's most likely because it's FIP rules, but then again I sware I saw a Ref do a 10 count during one of the matches.
  20. Nope instead they stand up and stand up for a few minutes to long and block everyone's view. One of the wrestlers who I was with at the ROH show in SF missed two match finishes because this fat fuck wouldn't sit down while everyone else was. Hell even APW got pist off because the fans wouldn't sit the fuck down. APW actually got secuirty on the fans and security made those people sit the fuck down.
  21. I don't like that idea then if that's true. When I was watching the Necro Buter and Jimmy Jacobs tag match and the Main event, I actually got upset when I realized that the tag match had become a No DQ match with no annoucment and that the Referee wasn't duing his job during the main event. That Ref wasn't even warning the guys to either get back the ring or get off the turnbuckles, he was just standing there and watching.
  22. Scroby

    WrestleFanFest, Oct. 19th-Oct. 21st

    Which picture was that? The link wasn't working. If it's a catfight picture, then yes all 3 girls are in that picture. I clapped when it started happening.
  23. During the weekend of Oct. 19th through the 221st, a giant wrestling convention called WrestleFanFest and it's taking place at the Cow Palace in San Fransisco. If you haven't noticed by now, there's a link in my sig to WrestleFanFest's website with all the information you need to know. Here are SOME of the events that is happening for the 3 day weekend. I'm only posting some, because A. it's a lot of stuff for me to post, and B. Things are changing all the time. I actually posted a card that I thought was taking place a few days ago in a thread, but I found out today, the card has really changed, so I'm not a 100% sure on all the details and like I said, things are changing all the time, so NOTHING is set in stone yet. Thursday Oct. 18th -A Night with Pride Veterans Don Frye and Shannon Ritch (Q/A Session, Photo op, and Autograph session) Friday Oct. 19th -Dinner with Eric Bischoff (Q/A session, Photo op, and Autograph session) All proceeds go to the Oakland Children's Hospital -Team 3D Autogaph/Photo op session Also Appearing for Autographs and Photos Abyss, Brutus Beefcake, Larry Zbsyco, Bobcat, Sharkboy, Blue Meanie, James Mitchell, Billy Kidman, Al Snow, Diamond Dallas Page, Mil Mascaras, Rey Mysterio Sr., Virgil, Scott Norton, Vampiro, Kevin Nash, Greg Valentine, Dr. Death Steve Willams, Dan Severn, Francine, Sunny, Gail Kim, Repo Man, Koko B. Ware, One Man Gan, Dan Frye, Scott Hall, Test, Traci Brooks, Brother Devon, Brother Ray, Jim "The Anvil" Neidheart, The Powers of Pain with Mr. Fuji, The Steiner Bros., Eric Bischoff, Rikishi, Sandman, Butch Reed, Steve Corino, U-Gene, Kamala, and Shannon "The Cannon" Ritch. -Wrestling Event Malice At The Palace, a wrestling show taking place at 7:30 that will air on PPV. Here's the card so far. Match 1: Night of the Indys Battle Royal; The rules are that every minute a new wrestler will enter and once the ring is full of wrestlers, wrestlers can be elimated. Match 2: Mil Mascaros vs Rey Mysterio Sr. Match 3: Luke Hawk & Alkatrazz vs Orlando Jordan & Billy Kidman Match 4: Vampiro vs Vic Grimes Match 5: Gail Kim vs Traci Brooks No DQ Match Match 6: Abyss vs Sharkboy Match 7: Rikishi vs Black Pearl Match 8: Greg "The Hammer" Valentine & Dr. Death Steve Willams vs Koko B. Ware & Brutue Beefcake vs Kamala & The One Man Gang vs The Powers of Pain Barbarian and The Warlord. Match 9: Hardcore Match Steve Corino vs The Sandman Match 10: Ultimo Dragon vs The Great Muta Match 11: Team 3D vs The Steiner Brothers Match 12, The Main Event The Outsiders Hall and Nash vs Sid Vicious and a Mystery man Saturday, Oct 20th A Pipers Pit with Roddy Piper Sid will be signing autographs and having a Photo op The Outsiders Hall and Nash will be signing autographs and having a photo op Bill Goldberg will be signing autographs and having a photo op. and a lot more wrestlers will be signing autographs and having a photo op as well. I already included some of the names above but some more names added for Saturday; The Great Muta, Ultimo Dragon, The Godfather, Harley Race, Kurt Angle, Ted Dibaise, Molly Holly, Christain Cage, Ken Shramrock, and many more. There is also a MMA show taking place as well and I know Dog's son Leland is making his pro MMA debut and there's supposely going to be a Midget fight as well. I don't know to much about the MMA show to be honest. Sunday Oct. 21st Stone Cold Steven Austin will be signing Autographs Road Warrior Animal will be signign autographs ROH will be holding a show And many other wrestlers signing autographs and doing photo ops as well. For a full list of wrestlers who are showing up, click on the link in my sig and go to Confirmed Superstars to see whose showing up and a better look at the wrestling card. I'll keep this updated as things draw closer.
  24. Scroby

    The OAO Discussion For Raw (10/22)

    Because she should. There's always the chance you'll have a new viewer watching who doesn't know what a 2 out of 3 falls match is.