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Everything posted by Scroby

  1. Scroby

    TSM posters who look like things

  2. Scroby

    TSM posters who look like things

    You dick.
  3. Scroby

    Awesome Wrestling Pictures

    Is that a legit pic or a photoshop. If it's real, I missed that episode of Impact. If it's Photoshopped, who the fuck thought that was a good idea? Dark match maybe? It could be old as well. TNA did have the connection with AAA for awhile. I wouldn't mind seeing Cassandro work in the states for a little while. It'd be something new and different.
  4. Scroby

    Christian's Re-debut in WWE has occurred!

    Someone needs to find out who sings the remixed theme for Christian. It kinda makes me think that WWE released WWE The Music vol. 9 a little too early. Well if you look a few pages back, you'd see I already posted a link where you can hear the song in full.
  5. Nicole Bass was never a "Diva" She was in the WWF from March-July 1999 and they had already started the "Diva" branding by then, so technically she was. I'm pretty sure that's not what Goldengreek meant.
  6. Scroby

    Awesome Wrestling Pictures

    .....That's a dude. He's a crossdresser from AAA. I forget what his/her name is though.
  7. Except made a lot of money. No, probably not. I'd imagine his downside guarantee wasn't that high, and since he was always low on the totem pole, he probably didn't get a lot of the cut of shows he worked on. Plus, there were times when he wasn't being used at all. Couple that with having to pay his rental care, hotel and other road expenses, and paying taxes and for health insurance if he had it, he probably didn't make out that much. You're most likely right about the downside not being high, but he was also a tag champion for quite a long time, which gets you a little more money, he was most likely working all the house shows and it's not like he was spending months off tv...except for maybe after the draft. He was also with the company for five years, I can't imagine not making a lot of money when your with the WWE for that long.
  8. Except made a lot of money.
  9. Scroby

    Motor City Machine Guns

    That's why those well-praised guys never get into the WWE or if they do, they never get very far. WWE is really big on selling and doing tiny things that show that a wrestler is tired or hurt or whatever emotion and when those "well-praised" guys can't do that, the WWE really sours on them and doesn't let them go anywhere until they learn how to sell correctly.
  10. So that's a yes in my book Same here.
  11. Scroby

    Motor City Machine Guns

    My problem with Shelley is that I see him as just a spot monkey. I really like psychology in matches and people who can sell and even if a match lacks a little psychology if the wrestlers are still selling I can still enjoy a match...however Shelley can't sell shit and it kills me everytime. I hate wrestlers who just go from one big move to the other, then take a big move, but gets right back up. That was my main issue with the Sabin vs Shelley match. Shelley wasn't selling shit, even though he was taking giant moves. He also threw on..I think it was the crossface, on sabin, and he has a stone face with no emotion. FUCKING SELL! John Cena sells his horrible STFU more than Shelley did with that crossface. Another case in point, in the match where the Guns wrestled Lethal and Young, Shelley's on the top rope and EY hits Shelly causing Shelley to crotch himself, and instead of Shelley selling like he just got a piece of metal to his balls, he just brings his legs back over the top rope and stands back up, not selling his balls in pain, and shit like that just kills me. All Shelley is good for is "oh look, that was a cool big move...oh look there's another...oh look there's another.", and that's all I see him as. It hurts his in ring work and it really hurts who he's wrestling in ring work and I just can't stand him because of it.
  12. Scroby

    WWE General Discussion - February 2009

    I thought it was after Road Dogg spouted out that "puppies" line in 1999. I think you're right, Road Dogg was the first one to mention "Puppies" and than King just never let it go saying the word every 3 to 5 minutes.
  13. Scroby

    Motor City Machine Guns

    I hope the guns don't resign, they're horrible. Actually I take that back, I just hope Sabin stays. Shelley's the horrible one out of the two.
  14. Scroby

    "Macho Man" Randy Savage DVD talk

    Which is the new style that the WWE seems to be doing their dvds. After watching the Starcade and Saturday Night Main Event dvds, I'm ok with that kinda of production.
  15. Jesus Christ London sounds BUTT hurt. "They gave Sydel the SSP over me! *Cries*". Get over yourself. It's bad enough he gave an interview to two backyarders.
  16. Scroby

    Most surprising addicting game

    Fuck what luke-o said. Dis mayn know! Gee thanks.
  17. Scroby

    WWE 2009 Draft announced

    Here's what I predict... Raw Undertaker MVP Mark Henry Big Show Michelle McCool ECW Dolph Ziggler Jamie Noble (offically) The Brian Kendrick Scotty Goldman Jimmy Yang Wang Smackdown Finlay Boogeyman (More people he can work with) CM Punk Batista Sim Snuka
  18. Scroby

    Best Live Show that you've attended

    No Way Out 2004 at the Cow Palace. Eddie wins the title.
  19. Scroby

    TNA PPV's getting only 14,000 buys

    I think TNA's main problem is that they've tried to hard to become the WWE alternative of Sports Entertainment and Russo is just so dried up to the point where he's trying to use old angles from both WCW and WWE to try and gain more viewers (Stone Cold Sharkboy, Main Event Mafia vs Frontline, Feast or Fire). It's like they're not trying anything new anymore. Instead TNA is going "well it worked before, let's try it again.". I think what TNA needs to do at this point is get away from trying to copy "sports entertainment" and more importantly get away from Russo and take guys like Foley and Cornette and make them into the head bookers and try them out. Try something different.
  20. Scroby

    WWE General Discussion - February 2009

    .....the hell is this?
  21. Scroby

    Joaquin Phoenix

    Better yet, how can that be compared to what Kaufman and Lawler did?
  22. Scroby

    Christian's Re-debut in WWE has occurred!

    Thanks I was wondering this. Is there a version out to download anywhere yet? http://www.playlist.com/searchbeta/tracks#...e%20Your%20Eyes Scroll down a bit.
  23. Scroby

    Christian's Re-debut in WWE has occurred!

    It happened. http://www.wwe.com/content/media/video/vms...ary8-14/9351648 (I can't watch the vid for whatever reason, but from thewwe.com write up it looks like the bit) Okay, you can watch it here as well - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EEhOglD9Gek It was a backstage segment! I wonder if they showed it on the jumbotron at one point or the dirtsheet just got wind of the bit from a backstage source. It wasn't showed on the tron.