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Everything posted by Slayer

  1. Slayer

    2007 NFL Playoffs

    You can leech off the Chicago market
  2. Slayer

    2007 NFL Playoffs

    Kinda like last year's St Louis Cardinals
  3. Slayer

    2007 NFL Playoffs

    Besides, I thought we called moratorium on first-person references to sports teams
  4. Slayer

    2007 NFL Playoffs

    Watch Adam f'king Vinatieri lead the Colts to a SB title
  5. Slayer

    2007 NFL Playoffs

    Watch the Ravens do something like return a fumble or blocked FG for a TD
  6. I have no idea who this is. Then, enjoy the greatest promo of all time: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q_1Z9Dj6tdw His forehead is disgusting. It looks like his brain is trying to escape from his skull
  7. Slayer

    2007 NFL Playoffs

    Thought it'll be ironic if Peyton makes the SB while doing fuck all on the field ...or maybe it wouldn't
  8. Slayer

    2007 NFL Playoffs

    Shit, I just realized this game might end AwShucks' winless postseason streak outside the AFC West
  9. Slayer

    2007 NFL Playoffs

    Which coach can out-choke the other!
  10. Slayer

    bumping threads

    The way you guys are talking though makes it sound like if I have space in my memory to remember old useless threads on a message board, I must not be able to simultaneously remember important things like paying next month's mortgage "He remembers important things, which is good, but he remembers insignificant things too, so he sucks!"
  11. Slayer

    bumping threads

    Because you can only have a finite number of memories!
  12. Slayer

    Sports cliches and other sayings

    "That was uncalled for... but a lot of fun to watch!"
  13. Slayer


    "The Anaheim Mighty Ducks"
  14. Slayer

    What the fuck? SNOW in southern California?

    Just another reason to riot
  15. Slayer

    2007 NFL Playoffs

    Fun fact: In two out of the previous three seasons ('03-'05), two road teams won on division weekend. Before '03, the last time was '95, and before that, '87.
  16. Slayer

    2007 NFL Playoffs

    To further my earlier post about the Pats and Chargers game, I don't think I've ever seen a divisional playoff weekend where the 1-2 seeds looked so vulnerable. I could see three or possibly all four losing this weekend.
  17. Slayer

    bumping threads

    Only in Banky's world would having a good memory be considered a character fault
  18. Slayer

    2007 Predictions.

    The Earth will not crash into the Sun
  19. Slayer

    Post pictures of your pet(s).

    I'm sure Malia is capable of posting her own pictures
  20. Sid may not have been great in the ring (though his kip-up was amazing), but I always thought he was entertaining, whether through his interviews, in-ring mannerisms or out-of-ring incidents (stabby stabby)
  21. Slayer

    The border war...

    That's the worst kind!
  22. Slayer

    bumping threads

    You go through the archives, find an old thread, and then make a post so that it appears in the current forum ...what kind of question is this
  23. Slayer

    The border war...

    Byron is my new favorite poster
  24. Slayer

    Sports cliches and other sayings

    '04, yes '03, no, because Green Bay won their game. Had Green Bay lost, then Minnesota would still have gone in spite of the Arizona loss, and that would be a prime example of "backing in" As Lex Luger would say: "I DON'T KNOWWWWWW!"