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Everything posted by Slayer

  1. Slayer

    Name and board issues

    Maybe the board was trying to tell Scroty something, or perhaps Scroty should have realized what was going on, or maybe Scroty just had no idea Scroty
  2. Slayer

    Going to Canton, Ohio for the NFL HOF

    Drop by the gift shop and buy a commemorative vial of spit
  3. Slayer

    WWE Folder sucks dick

    Take that, Dandy!
  4. Slayer

    One and Only Star Wars Geekiness Thread

    While I was going to crack about breaking out torches and pitchforks over Ripper's reviews, I do think his posts provide an interesting contemporary review of the movie without looking through nostalgic glasses
  5. Slayer

    WWE Folder sucks dick

    Take that, Spiff!
  6. Much as I dislike him as a player, AwShucks has made some good commercials "Cut that meat! Cut that meat!" "Your defense is offensive..."
  7. Slayer

    One and Only Star Wars Geekiness Thread

    So who wants the task of explaining the clusterfuckalicious Expanded Universe to Ripper
  8. Slayer

    The OAO Mystery Science Theater 3000 Thread

    I've heard that criticism come up among several different reviewers... apparently the absence of Mike's writing skills makes for quite the noticable drop in quality
  9. Slayer

    One and Only Star Wars Geekiness Thread

    1 and 2 are equally awful for differing reasons. 3 was only slightly better but still isn't that good Ewan and Ian essentially carried the PT on their backs, although Ian did hit the overact button a bit much once he became the Emperor
  10. Slayer

    Pictures I Like

    That Simpsons valentine looks really disturbing up close and personal
  11. Slayer

    Stuff White People Like

    So, inversely, is this "Stuff Colored People Don't Like"?
  12. Slayer

    WWE Folder sucks dick

    Enigmecca One name segues perfectly into the other
  13. A year ago I would have said no, as I found him mostly harmless at that point, however in the last few months he's followed the WP path of trying way too hard to play up his character, to the detriment of the board
  14. For representatives of their sports, they got Kirk Gibson, Jordan, Gretzky and.... Jim Everett
  15. So that makes him WP's bastard child
  16. Mothafuckas I'mma mothafuckin kick yo goddamn mothafuckin ass mothafucka
  17. Slayer

    Guitar Hero.

    of all the bands to get their own exclusive GH game... they pick that one
  18. Slayer

    Campaign 2008

    I like Blacksburg and Roanoke That's the extent of my traveling in VA though
  19. Slayer


    come on, it has to have this gem as well
  20. Slayer

    Grab the nearest book

    A perpetuity pays 1 at the end of every year plus an additional 1 at the end of every second year. The present value of the perpetuity is K for i > 0. Determine K.
  21. Slayer


    Wow what a bunch of trolling going on. Dont you ever dare put him down alkeiper, who the hell are you to ban him