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Everything posted by Slayer

  1. Slayer

    Chinese Democracy

  2. Slayer

    Google throws a house party

    Definitely not as good as Internet Business Meeting As noted on several comments, the absence of 4chan was criminal
  3. Slayer

    Georgia Frontiere has passed away

    Is she going to swap graves with Robert Irsay?
  4. what about the Czech dynasty?
  5. If I had a say in my hairline I certainly would not have gone for what I have now
  6. So a 5 year-old runs The Al Keiper Times?
  7. I'm pushing for the Czech dynasty now, his will be damned As for that other bracket, Al, I suppose
  8. Mobilize the Matt Young Army at once
  9. Slayer

    The Matter of Leena

    Physics was never Agent's strong suit
  10. Don McCafferty, 1970 Baltimore Colts. First year coach who came in and won the comedy of errors Super Bowl V with Don Shula's team, then didn't do much else between that and his death a couple years later. Unfortunately, while I'm good at answering questions, I'm not good at asking them (one reason I'd not responded in this thread), but I wanted to get that one
  11. Slayer

    NFC Championship: Packers vs. Giants

    Haha, they yanked Seinfeld off the air in North Wisconsin! Surely that will show Eli who's boss and.... ohhhhh shit Apparently they forgot about such technological advances in the cheese state
  12. Slayer

    NFC Championship: Packers vs. Giants

    I prefer "The DieKings"
  13. Slayer

    NFC Championship: Packers vs. Giants

    I can't believe I'd never thought of something as simple "The Pukers" (taken from the comments section of JHawk's article) as a derisive name for them Though I still prefer "The FudgePack"
  14. Slayer

    Hi guys, I'm in Japan

    I had wondered the same thing myself, about SO3 being Asian As for the ostracization thing, I thought the Japanese had a fascination with (though not exactly respect for) Westerners, and Americans in particular
  15. At this rate it looks like it's going to be like the 2000 NCAA Final Four... three underdogs and a monster
  16. Slayer

    Moving to Canada

    Everytime I see the city name "Guelph" I always chuckle because the name just makes me think of someone puking
  17. She was in shock about the invite to Foxboro, not about being booed.
  18. More like "posting hard, eating ham" m i rite
  19. The "I don't have any more creative names for the brackets" ballot Venkman - Even as I watch the underdog vote possibly undo me in this round, I'm gonna run that way myself Me - absolutely nothing against 909, who has come a long way from his EHME-esque roots into the good poster we know today, but as the old saying goes, I'm me The Mexican - easily the toughest bracket in this whole tourney (so far). These are probably the top two guys I've befriended from this board, so to make it easy I'm just going to run with Czech's desire not to be in this tournament Alastair Keiper - Despite my past cracks on Lushus, this was also a tough one, since I like Al for baseball discussion, but he hates football and bitches about the ESPN hate thread, and I like Lushus, but he's got the "plain folks" thing going for him and would be a tough match should I reach the Final Four, so I'm playing the Survivor vote here