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Everything posted by Slayer

  1. Slayer


    yup, you're a fat girl. It was either him or Chyna
  2. Slayer

    Getting to know each other better

    Tread carefully, from here ye shall be judged
  3. Slayer


    Don't worry, you were spared, if only because I didn't wish to bring the rain of frogs upon my house
  4. Slayer

    The War on Christmas: 2K8

    "So, Christ was born six years after Christ?"
  5. Slayer

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    More like lolf, m i rite
  6. Slayer

    Getting to know each other better

    I am. This would at least enable us to contain the board nostalgia in one folder. For my part, I don't really like reading things that I wrote before my spirit was crushed. Consider this part of your "Pursuit of Perfection"
  7. Slayer

    Your 2007 Sports Wisdom of the Year.

    I'm writing a book about Darko insulting various sporting personnel. It's called "You Got Serbed"
  8. Slayer

    Luke-O turned 22 today.

    Luke-o, meet TaigaStar
  9. Considering the way the Packers crushed Minnesota in their last visit to Lambeau, I'm not sure how confident I'd be in a January rematch, much as I would love to see the Vikings build a playoff streak against them
  10. Slayer

    Your 2007 Sports Wisdom of the Year.

    I highly doubt anything to come out in the remainder of 07 will top Solomon Gundy's tirade
  11. Slayer

    Posting/Boarding/Internetting at the Library.

    What's worse, looking at pictures of Lita on a library computer, or posting about a guy looking at pictures of Lita on a library computer Better yet, what about posting about the guy looking at pictures of Lita on a library computer while on another library computer
  12. Slayer

    Led Zeppelin played tonight

    The greater offense was "Texas" with "facts is"
  13. Slayer

    Led Zeppelin played tonight

    I'll give you BTO (I absolutely hate "You Ain't Seen Nothin' Yet"), but I like some Miller songs
  14. Slayer

    Led Zeppelin played tonight

    The Eagles are easily my least favorite classic rock radio staple band Skynyrd follows a near second
  15. Slayer

    Posting/Boarding/Internetting at the Library.

    I bet those little fuckers can't name any Beatles songs either!
  16. Slayer

    Mother Nature and Father Time

    My friend and his sister are brother and sister. They are individually a father and a mother, though not with each other. Is this a hard concept to grasp? In West Virginia, it is
  17. Slayer

    Mother Nature and Father Time

    This is something that needs to be carefully handled by the mod staff, to ensure that Thread #100,000 is a celebration of Rantsylvania Delphi/Rantsylvania EZBoard/The Smarks EZBoard/The Smarks Invision Board/The Smart Marks/TSM.
  18. Slayer


    Must try harder!
  19. Slayer

    Led Zeppelin played tonight

    A very large part of those two albums being good was Steve Hackett (whose solo material I highly recommend). After W&W he departed and then Genesis became the pop trio that most people know As I said in an earlier post, my reference was more about being the primary songwriter, or at least a very significant part of the band, since Czech's crack about Foreigner's drummer dying stopping the band just made me think of long-running industry jokes about the drummer being the most disposable band member, as the old joke goes: "Who's that guy who hangs out with the band? The drummer"
  20. Slayer

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    I'm getting the distinct impression that Bobby Petrino has left Atlanta!
  21. I never thought I'd say I missed a picture of a guy in his underwear
  22. I remember three different one-year wonder music trends 1997 - ska 1998 - swing 1999 - Latin wave
  23. Slayer

    NFL Week 14 - Dolphins? More like LOLphins! Amirite?

    I'm all for it
  24. Slayer

    Your most hated/liked for 2007

    On top of that, he essentially scaled back his work and let the running game (as well as Vinny) carry him to a ring
  25. Slayer

    NFL Week 14 - Dolphins? More like LOLphins! Amirite?

    I'll always like Mike Nolan if only for fighting the league's dress code and bringing suits back into the game, even if him getting the axe means that only Jack Del Rio would be sporting them