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Everything posted by Slayer

  1. Slayer

    Hilary Duff Feuding Over a Boy

    Jenna > these two girls
  2. Slayer

    National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation 2??

    Wonder if there will be any allusions to the father-daughter "relationship" in this one
  3. Slayer

    Does anyone owe you any money?

    WTF? You also owe me two minutes I WANT MY LIFE BACK!
  4. Slayer

    Hilary Duff Feuding Over a Boy

    Anyone also find it strange that most of the eye-candy teen girls from the last five years have some direct connection to Disney?
  5. Slayer

    Does anyone owe you any money?

    Downhome owes me $5 for reading this thread
  6. Slayer

    Hilary Duff Feuding Over a Boy

    Lohan, 1998, age 12 Lohan, 2003, age 17 Amazing how much can change in 5 years
  7. Slayer

    The Cat Not Well Liked Backstage.

    "Looks like that Triple H is at it again..."
  8. Slayer

    Hilary Duff Feuding Over a Boy

    Philosophy is for pussies
  9. Slayer

    You Dumb Bitch

    I know Chris would do it. $1000+ US would make him a Canadian millionaire
  10. Slayer

    Down and Elektra Records Severe Ties

    There's just no accounting for taste
  11. Slayer

    You Dumb Bitch

    There wasn't that much in the bag. The article just said "hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars." I want to see the McD's that has $100K to put in the deposit bag in one day. D'oh, misread
  12. Slayer

    Best Avatar Ever

    European beer already exists
  13. Slayer

    You Dumb Bitch

    If you were to take the evil route and keep the money, how would you go about hiding it and being inconspicuous about it? You sure as hell couldn't walk into your bank and deposit $100K+ in cash without sending up several red flags
  14. Slayer

    What Makes You A...

    Apparently his ideology involves a lot of amnesia
  15. Slayer

    What's your major?

    Inspired by the finals thread Double majoring in math and econ, more than likely will pursue grad studies in math
  16. Slayer

    What's your major?

    In my country, subject majors in you
  17. Slayer

    Kylie + Queer Eye = Ummmm...WTF?!

    I've got the brains, you've got the looks, let's make lots of money
  18. Slayer

    Dupree turns twenty

    He still can't join Austin's beer bashes in the states
  19. Slayer

    Actors dying

    Fear Havoc described the scene I was referring to. The lady didn't explode, just got nailed really hard and tumbled back away from the train Now if you want to see someone explode, there's that F1 racing footage from the 70's where a guy crossing the track gets destroyed, though you don't see in the same blink of an eye is how the extinguisher the guy was carrying hit the driver and killed him too
  20. The lack of surprise disappoints me
  21. Slayer

    Actors dying

    Well Said. A bunch of friends and I saw It on The HBO Series "Shock T.V." And shock us It did. And I've seen that footage of the woman blindly running into the train (which didn't affect me much at all)
  22. Slayer

    Current Candidates: at a glance

    And yet somehow arous... I mean... disturbing... right
  23. Slayer

    Kylie + Queer Eye = Ummmm...WTF?!

    Just as long as she doesn't break out in song in the middle of an episode...