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Everything posted by Slayer

  1. If that's what it takes to revitalize national morale, then no wonder Canada is just below France as punch line of the world
  2. Slayer

    What's your major?

    Thanks for setting me straight. I'll be sure to let the USAF know that my six-figure salary is entirely inappropriate. Yeowch But I thought you worked for Congress, Marney Or was it one of the Cabinet dep'ts? Set me straight here, please
  3. Slayer

    What's your major?

    Go math majors, whoo! Just one caveat I have for potential math majors: Theoretical math (which you'll venture into after calculus) is a whole 'nother world from applicitave math.
  4. Slayer

    The TSM Hall of Fame of Suck

    Ah shit. ::runs:: A virgin on the internet? I didn't know those still existed
  5. Well, at least some Canadians are good and honest Sometimes it gets me when I see Canadians on the 'net claiming superior ground on the US for some supposed owning from two centuries ago, in spite of everything said earlier It's right up there with claiming superiority because of some self-fellatio beer commercial
  6. Slayer

    What's your major?

    Since you're a relative youngin', I figured you haven't been to college yet, and thus was wondering what you were looking into once you got there You answered it, pretty much
  7. Slayer

    What's your major?

    What are your major interests, WJM?
  8. Slayer

    Top 500 Heavy Metal Songs of All-Time

    I run across the board, for the most part. The gaps of stuff I don't listen to would more than likely be filled by Agent and CoreyLaz
  9. Slayer

    Intersting Wrestlemania facts

    Regarding the original post:
  10. Slayer

    Who is RoyalBlue?

    All this "mystery" (oooh) and these attempts to be all deep and cryptic just leave me saying "Who gives a fuck?"
  11. Slayer

    Top 500 Heavy Metal Songs of All-Time

    Not so fast, Mr. I-Hate-Power-Metal
  12. Slayer

    Long-haired guys

    Thought of this after posting in the "finals beard" thread If you're a long haired male, sound off I have shoulder length brown hair
  13. Canada = not nation until 1867, therefore no Canadians existed before 1867 No one ever called the residents of 13 colonies "Americans" before 1776, did they?
  14. While the Not-Canadians did win in Washington DC, forgotten is how those same Not-Canadians were defeated and turned away in Baltimore (including the Battle at Fort McHenry, where F.S. Key wrote the Star Spangled Banner) not long after that.
  15. Slayer

    Let the debates begin!

    Okay, running with my last post, let's determine criteria that would constitute such a list These factors are independent of each other, so a wrestler heavy in one area but lacking in another still could be considered 1. Main Event Excuse - If you were pushed in a lot of main events, you could be considered for this list, even if history no longer looks at your ME run favorably (see: Warrior) 2. Charisma Excuse - If you were charismatic and got lots of heat, you could be considered, regardless of being ME-er or not (see: Piper) Any other factors?
  16. Slayer

    Taking 'Christmas' Out of Holiday Jingles

    Don't forget "The rich are out to fuck everyone" What if that virgin was, say, Kamui? The deities would give you and your family the plague
  17. Slayer

    Let the debates begin!

    He didn't know when I asked him. I'd sure like to know though. Cutie As for the list itself, like with most lists, after you get past a top 20 or so, some guys are gonna seem more like filler than anything, and those are the guys you debate on. Putski's probably the only one on there I don't get on any level. He doesn't have the main event excuse or the charisma excuse, he was just really muscular, though Graham blew him away.
  18. Slayer

    Top 500 Heavy Metal Songs of All-Time

  19. Slayer

    Top 500 Heavy Metal Songs of All-Time

    TSM Metal Convention huh? Allright, who would come... Myself Agent NM Steviekick CoreyLaz Maniac That's typically who I think of as "TSM's metal fans" Did I miss anyone?
  20. Slayer

    The TSM Hall of Fame of Suck

    Well...once we destroy KSU then he will be cool. Damn, guess I'll never be cool then
  21. When you think about it that way... Ouch
  22. Slayer

    Remember When.....

    Yes, I remember "Red X" very well
  23. Slayer

    Good site for reliving memories

    sometimes I still have trouble believing that's the same guy who was Kama-father the Pimpin' Machine
  24. Slayer

    Remember When.....

    Remember when the infamous "highway scene" was still in The Program?
  25. Slayer

    Good site for reliving memories

    Seven months later What the hell did WWF fans do to deserve two Hacksaw covers in one year?!