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Everything posted by Slayer

  1. Slayer

    Final Fantasy VII

    Getting Ragnarok Esper and leveling Ultima up > Making Chocobos hump
  2. Slayer

    Final Fantasy VII

    Damn, Man in Black is hitting it on all cylinders. I don't think I need to make any more points with him around... ...guess it's back to wisecrackin' for me
  3. Slayer


    Would you actually bleed into a rag, or just leave a trail everywhere you go?
  4. Slayer

    Top 500 Heavy Metal Songs

    Dammit, if this list is already out somewhere, publish the top 100 already. I can't take much more of thise
  5. Slayer

    Final Fantasy VII

    I find this very hard to believe
  6. Slayer

    Who is RoyalBlue?

    That's reading too much into it
  7. Slayer

    The Heisman trophy........

    No, I can't <coughCrouchcough> say that <coughGeorgecough> I've ever <coughWeinkecough> seen that in my <coughTorretacough> life You forgot <coughDetmercough >. And, now that I remember, I also forgot <coughHowardcough> when Michigan got owned by Washington. Maybe it's the Michigan fan in me repressing this memory, although those Huskies were a hell of a team. Also there was Andre Ware, who didn't even go to a bowl game at all. As I look through the records here, there was a four season stretch where UHouston had a great record but didn't go to a bowl. Were they on probation?
  8. Slayer

    Greatest Sports Rivalry That can

    Given how the biggest rivalries in sports are typically within team divisions, pretty much all of them
  9. Slayer

    Who is RoyalBlue?

    When did he do that? "So, c'mon people fire away. Hell, I might even reveal my true identity in this thread." From his 1st post Huh? How does that mean he's a PBP? He said he was accused of being one, but I see nowhere that he admits it
  10. Dames makes Steph look big? He really is a midget
  11. Slayer

    The Heisman trophy........

    No, I can't <coughCrouchcough> say that <coughGeorgecough> I've ever <coughWeinkecough> seen that in my <coughTorretacough> life
  12. Slayer

    Backstage politics

    I'm still trying to figure out why Hogan's no-selling of Vader's power bomb comes as a surprise to so many people, given that he'd been no-selling finishers for the previous decade I predicted it would happen as soon as they were forecasting a Vader-Hogan feud
  13. Slayer

    The Heisman trophy........

    3. Heisman voters don't favor receivers (three winners in however many years)
  14. Slayer

    Want to own the WCW TV Title?

    The Jim Duggan line of granny panties
  15. Hey Sakura, you've had a "near-ban" experience... tell us what it's like... Is there a white light? Or perhaps a blue screen?
  16. Slayer

    Corperate Banky

    I just spelt my beer
  17. Slayer

    Final Fantasy VII

    I agree with Dama about the severe drop in quality of console RPGs... that's one of the major reasons why I sold my PS2 several months ago in favor of PC gaming It's all about NWN and KOTOR, baybee
  18. Slayer

    Final Fantasy VII

    Dammit, he said it before I could I would blame MGS far worse than FFVII for the "talk-o-rama" trend
  19. Slayer

    OAO Bitch about Finals Thread

    Finals are next week here Mon - Diff-Eq II Final Presentation (on bifurication) Wed - Solar System Astronomy Final (not comprehensive, thankfully) Fri - Fundamentals of Analysis Final The only one I'm worried about is Astronomy, I have solid A's in the other two classes (my fourth class is finished already with no final)
  20. Slayer

    Top 500 Heavy Metal Songs of All-Time

    Oh hell yes
  21. Slayer

    Final Fantasy VII

    While I wouldn't consider this to be an issue in the later FFs, to me with FFVII there apparently seemed to be a lot of time devoted to "Hey look at all the shit we can do now" graphical wankering rather than actual plot development It was like the video game equivalent of a Malmsteen solo...
  22. Slayer

    Final Fantasy VII

    quality > quantity, Miss Sakura FFT = beyond overrated anyway IMO
  23. Slayer

    Final Fantasy VII

    He did? That's what I get for ignoring his posts. I'm trying to decide if I care or not... I consider that right up there with "Vader = Luke's father" in terms of public knowledge Allright I'll change it, but with a big middle finger, just because I feel like it
  24. Slayer

    Final Fantasy VII

    VI, perhaps? There's one of many reasons why those two are considered the best I put it on both lists just because, while it's an undeniable fact, it's also one of the most divisive consequences of the game, depending on who you ask. Do you remember those days? I can't imagine someone whose first RPG was FFVII would remember the days before then, since that was the one that a majority of console RPGers first cut their teeth on. Plus in light of the fan emu-translation industry, I've found out that one of the reason why a lot of RPGs in the old days didn't come over here was because they just plain sucked (and the ratio is still the same today). It goes to show my old point that not everything Japan produces = gold
  25. Slayer

    Final Fantasy VII

    Goods: -Did its job in bringing FF from the 16-bit era to the 32-bit era -That really shocking moment, you know the one I mean. If you don't, fuck off. -Sephiroth was a pretty sweet villain... even if he didn't have a personality, he did have "the look", IMO -Brought console RPGs to the mainstream Bads: -Could be considered a rehashing of VI (swapping "Empire" for "Shinra", and "Kefka" for "Sephiroth") -Tended to rely too much on the graphics in leu of a cohesive plot (I still don't get what the fuck happened at the end) -Materia system did deprive characters of individual traits and skills that were prevalent in previous FFs -Brought console RPGs to the mainstream