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Everything posted by Slayer

  1. Slayer

    some people on gamefaqs are assholes.

    You were expecting something of substance to come from the Gamefaqs MB? FOOL
  2. Nah, Zach and Sass need to get all the practice in that they can, heh. I'd hate to see Sass misfire on his first attempt at using his bangun, and banning some poor innocent bystander in a thread
  3. Slayer

    TSM 2003:The Memories

    With its final conclusion set, I would definitely say the Angelslayer vs. Kamui feud ranks as one of my top memories Also, IN ANGER!
  4. <opening credits finish rolling> <open with shot of cemetery, zoom in on Angelslayer standing over freshly dug grave> "...I have gathered me here today to mourn the loss of my foil, Kamui..." <Shot of tombstone engraved: Kamui, RIP Registered: Who the fuck cares? Banned: December 8, 2003> <Angelslayer solemnly walks away, toward camera, then stops to look pensively into the distance>
  5. Dammit Dama, now I need to go find a new foil... Angelslayer III: The Search for a Foil
  6. I'm sad though, who will be my foil now...? <looks around at people with SAD eyes> Will you be my foil...?
  7. Slayer

    Top 500 Heavy Metal Songs of All-Time

    I think because most metal fans who grew up from that time would remember them for their first two albums and the hits that came off of those, which, while somewhat cheesy, were quite good to me. Blackie did make some more serious metal in the next couple followups before going back to fun metal. I suggest Headless Children and Crimson Idol, the latter being a concept album about a rocker's rise to and fall from fame, and I believe deeper down it's about the rise and fall of hair metal (was made in '92, just after the death of HM)
  8. Portis has more charisma than half the guys on that list
  9. Slayer


    Tenzan = Kawada of the '00s?
  10. I can't decide which gets my vote for "Post of this thread" now. Kotzen's rewrite is right up there with JOTW's pic
  11. You're allowed a bit over half the screen. That's no excuse and you know it
  12. Dutch never returns my calls
  13. He can't turn the computer off, he's too busy downloadling bootlegged 4th-gen hentai off Kazaa Hey! What's wrong with that? Tentacles vs. fucked-up cats GO!
  14. He can't turn the computer off, he's too busy downloadling bootlegged 4th-gen hentai off Kazaa
  15. That's what he gets for weilding a pussy ass-backwards blade
  16. K. Here's Kamui lurking well after he said he was leaving the thread. POST OF THE FUCKING DAY (AND THEN SOME)
  17. And you're running (or is that "dancing") with us all the way
  18. Slayer


    Here's the current BCS top 8 1. Oklahoma 2. LSU 3. Southern Cal 4. Michigan 5. Ohio State 6. Texas 7. Florida State 8. Tennessee So in a standard 1-8 tourney, we'd have it like this OU-UTenn Michigan-OSU USC-UTex LSU-FSU Meaning for UTenn to win the national title, they'd have to beat OU, the winner of Michigan-OSU, and whoever comes up from the lower bracket... if they do that, I think you could call them national champions
  19. Finally got tired of getting owned by the computer? Uh, dumbass, there's no "computer" in DDR- it's just you. And actually I did quite well- still polishing up my abilities on a few 9-step songs (I <3 Rhythm & Police). When I saw my friends play in single player mode, they took on a computer... or at least that's what I remember You're thinking of something else- i.e. another music/rhythm game. Or you're just stupid, I don't know. Because DDR = life, apparently
  20. Finally got tired of getting owned by the computer? Uh, dumbass, there's no "computer" in DDR- it's just you. And actually I did quite well- still polishing up my abilities on a few 9-step songs (I <3 Rhythm & Police). When I saw my friends play in single player mode, they took on a computer... or at least that's what I remember And if I'm a dumbass for lacking knowledge in DDR, then you have a long ways to go
  21. Finally got tired of getting owned by the computer?
  22. Shhh... you hear that? It's the sound of Kamui lurking after he said he was done here