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Everything posted by Slayer

  1. Slayer

    The College Football Championship Week Thread

    Going home from work now, won't come back on until after the Big XII title game Let's go Wildcats! <cuts off any smartass remark Diarrheamaru may have>
  2. Slayer

    Sega sues over Simpsons Road Rage

    Because there's nothing more uncool then protecting your intellecutal properties! Damn right, now if you'll excuse me, I have to go d/l every single song off every CD on Billboard's top 10 list. You ignored my second paragraph talking about the parody exception in copyright laws. Some people recognize the futility in suing over parody and therefore save themselves the trouble of looking like a jackass... even better people (like Matt and Trey) actually appreciate parody of their material in the first place (unlike EVIL FACELESS CORPORATIONS), hence my "cool young guys" remark As far as I know they're in a MUCH better financial situation then they were 2 years ago, so I don't think that's it. Boredom?
  3. Slayer

    Worst Final Fantasy Lead

    And to add to the "Kefka was FFVI's true main character" argument is the fact that he is the only face that is really present for the entire game, beginning to end Now that I think about it, someone should make a poll for "worst FF villain" I would, except I haven't played all the FF's to completion, thus don't know all the villains offhand
  4. Slayer

    Sega sues over Simpsons Road Rage

    I'm not so sure it may happen. Rockstar seems like a fairly cool group of young programmers who wouldn't take this kind of thing that seriously (if they did, I doubt SHAR would've seen production even) Kinda like a couple years back when someone made a combined parody of South Park and Star Wars, and the Star Wars people were shitting themselves over the copyright (all for naught, thanks to parody laws) while Matt and Trey just laughed it off. I could be wrong though. Back to the main subject: Any word as to why it took two years for Sega to sue? Are they that hard-up for cash right now?
  5. Slayer

    The College Football Championship Week Thread

    I never know who to root for in the Army-Navy game, as I have no direct loyalty (I appreciate their service, but military life isn't for me) and I have friends'n'family connection to both
  6. Slayer

    The College Football Championship Week Thread

    Army-Navy game starting now A much improved Navy team takes on a winless (ouch) Army team
  7. Slayer

    The College Football Championship Week Thread

    Isn't there something not good to be said about the BCS system if the fate of the potential #2 seed in the nation lies in the hands of two sub-.500 teams?
  8. Slayer

    Worst Final Fantasy Lead

    I'm glad it's not my taxes at least Not that there's anything wrong with that
  9. Slayer

    10 years to the day since Frank Zappa died

    Which one or two of those would you recommend to the new fan?
  10. Slayer

    "The Reagans"

  11. Slayer

    Damn You Oprah!

    I'm having a hard time buying CDs of genres I like, much less this shit
  12. Slayer

    Worst Final Fantasy Lead

    I hope you're not spending an INFINITE amount of money on your college education
  13. Slayer

    Worst Final Fantasy Lead

    Ah yes, good times Ehh, to quote Underbiker, "I'm still not feeling it." Besides, I liked FrigidSoul's explanation best: "Everything I believed in was wrong... oh well, time to dress like a whore!" I hate them both, so there
  14. Slayer

    The existence of the IMC?

    Also, both men have no hair Working within the confines of 80's wrestling and metal here Slayer -> Ted Dibiase If Metallica->Hogan and Megadeth->Savage, then this conclusion can be drawn. Typically seen as the #3 member in their respective category (WWF MErs; US thrash bands), but they were the ones preferred by the more "evil/heelish" fans. Queensryche -> Roddy Piper At a time when most words associated with each were essentially the same (metal lyrics were either about partying or mystic evil stuff; wrestling interviews were mostly generic "I'm gonna kick your ass!" promos), they brought forth more intelligent material to their respective places. They were true breaths of fresh air.
  15. Slayer

    The College Football Championship Week Thread

    Watching the Syracuse-ND game, and they're having a halftime special segment on Pete Carroll. In it, Carroll talks about the trait that made him fail in the NFL and yet makes him a good college coach: He tries to be a fun coach and he believes in the fun of the game. Nice little slap to the No Fun League there
  16. Slayer

    The Spike VGAs

    No, I put very, very little thought into it. These are the same arguements I repeat about twenty times a year- I defend Sailor Moon to other anime fans (most who have only seen the American version) on a regular basis, and it's not like Sakura's arguements are NEW or anything. I've seen them all before, so I just replied with my usual answers. <cuts you with Occam's razor>
  17. Slayer

    Best lightgun game

    My favorites would have to be any of the Crisis series (except 3, which I haven't played because no arcade here has it) Don't get the hate for CM and the HOTD series. I thought they were good games (the multiple path system in HOTD was unique) If you want a truly bad shooter, try Crypt Killers
  18. Slayer

    Worst Final Fantasy Lead

    Last night I tried to post something in this thread, but kept getting the white screen of death until I gave up, and it's amazing how it's really blown up since, even if half the posts are Captain Anime defending Squall (face it, you're in the minority here) Butz, Cloud and Zidane file under the "bland lead" category, but being bland doesn't make them bad necessarily (especially in Cloud's case). I thought in FFIV they could've started off with Cecil as more evil and doing his evil deeds before the remorse kicked in, thus making him a stronger character when he actually does his face turn, but I wouldn't put him on the bad lead list. I don't even think you can argue Terra was the lead in FFVI. Similar to what someone else said, you can make the argument that Kefka was the true lead, and that at least five of the heroes could tie for ME status in the game (Terra, Celes, the royal brothers and Cyan), because they all had strong stories and face time. Who does that leave now? Squall and Tidus and Neo-Yuna? Well, FF8's whole game system turned me off after a couple days of trying to play, so I didn't even pay attention to the character development, hence I can't really vote for Squall, though I wouldn't be that aloof if I was surrounded by cute girls all the time (side note: I knew a girl who looked exactly like Quistis) I don't own a PS2 anymore, hence I haven't played FFX2, although I made the point about not getting Yuna's transformation from demure conservatively dressed girl (which appeals to me) to scantily clad "Yuna Croft" (which does not) With that, my vote goes to King Whiner himself, Mr. "Whaaa whaaa my daddy didn't hug me enough as a child" from FFX. If character development is enough to turn you off of a game, it can't be a good thing
  19. Slayer

    The Spike VGAs

    ^ Put too much thought into it
  20. Slayer

    The Spike VGAs

  21. Slayer

    Good news!

    Vince will personally fly to Australia to talk him back into the business
  22. Slayer

    10 years to the day since Frank Zappa died

    Zappa ruled, plain and simple. Iconoclastic and counter-culture without coming off as elitist. Good music all around the board, progressive in the truest sense of the word, and never too serious for itself. Only problem comes from the sheer number of material he put out, which makes it very hard to keep track of for the new fan (or even the long-time one) Plus how many YCDTOSA albums did he put out anyway?
  23. Slayer

    Damn You Oprah!

    First off, I've always eschewed the term boyband, because a band to me requires its members to be playing instruments and such. Therefore, Hanson is a boyband. The more appropriate term for BSB, NSync, etc. would be boygroup Second, even as a notable metalhead who rarely payed attention to this kind of stuff, the BoyzIIMen = boygroup argument is going nowhere fast, razaz. They were R&B/Soul, and I liked "MotownPhilly" even
  24. Slayer

    The Spike VGAs

    I'll get right on it. I have a toy moon wand, that will work out well! Dibs on the pics I remember back in the day when I used to watch SM (long long ago) how in the episode right after blondie #2 joins the group, they all gather in "regular girl form" and one says, with straight face, "I don't even recognize you!"... as they all look the same from Sailor form, except with different outfits. Magic my ass... how many girls do you know with giant testicles on their head followed by long tails anyway? At least the original Sailor V has the "Zorro's Mask" excuse
  25. Slayer

    Have any bold sports predictions....

    Because one emote could not express it enough apparently