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Everything posted by Slayer

  1. Slayer

    The Almighty Question

    You already know where I stand
  2. Slayer

    Official College Football thread

    Wow, nobody paying attention today? Nebraska beat Colorado with a 10-pt 4th quarter comeback LSU is pounding on Arkansas and looking to seal up their spot in the SEC title game Texas vs. A&M is close right now, that's the one I'm paying the most attention too
  3. Slayer


    I agree with that. Nowadays it's all about beating the man unconscious before pinning him. I always thought Goldberg's first loss should've come not by someone overpowering him, but catching him off guard with a quick small package (Bret Hart would've been perfect for this) As for Flair-Steamboat III, I like it better than II (haven't seen the first one fully, just the ending), because I thought the psychology was good for what it was worth and it was pretty exciting... plus, it had a definitive ending, none of that "double-pin draw controversy" shit
  4. Slayer

    The Banky Birthday Extravaganza...

    <waits for TSA to talk about how she doesn't do that, then prattle on about her sex life> Happy b-day to the Bankster... the Bankinator... Banky...
  5. Slayer

    iTunes Hacked

    Nice work keeping him under wraps, Norway
  6. Slayer


    "Look lady, we're not here to do your job" Any word on this coming out for PC like the GTA series, for those of us PS2-less folks?
  7. Slayer

    Great to see such an open and knowledable forum

    What? I wasn't paying attention again.... And you will be until you bring back Choko
  8. Slayer

    New Bobby Heenan pics

    Is that healthy though? I'm no physiology expert, but it doesn't seem healthy to me. Maybe someone else can field this question Haha <g>
  9. Slayer

    New Bobby Heenan pics

    Well, of course, but it seemed like Slaughter took a rapid drop from the last time I remember seeing him before this (teaming with Hurricane back in... August I think)
  10. Slayer

    New Bobby Heenan pics

    Look at how many one-time large legends emaciated in their later years (for whatever reason) Heenan, Albano, Monsoon (RIP) Hell even Slaughter seemed to have really shrunk when I saw him on the last RAW
  11. Well, it's quite relieving to know that the US only contributed to 1/3 of the Titanic total income. I guess there's no accounting for taste in the world. That makes much more sense. Level the playing field out by total value within the time period, rather than using the pure numbers, and you get a much better distribution. Saw Discojunge's post, thought it was a good side topic. I could give a shit less about the primary topic, really.
  12. Yesterday, I was listening to the Don and Mike and they were pestering some woman off-the-air to get on-the-air with them. This isn't really unique in-and-of itself, but it made me think of something... I used to listen to their kind of radio years ago (mid-90's), then stopped listening to anything except sports radio for a couple years, then came back to this recently. I remember back in the day when D'n'M and other type shows could just call people and throw them on the air and do things like "wacky morning prank calls" and such, but now I'm hearing assorted radio hosts (new stuff I'm listening to) having to get (sometimes badger) for people's permission to get on the air now. So my question is: What law changed this, when did it happen and what incident caused it (since most US laws nowadays come from people getting pissed off and suing)?
  13. Slayer

    Official College Football thread

    "And the 2-point conversion is... NO GOOD!"
  14. Slayer


    Choken One... That's an experience waiting to happen TSMer: "Hey, (whatever Choken's real name is), let's go hang out" Choken: "No thanks, gotta keep my posting champion's title"
  15. Side note: Are those receipts adjusted for inflation? Note that all except one are from the last decade, with 6 coming within the last 5 years
  16. Slayer

    A horrific but hilarious picture

    I'm sure glad you warned me before I could potentially expose my co-workers to this
  17. Slayer

    WWE website down

    At least we have decent looking young guys shitting today I remember the days of 40 year-old fat men sitting on the toilet and shitting their way to 60 minute draws
  18. Slayer

    WWE website down

    Anyone remember the classic AWA Team Shit Challenge series? They stunk up the arena so bad that no fans wanted to come, so they filmed it in a studio instead
  19. Slayer

    WWE website down

    It's too bad WCW is dead, their presence forced McMahon to come up with better shitting contests I hear the NWA's X-shit-division is a good alternative though. They make the wrestlers eat things like bowls of corn and cigarette-butts before a match.
  20. Slayer

    WWE website down

    The problem comes with Vince McMahon. He doesn't want the little men who can take surprisingly big shits to outshine his big men, who he naturally feels should be better shitters, so he enacted the "WWE Shitting Style" to make everyone shit the same way.
  21. Slayer

    WWE website down

    "Triangle Shit Match: Big Show v. Chris Benoit v. Triple H. Nervous looks all around as all three men gradually disrobe and take their seats on their respective toilets. Benoit and Triple H start off, feeling each other out with gradual grunts while Show sits back and relaxes, apparently to let the other two men wear each other out. Triple H starts by LIFTING THE KNEE and dropping a mild turd. Benoit counters with his opening Dragon Shit, seemingly to take the early lead. Suddenly out of nowhere Big Show unleashes the STINKY DIARRHEA OF MILD DISCOMFORT that overflows his toilet, and the ref steps in and mercifully ends the match at 2:24. The wrong man went over this time. *1/2 for the action, -*** for the finish"
  22. Slayer

    WWE website down

    <standing outside bathroom, holding earpiece> I'm being told now that Big Show has just entered the third stall and that this, in fact, will be declared a Triangle Shit Folks this is looking to be a classic, call your friends, tell them to watch, and stay tuned for further developments
  23. <gets lost in the infinite cycle>
  24. Slayer

    WWE website down

    SPECIAL REPORT BENOIT-TRIPLE H: STALL WARS "Triple H accuses Benoit of lacking main event caliber shits IWC claims Triple H doesn't shit as well as he did in '00 Film to follow"