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Everything posted by Slayer

  1. Slayer

    Trish heads to Hollywood

    I hope she's not the new Sonya Sonya would go from ass-kicking special forces chick to a porn-star lookalike throwing kicks that wouldn't earn a green belt at the Y </bischoff>
  2. Slayer

    Video of Man Beating Mario 3 in 11 Minutes.

    Never did get my free copy of Nintendo Power, assholes
  3. Slayer

    Coke or Pepsi

    Sam's Club Cola, bitches Seriously, I must be the only guy I know who can drink either one without making a religion out of it (along the lines of what Hoff said) What about Ripp.... oh, nevermind
  4. Slayer

    Video of Man Beating Mario 3 in 11 Minutes.

    You still have a first run Game Genie + book? Gimme that
  5. Slayer

    Video of Man Beating Mario 3 in 11 Minutes.

    I skimmed through bits'n'pieces after the first minute or so This guy is either incredibly good, incredibly lucky or incredibly cheating Apparently Japanese people don't have enough ways to waste time as it is
  6. Slayer

    Video of Man Beating Mario 3 in 11 Minutes.

    I'm only a minute in, and my doubts are piled high already Like FKH pointed out, there's some major inconsistincies with the clock speed
  7. Slayer

    Video of Man Beating Mario 3 in 11 Minutes.

    Debating if it's legitimate...that's worse Good point It's one thing if he filmed it all in one single take over 11 minutes, not a huge waste of life. It'd be another thing if it took him several takes over the course of a couple hours and then another hour on top of that to cut and paste the video footage Dammit, now I guess I have to see this for myself
  8. Slayer

    Video of Man Beating Mario 3 in 11 Minutes.

    I don't know what's worse: Him for recording it and showing it off, or you all for actually watching it
  9. Slayer

    Same-sex bathrooms at U of Chicago

    Universal bathrooms Guys get: Bloody rags, the latest vapid gossip and hearing girls take huge dumps Girls get: Guys hitting on them (such a place too), piss on the seats and hearing guys take huge dumps Seriously, what's not to like about this idea?
  10. Slayer

    Why this folder sucks in '03

    Tip #1 for Naibus: Get an avatar that actually works. Red Xs are unflattering
  11. Slayer

    Holy Post Whores!

    Someone's been taking breeding tips from insects apparently I'd have no problem with dropping it either. Like I said earlier, half my posts come from the Sports forum, usually in the form of "Yay, my team scored!" or "Boo, the other team scored"
  12. ROCK HOT SCOTT AUSTIN~! It made me laugh "And that's the top of the line, because Rock Hot told you so!"
  13. Slayer

    Same-sex bathrooms at U of Chicago

    Wait a minute, which is the real issue here: The "everyone goes into the same bathroom" concept, or the "stupid signs on doors" issue?
  14. Slayer

    Why this folder sucks in '03

    Look at this fucking monster
  15. Slayer

    Why this folder sucks in '03

  16. Slayer

    Why this folder sucks in '03

    I would've gone with "Fuckslayer" myself
  17. Slayer

    Why this folder sucks in '03

    The Fuck Republic
  18. Slayer

    Why this folder sucks in '03

    Everything's funnier when you add "fuck" to it The Fucking Dutchfuck
  19. Slayer

    Holy Post Whores!

    "Dutchman, Flying"
  20. Slayer

    Don't eat Doritos

    Apparently Dames is taking any job he can get
  21. Slayer

    Why this folder sucks in '03

  22. Slayer

    Why this folder sucks in '03

    So says Captain Letdown The surgery did wonders I do not agree. Folkaroo.
  23. Slayer

    Why this folder sucks in '03

    Meh. Looks way too much like a certain pop singer for my taste Plus I'm a brunette man And yes, I do know who that is
  24. Slayer

    Why this folder sucks in '03

    "Fuck Off And Die"
  25. Slayer

    Why this folder sucks in '03

    Abandoned gimmick after 2 posts Color me disappointed