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Everything posted by Slayer

  1. Slayer

    One and Only Bitch about Black Friday!

    Yeah, but then again, you had your Thanksgiving a month ago, 'Nuck...
  2. Slayer

    Question for the law-knowledgable

    I suppose then I should thank you for expending effort on my behalf
  3. Slayer

    La Parka Es Mi Papa

    Deine Babelfish preformance enttäuscht mich bitterlich. Hinfort mit dir und verschmutze dieses Forum niemals wieder mit deinem sub-standardard Deutsch
  4. Slayer

    New hot girl in my sig

    Apparently Brock is one hot girl
  5. Slayer

    If the NFL Playoffs Started Today:

    You really are Hitler
  6. Slayer

    La Parka Es Mi Papa

    Ich kann deine albernen und abgrundtief schlechten Beiträge nicht ab. Verpiss und fick dich
  7. Slayer

    Holy Post Whores!

    "Aaron, Steven"
  8. Slayer

    One and Only Bitch about Black Friday!

    But enough about your moderating duties, tell us about your retail days...
  9. Slayer

    Holy Post Whores!

    Oxygen is better Dutchman's sig owns
  10. Slayer

    One and Only Bitch about Black Friday!

    I've been on both sides of retail, grocery and merchandise (ex-Best Buy Merch, good luck to you Ernie) Working the morning shift the day after Thanksgiving in merchandise can be hell, I imagine, but thankfully both years I worked there I started three hours before open and thus only had to work five hours into the day, I couldn't imagine managers and peeps who had to be that had to be there all day long. In grocery, at least in my experience, the weekends after Thanksgiving were the lightest weekends I'd ever worked, since everyone was at the mall or elsewhere. Now the days leading up to Thanksgiving were another matter...
  11. Slayer

    Holy Post Whores!

    <posts about ruining your irony> *clever insult* <clever-er retort>
  12. Slayer

    Holy Post Whores!

    <posts about ruining your irony>
  13. Slayer

    Holy Post Whores!

    If my newspaper printed a l33t headline, I would cut it out, preserve it for the rest of my life and then demand it be cremated with me.
  14. Slayer

    Fuck America

    Because you're already here
  15. Slayer

    Holy Post Whores!

    Newspapers wouldn't actually say "0wn4g3" in a headline!
  16. Slayer

    Fuck Banky

    Acid snow
  17. Slayer

    Holy Post Whores!

    "Flying Dutchman found dead, mob cockslapping suspected"
  18. Slayer

    Holy Post Whores!

    Wow, 10 US cents!
  19. Slayer

    Holy Post Whores!

    <grabs book> "Aagard, Al"
  20. Slayer

    Fuck Banky

    New Yorkers are too busy tripping over each other to worry about us. Sneak attacks plus hit-and-runs should do the job
  21. Slayer

    Question for the law-knowledgable

    1. Why is it then that apparently it was okay to throw unsuspecting people on the air as recent as '98 (which I've heard from best of shows that go back that far) but it's not okay today? Something had to have happened in there 2. How does a Canadian know about US communications law?
  22. Slayer

    Holy Post Whores!

    Don't make me individually post each name from the first 50 pages of my phone book
  23. Slayer

    Fuck Banky

    Midwesterners unite!