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Everything posted by Slayer

  1. Slayer

    Official College Football thread

    I can run all the college national champions since the year I was born ('80) off my head, and I assure you that Auburn was not one of them.
  2. Slayer

    Official College Football thread

    Probationary seasons are like certain events in WWE history They never really happened
  3. Slayer

    Official College Football thread

    Biased opinion: Being a lifer Michigan fan, you can guess what that is. Living in the midwest though, I've been stuck in the middle of the OU-Nebraska rivalry. Also, in the last decade, Nebraska-KSU has picked up steam, now that KSU can match the Cornfuckers game for game Unbiased: I suppose I should say 'Bama-Auburn, but not being from down south, I'm not feeling it. On top of that, since Bryant's passing, 'Bama has been relegated to mid-card status for the most part with some great flashes here and there ('92 champ season, '99) while Auburn has never done anything of note in my lifetime AFAIR.
  4. Slayer


    This Dutch Oven really burns... ...or maybe that's the STD
  5. Slayer


    I don't know how you could make that mistake, Frying Dutchman
  6. Slayer


    Remember the pissing fatality in Primal Rage? That would own Good thing Hoff used all his energy spinebustering those other two guys and thus had nothing left to spell my name right, so mine wasn't as bad <walks away>
  7. Slayer

    I hate getting sick

    Minnesota rules (lived there for three years and would love to go back) I think Minnesota sits in its own little meteorological vortex, since I had Canadian friends come down in the heart of winter and tell me it was fucking cold. I never really thought it was bad though because, for all the snow we'd have, wind is pretty stagnant for the most part, which I forgot about when I moved back to Kansas and found myself being greeted by Rocky Mountain winds sweeping across the plains during wintertime
  8. Slayer


    Don't make me give you AIDS (AIDS = Angelslayer's Inverted Driver Slam)
  9. Slayer


    Good thing you clarified that one
  10. Slayer

    WWE News From The Online Torch

    <Error> Presumption: Big Show is a good wrestler Abort, Retry, Ignore?
  11. Slayer

    Rolling Stone magazine's newest list

    No way should <random numbered album #1> been ahead of <random numbered album #2>! TEH OUTRAGE~! Seriously though, I don't have the attention span necessary to read through this list beyond the first 50 or so. Similar KKK said, they call this the list the "all-time" list, when it should really be the "so-far" list, since new stuff will perpetually come out. As for metal's under-representation on the list, as a huge metal fan, but still an honest man, I've come to accept the fact that metal is and has always been viewed as a niche market. On the other hand, as soon as rap crossed-over from the inner-city (with fans who knew the experiences being rapped about) to rich suburban kids, the mainstream started paying quite a bit more attention (in both good and bad ways)
  12. Slayer

    Greatest Promo Ever

    <mockingly prances around> "Yayyyy, he said Toronto, yaaaayy..."
  13. Slayer

    WWE News From The Online Torch

    It amazes me how people talk about "if Big Show loses to smaller guys it'll hurt his monster status" when it seems they forgot ALL of '00-'02 when Big Show was essentially relegated to may-as-well-call-him-"Biggy Show-rowitz"-because-he's-just-above-jobber-status (complete with a job to JEFF F'KING HARDY) before they all of a sudden elevated him back up into the ME and gave him the honor of being the first to beat Brock But, looking through WWE historian glasses, Show is the "reigning supreme" US champion right now, so it doesn't matter anyway
  14. Slayer

    Greatest Promo Ever

    I do remember falling on the floor laughing at the Rock's above promo, especially with the school-bus thing Then one month later I quit watching wrestling for a year plus change because the combination of the Invasion flop plus the post-9/11 putting the belt on Angle just pushed me over the edge (and Christian)
  15. Slayer

    WWE News From The Online Torch

    I agree with what Dama is saying. If wrestling is trying to pass itself off as realism, then smaller guys should be able to get the better of the larger guys a fair amount of the time. I've seen it many times myself. The problem comes with the fact that technical/smart wrestling has been downplayed in favor of power moves/brawling, and so in the relative kayfabe sense, it's much harder to believe that a smaller guy could best a larger man on power alone. Smaller guys beat bigger guys for the most part by outsmarting them and using their opponents size against them. Side note: Purportedly one of the reasons Vince likes big men is because he thinks he could kick the shit out of anyone smaller than him, even though legit black belts like Tazz, Ultimo and Bischoff could probably take him out in seconds flat... not to mention he also got beat up by Bret and (Bad News) Allen Coage, who aren't exactly the biggest men either
  16. Side note about classic threads: Since I refuse to wade through 120 pages about a show I really don't give a shit about, can someone tell me why the Buffy final season thread is in the classic folder? Was there some actual funny shit in there, or was it just put in there for some other reason that no one can fathom?
  17. Slayer

    Interesting Wrestler Link

    Lemme guess, you're from Minnesota?
  18. Slayer

    Status of Vader and Mike Rotundo...

    You know how much one of those old Japanese tables costs?! Vader has shamed his fed
  19. Slayer

    FF X-2 thread

    Pst, Yuna... <slips envelope under Yuna's door>
  20. Slayer

    What do you look like...

    Your camera's fine, I think it's you that's blurry
  21. Evolution eats tangerines The juices drip down onto their jeans They suffer from poor hygiene Their extremeties are turning green
  22. Slayer

    What do you look like...

    ^ Looks every bit the OU student
  23. Evolution is like gangrene Your limbs will fall off, you'll lose your spleen
  24. Slayer

    New Years

    Up. All. Night. Sleep. All. Day.
  25. Slayer

    Ric Flair DVD

    Being Mr. Anal Retentive, I'm watching it in chronological order... and I've found this to be the best way Musical intro with modern Flair interview -> pre-match setup footage -> actual match -> post match stuff I'm up to the Barry Windham match