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Everything posted by Slayer

  1. Slayer

    MLB Divisional Series Thread

    Wait a second... this is the second plague isn't it Oh shit
  2. Slayer

    MLB Divisional Series Thread

    Aw man, I missed the blackout
  3. Slayer

    MLB Divisional Series Thread

    The only thing I really don't like about the Rockies are their jerseys... I'm not a big fan of the sleeveless jersey, and most definitely not a fan of the black jersey outside of South Chicago, and you combine the two with a black undershirt, and it doesn't look good
  4. Slayer

    MLB Divisional Series Thread

  5. Slayer

    MLB Divisional Series Thread

    This is how the Cubs season ends... not with a bang, but a whimper
  6. Slayer

    MLB Divisional Series Thread

    So which line from the FrankTV ads is going to be this year's "He's risking his father's life who is the district attorney in a cold heartless man's world"?
  7. Slayer

    WWE Folder sucks dick

    Difference is I don't have to see that
  8. Slayer

    WWE Folder sucks dick

    You haven't really done anything right on this board so I figured it was just cruise control
  9. Slayer

    WWE Folder sucks dick

    Stamp of failure upon ye
  10. Slayer

    The College Football Thread 10/2 - 10/7

    graagh Ron Prince squanders away any goodwill from last week's win by losing to fuckin Mangina for the second straight year
  11. Slayer

    WWE Folder sucks dick

    I could see someone, say Deon, doing this. Oh sweet irony
  12. Slayer

    Question about License Plates

    License Plate hasn't posted here for over a year now
  13. Slayer

    4,000 dead Americans

    Smarmy, indignant and contentious: the snuffbox. No, it was the general irony of one side's mantra meshing with the other My assholish opinion echoes that of Invader's from earlier and why in the hell are you guys discussing health care in the Iraq thread
  14. Slayer

    MLB Divisional Series Thread

    Cleveland's trained army of gnats will win the game!
  15. Slayer

    4,000 dead Americans

    "Why do you hate America's children?"
  16. Slayer

    MLB Divisional Series Thread

    Given how they've been hitting, a DBacks-Rockies NLCS has the potential for some good high scoring games Unfortunately I'm worried about a situation like the last two WS where one team seemingly forgets how to play and so the whole series turns to ass
  17. Slayer

    MLB Divisional Series Thread

    on AIM, Czech and I made wisecracks about a Rockies-DBacks NLCS a couple weeks ago... never thought it could be a reality though
  18. Slayer

    MLB Divisional Series Thread

    Welcome home, Kenny
  19. Slayer

    MLB Divisional Series Thread

    Sabathia's already at 30+ pitches and we're not even done with the 1st inning
  20. Slayer

    MLB Divisional Series Thread

    I still don't get Frank Thomas doing studio analysis What's next... Albert Belle as dugout reporter?
  21. Slayer

    MLB Divisional Series Thread

    It'd be scary if the Diamondbacks echoed the Marlins' success to a tee... winning their first WS with a veteran staff, unloading and then winning a second WS six years later with a young club
  22. Slayer

    MLB Divisional Series Thread

    Wait a sec... Frank Thomas: Media Analyst?! What the hell?
  23. Slayer

    MLB Divisional Series Thread

    Oh man, if that Holliday foul ball had stayed straight... damn
  24. Slayer

    House: Season 4

    Hate upon blonde Cameron
  25. Slayer

    Was Ian KacKaye hit by a car and killed?

    I've never heard of either one