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Everything posted by Slayer

  1. Slayer

    Official College Football thread

    So the Nebraska players don't try to smoke the field
  2. Slayer

    Official College Football thread

    Blocked FG by KSU!
  3. Slayer

    Official College Football thread

    Finally back at my workbase after being gone for two hours Michigan and OU are in the bag Die Cornfuckers die.
  4. Slayer

    When in trouble...

    You mean the McMahons' and company don't do that already?
  5. Slayer

    Worst~! Survivor Series...

    No, the Flair Team vs. Piper Team from '91 was much worse Down to 3-on-3, and they just DQ everyone except Flair. Also <marks the fuck out for Nevermortal's new avatar and sig> Good, I would've given you what's for! <offers fresh jam as pennance>
  6. Slayer

    If earth was the WWE folder...

    You forgot the accent, dammit He should be saying something like "Cheerio" or "Bob's your Uncle" or "Nevermind the Bullocks" or something like that
  7. Slayer

    Worst~! Survivor Series...

    No, the Flair Team vs. Piper Team from '91 was much worse Down to 3-on-3, and they just DQ everyone except Flair. Also <marks the fuck out for Nevermortal's new avatar and sig>
  8. Slayer

    Is Nathan Jones the worst wrestler ever?

    But he was so entertaining on the mic!
  9. Slayer

    Dowloading/Burning CDs

    My favorite was AoO's "oral method" for putting stuff on CDs SKBF = MJB = #1MSTMark now, I'm guessing?
  10. Slayer

    How much is Napster?

    Because that's what the RIAA wants you to do
  11. Slayer

    When in trouble...

    Oh, we wrote months worth of stuff in the Fertig (cheap plug) thread. Fertig (cheap plug) was a huge success. For those who have yet to read Fertig (cheap plug) , I suggest you find a way to get acquainted with Tomko and Fertig (cheap plug) . The Czeap-plug Republic
  12. Slayer

    Newest Wrestlecrap

    Okay, I've had time to recover now... It is pretty funny, though is it strange for me to actually hear Nash's voice in my head saying those lines?
  13. Slayer

    HI, my name is Syphilis....no really :(

    I remember hearing something like this on the Bob&Tom show from a couple years ago, with a guy who named his two kids after products (don't remember what) One thing they thought would raise a concern is what would happen if the kid grows up to be a no-goodnick "Budweiser Jones was arrested today..."
  14. Slayer


    He's going to eat your fucking soul for that one. I'll see your Devin Townsend And I'll raise you... ...one Glen Benton
  15. Slayer


    The deities, however, were not favorable to Devin's hair
  16. Slayer

    The best four songs on the Radio

    The radio is that box where guys talk for a long time, and then people call and argue for a long time, right?
  17. Slayer

    Paris Hilton's X-rated video

    She answered her cell-phone during sex? She must've taken sex tips from this guy
  18. Slayer

    Hey, I just remembered something

    First, of course, the usual reaffirmation that I generally have no problems with stuff like this and even can laugh at some of them But goddamn the maggot-brain one gave me the shivers (and paranoia of an itchy scalp)... first off, how do you let something like that infest you for so long? Now, maybe I could understand some third world person who may not have enough strength to fight off even insects (if they even know), but beyond that there's really no excuse... if you're brain is full of maggots you'd better have been dead for a good while. And how do you take care of a problem like that anyway? When that happens to animals, we usually put them out of their misery. As for the decap pic, I had a good laugh, but something's telling me it's fake too. The position of the body just doesn't seem to match at all with the position of the head (unless they moved the body pre-photos, naughty cops). For the position of the head, I'd think the body would be chest down behind the head with legs away from the head, not chest up in front of it with legs towards the head.
  19. Slayer


    Ted Bell's of Beverly Hills "We just want to put our meat in your mouth"
  20. Slayer


    It's that accent, I tell ya
  21. Slayer

    I Give Up

    And so he promptly gets a job ordering 13 y/o girls around Nope...just data entry. If I had to order them around, then hell yeah I'd take that job! Just up the pay! Dames Scoutmaster Dames... <in Paul Lynde voice> "Go get 'em girls! Don't be afraid to use your nails!"
  22. Slayer

    I Give Up

    And so he promptly gets a job ordering 13 y/o girls around
  23. Slayer


    I don't know about Chave, but I don't know anyone who WOULDN'T want to jerk off after staring at me for 10 minutes. Dames Everyday, when I feel like I can't post on TSM anymore, I just think about Dames' picture in his sig, and I'm ready to post for a new day
  24. Slayer

    For KKK - My Hippie Hating Brother

    Survey says... <bing!>