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Everything posted by Slayer

  1. So what did you think of it?
  2. Slayer


    When did the Holly-Lesnar incident happen? And was it a TV event or a house show?
  3. Slayer

    Star Wars on DVD!!

    Depends... have you actually seen the original Star Wars (yes I know people who haven't)...? If you haven't, then it's a longer explanation.
  4. Slayer

    Let's See Them Defend THIS

    HAHAHAHA! Hilarious. You should be doing standup. Have George Carlin open up for you, because you're clearly way above his level. Seriously, keep it up. Just wait until my sides stop hurting from all this laughing. Carlin? That talentless hack? I demand Carrottop.
  5. The even lazier way is, if you have a mousewheel, to hold the Ctrl button down and roll the wheel backwards (away from you)
  6. Slayer

    Star Wars on DVD!!

    Time to show my film ignorance... There were other versions of the Alien movies?
  7. Slayer

    T3 on DVD Tuesday

    Is that such a bad thing? I remember when the original Batman took literally a year to come out on video. And I'm sure this is where the older people will chime in to talk about how long they had to wait for movies to come out
  8. Slayer

    Survivor Series Screw Job

    I thought that's exactly what would work...
  9. Slayer

    Let's See Them Defend THIS

    "Welcome to McAmerica, can we take your order?"
  10. I thought the 619 was a setup and not a finisher (WCP being his real finisher) Unless things have changed since I last watched SD
  11. Slayer

    Paris Hilton's X-rated video

    See also: Vanessa Bryant
  12. Slayer

    Padres have new uniforms

    It does look like a beer logo, hmmm... Dammit, if I wanted deeper meanings to my sports jerseys, I'd have Shakespeare quotes written on them
  13. Slayer

    For those of you who have not seen the...

    Can I get an answer to my question above, please?
  14. Slayer

    Sex aid causes bomb scare

    "Sir, the base of that body paint is oil, it needs to go to a proper recycling facility... same goes for the battery in your vibrator." "It's not a vibrator! It's a... <reads box> 'Massaging Wand'..."
  15. Slayer

    Britney Bares It Again?

    Apparently Beyonce's religion still allows for lots of booty shakin'
  16. Slayer

    To the Mods

    Das ezactly da right answer. Hey look, it's the Fonz! I doan soun'z like dat. What's that noise you make when you pose like your avatar? Yeah, that's it Hey Fonzie... what was it like hosting that conservative talk show for a brief time? And... what about coaching that amazing waterboy on the field? And what about living with the claps and herpes twice over? Wait a second... I saw you get stabbed with scissors! Shouldn't you be dead?
  17. Slayer

    5 High School Coaches Fired in Sex Hazing

    When I was a freshman on the HS wrestling team, the worst thing that happened to me was getting hogtied. I thought it sucked, but compared to this, it sure don't seem bad now. Teenagers sure suck when it comes to creativity though... This is about the tenth case I've heard in the last three years or so involving random-object sodomy. I guess sodomy really is the in-thing. Bend over.
  18. Slayer

    For those of you who have not seen the...

    Finished it. Great hour of wrestling. Two questions: First, when was this? and Spoiler (Highlight to Read): What's happened to Sabin in the time since then?
  19. Slayer

    For those of you who have not seen the...

    Halfway done Spoiler (Highlight to Read): The Juvy-Hart match owned, curious to see how the rest turns out I've never seen TNA. What's the deal with the Juvy's elbow?
  20. Slayer

    For those of you who have not seen the...

    D/ling now, will comment after viewing Thanks DH
  21. OMG it iz so unfar he makes money to swing a bat!@! Seriously, fuck the lawyers.
  22. Slayer

    Best Homestar Runner spinoff

    <cartoon Cheat and SB watching cartoon on Mac> "Hey the Cheat this is the greatest cartoon ever... here, have a trophy." <cut to real Cheat and SB watching previous cartoon on Mac> "Hey I didn't actually do that! ....did I?" Side note, one of my personal favorites is the 1930's version of the cartoon "Dear Sir Strong Bad. Stop How do you operate the telegraph whilst wearing gentleman's sports gloves? Stop"
  23. Slayer

    Does anyone wish death on me?

    I hope SPAM makes your intestines die But you still live
  24. Slayer

    I hope Damaramu dies

    Easy, look for the one with the skull and... Aww crap
  25. I was reminded of this when I saw Dave O'Neill's sig with Tenzan and the belt: Those trophies they bring into the ring in a post-championship-match ceremony in NJ... what are they called and what's the story behind their inclusion in the ceremony? And do the other puro feds do that as well with their belts (I've only seen a few AJ title bouts and those were a fair while ago)? Side comment: In one way, I like their inclusion in the theatrics, as that combined with the fact the title is only defended monthly/bi-monthly makes the title seem much more valuable than what a certain fed's title has devalued into on this side of the pond, yet on the other hand, it seems a bit foreign (pun mildly intended) to me.