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Everything posted by Slayer

  1. Slayer

    Oh and Dear God

    If you did that, WWE programs would be 10 minutes long What would you fill the rest of the time with?
  2. Slayer

    80's Strike Back

    You dare to speak ill of Doug E.Fresh? That is unacceptable. "The Show" OWNS you. Oh well. As long as you don't bash Flavor Flav. It's Flava Flav ya cracka ass cracker And where the hell is his giant clock? Without that, he's nothing
  3. Slayer

    80's Strike Back

    "You will never forget the name of... *deep inhale* ...George-dust..."
  4. Slayer

    Kansas City Chiefs

    I hope not. If I have to suffer through my Vikes getting a loss, I want to see KC take a loss too... and not just because I want to see despondent Chiefs fans around campus. I can't wait for that game in December
  5. Slayer

    World Series Ratings Are 3rd-Lowest Ever

    Oops, I did mean to say '00, '02 and '03 in my previous post I love the irony in retrospect on '00 because the entire sports media was calling for the Subway Series during the playoffs (and in '99 as well), but didn't realize until after the series was set that few people outside of the city gave a shit. But really though, there've been clunker series before then '99 - With the exception of that all century team game, nothing here was exciting enough to draw ratings, especially since the title was conceded to the Yankees already '98 - Again, title conceded to Yankees. Also, San Diego sure as hell wasn't going to draw any viewers '97 - With the exception of that final game, fairly boring series with each game's winner being determined in the early innings. I'd like to see the ratings of past World Series going back to whenever they started the whole ratings system, although, again, you'd have to factor in alternate programming over the years (even in the late 80's, there wasn't gonna be much else on, so might as well watch the games if you're a fan of the sport)
  6. Slayer

    80's Strike Back

    Throw me on the "Hal Sparks isn't funny" list too (how is making out with a Rainbow Brite doll funny, anyway?)... he sucked on Talk Soup and he still sucks now. Plus, I like Michael Ian Black as well, so I'm in the minority in this group As for possible omissions, come on now... can you really compress world events plus musical trends plus fashion trends plus major TV shows plus major theater releases over the course of an entire year into a single hour and do it justice?
  7. Dammit, you know things are bad when you see little kids walking down the street with their underwear hangin out of their pants and saying "etc." all the time
  8. ...unless you're an altar boy
  9. Slayer

    World Series Ratings Are 3rd-Lowest Ever

    Something I noticed is the fact that the lowest three rated are '00, '01 and '03... Which surprises me in that there have been some bad series over the years that ratings have been accounted for, but the most recent WS are the ones with bad ratings. Are there possible reasons why for the low ratings (e.g. more alternate programming now)?
  10. Slayer

    Holy Shee-AT

    Cade before the anti-long-hair brigade got a hold of him Seriously, when did the 'E' start feeling the need to adopt military hair rules... although somehow I have the feeling the answer's gonna be associated with a certain one-letter-used-three-times wrestler As a long haired man, I'd be rather miffed if I worked for an industry where long-hair was generally a non-issue for a long time but suddenly decided that long hair was verboten.
  11. Slayer

    Just Noticed...No Heat!?

    With the thread title, I thought someone had just noticed the problem affecting 95% of the WWE roster...
  12. Slayer

    For Flyboy and Treble Charged

    Well, something tells me that whenever a Canadian team reclaims the cup, it'll get paraded all around Canada, but we're not gonna see the cup south of the 49th again until a US team wins it back "You bastards have had it for long enough, eh!"
  13. Slayer

    Elliott Smith reported dead

    Okay, it's been 4 days since this was reported, and I'm still left in the dark Who in the blue hell was this guy? Never heard of him, at all.
  14. I'm moderatly knowledgable on Puro, and it's a big deal because while he has won the title a couple times before, he's either lost them on the first defense or had to forfeit the belt after winning it due to injury But why is it a curse? Even though Japan is stiffer and more shoot oriented-style, aren't the champions predetermined just like over here? So he was essentially booked to win or lose? Or am I totally wrong on how puro is planned out
  15. Slayer

    OAO NFL Week 8 Thread

    Goddamn Giants... ever since the '00 NFC title game, Fassell seems to have the Vikings number...
  16. Slayer

    For Flyboy and Treble Charged

    <sneaks own wishful thinking into this thread> The Minnesota Vikings will win the Super Bowl
  17. Slayer

    Look at all the losers!!!

    This is the Friday night loser thread. That belongs in the Saturday night loser thread
  18. Slayer

    Student expelled for story

    <starts a rally with KKK to boycott whatever the hell BananaramaDamaru produces> Who's BananramaDamaru? His names pretty close to mine....I'm sueing for copyright infringement. Silence, Damaramashamalamadingdong... ...Damaramachingchangwallawallabingbang... ...DamaramaJoeyJoJoShabadoo... Whatever the fuck your name is, we're boycotting
  19. Slayer

    Most Important Element of a Song?

    I would have to say Queensryche was the first technical/intelligent metal band They helped beget intelligent metal in ways Dream Theater could only dream of, and without the musical elitism or snobby fans. Also I'd throw in the band Death too, for being one of maybe three death metal bands with intelligent lyrics.
  20. Slayer

    Yankees Lose

    He already fucked that up once, that's enough for us
  21. Slayer

    The following are loooooosers

    Haha, my name isn't on this list either, even though I was on here until midnight
  22. Slayer

    Greatest wrestling quotes ever?

    I demand a reprint of the Chris Jericho as WCW TV Champion quote Please
  23. Slayer

    Look at all the losers!!!

    What did I say in my post that you quoted? 1) She's no better than other female singers hyped by MTV, and 2) Her fans try to claim that #1 isn't true and separate her from the pack Thank you for proving my own point
  24. Slayer

    Change Your Clocks?

    And whatever time it may be is always a good time for drinkin'
  25. Slayer

    Student expelled for story

    Okay, I'll be equal opportunity offensive here A "Society of White Engineers" would try to build one of the following: - Magic dancing shoes ("Never embarass yourself on the dancefloor again") - Magic basketball shoes ("Now we really can be like Mike") - Efficient coke snorting mechanism ("Tired of losing cocaine in your cheap plastic straw? Try the Snortinator") <starts a rally with KKK to boycott whatever the hell BananaramaDamaru produces>