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Everything posted by Slayer

  1. Slayer

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    *pulls quote of Paragon remarking about my memory*
  2. Slayer

    Song List

    Shame on you for not being able to tell the difference between that one dance song that goes "bom shika bom shika bom" and the other one that goes "bom shika shika bom bom bom shika shika bom"
  3. Slayer

    Song List

    bum bada dum bada dum bum bada bum dancy dance dance dancy bum bada dum bada dum
  4. Slayer

    Song List

    Now check this out: How do you rationalize the appearance of an song entitled "I'm Bringing Sexyback"? I mean, wha . . . what, what is that? Is that guy kidding? (What, I gotta kiss you again? Okay.) Really, look, all kidding aside, folks. Let's think about the world of pop, just for a moment. Some of you already have those cute little shirts on that say "emo sucks," right? That's not all that sucks. 'Course Warner Brothers sucks, but besides Warner Brothers there are other things about this business that really suck. One of 'em is the way in which the subject of LOVE is dealt with in the lyrics of various 'serious pop artists,' the intensive-care contingent of the pop world. These people, these people are FUCKED UP, I mean, they're really FUCKED UP. Because see, love isn't the way they're telling you about it, you know, they're telling you wrong. I'm gonna tell you right, you see. Now all of the ladies in the audience, you get to have fantasy time. This is female fantasy hour. Okay? You're a teen-age girl, right? You have abducted the succulent popstar of your choice, right? You have taken the aforementioned popstar, who is really cute and Aryan and eats a lot of crumpets, back to your teen-age room. That's right, spindle twice. You have taken this turkey back to your room, you have laid on your teen-age bed, you have put your teen-age legs up in the air, you have actually taken your own teen-age pants off. You have the teen-age red bulb on, right next to the bed. The curtains are drawn, it's dark, it's midnight. You put on a Beyonce record, you're really relaxing. Tears come to your eyes, you are sensitive, you are in love. The popstar of your choice takes off his pants and climbs on top of you, and the next thing you know you hear this little voice in your ear and it says: "I'M BRINGING SEXYBACK!"
  5. Slayer

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    In a way, it would make sense, as we've become too self-aware for obvious gimmick accounts to work, therefore the only way to get a gimmick account over now is to really work the board
  6. Slayer

    Song List

    Don't forget Escalade ZX
  7. Slayer

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    Here's some ideas
  8. Slayer

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    I like you, Jonnycakes
  9. Slayer

    Offseason College Football Thread

    If it gets Baylor out of the conference (much easier now that fuckin' Ann Richards is dead), I'm down with it
  10. Slayer

    Sex with body motive for grave digging

    Apparently not, considering how they've let Favre fuck the Packers' corpse
  11. Slayer

    What If...?

    and what about a Yankees-Cubs WS?
  12. Slayer

    Vanhalen sucks

    Right! I mean... wrong! ...I mean...
  13. Slayer

    Song List

    The other day, I was doing searches for past metal discussion in the music folder and came across this thread from mid-03 (slightly before my time) which apparently indicates that four years ago the music folder centered on death metal and indie rock, and today the music folder centers on.... death metal and indie rock, with the occasional spike of rap discussion. Scenesters, solos and street cred indeed. I hear they're real big on Fall Out Boy over there
  14. Slayer

    I had a dream about you

    So at this point I've dreamt that I met Laz (we got into a fight every few minutes), Marney (she was nice?), Captain o' Outer Space (noted by that post earlier in this thread), luke-o and Ripper Am I going crazy?
  15. Slayer

    I had a dream about you

    Last night I had a dream that I met Ripper I can confirm that he is, in fact, short
  16. Slayer

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    Different thread
  17. Slayer

    Holy Fuck

    Other than your resemblance to a particular bald comedian and friendship with RB51, I know fuck all about you
  18. Slayer

    Holy Fuck

    In the past, CG agreed with me not once but twice about my comparison And yes, my memory works in fucked up ways
  19. Slayer

    Holy Fuck

    Not even a fucking little?
  20. Slayer

    Holy Fuck

  21. "We don't want 'food' tainting our folder!"
  22. I wonder whatever happened to ol' Breadstick
  23. Slayer


    Hey pbone, Coffey once used that picture in lieu of any real comeback Do you want to be like Coffey?
  24. It'll never be over. It'll never be over. Harry Potter will live on in the works of slash fiction
  25. Slayer

    So, I graduated today

    You'd be happy to if you got as much action as him