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Everything posted by Slayer

  1. Slayer

    I need money.

    Bwahaha Two totally different people there luke's not pulling the internet tough guy act
  2. Slayer

    The Slayer appreciation society

    I was originally leaning towards "Paragay"
  3. Slayer

    The Slayer appreciation society

    Yes Also, what Your Paragon of FUCKING HOMOSEXUAL said
  4. Slayer

    The Slayer appreciation society

    I'd like to know the first instance of that meme... the search engine gave me this as the oldest post with those words, but I think it started well before that
  5. Slayer


    Apparently it's not just for teenage girls and predators in pursuit of said girls anymore!
  6. Slayer

    Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest

    I wonder what's the equivalent of steroids in the world of competitive eating
  7. Slayer

    The Slayer appreciation society

    Wocket, Mageknight and Wild Fire 4-life~ I quit visiting that place regularly shortly after starting here, and I haven't even been there since late 04, I believe I didn't have the attention span required to read those 50-page anus.com dissertations Also, Hammerfall
  8. Slayer

    The Slayer appreciation society

    That's what I meant, that the newest one was supposed to be really good and the prior two were shit
  9. Slayer

    The Slayer appreciation society

    Also, I still have a hard time believing that this and this are the same guy
  10. Slayer

    The Slayer appreciation society

    Alas, I've never been so devoted to my namesake so as to engage in self-mutilation... funny thing is, they're not my favorite metal band (Paradise Lost) or even my favorite thrash band (Kreator or Testament), but this is how I'm known and I still haven't checked out the last CD, though samples I heard awhile back showed they came back a long way from the shit of the prior two
  11. Slayer

    The Slayer appreciation society

    I would never dream of taking away any glory from the holiday celebrating THE GREATEST NATION ON EARTH Let's make July 1st "Slayer Day", no one important is using that day Idiot, huh The whole "aw shucks" thing came from my extreme dislike of the media being all over Manning's dick because of his goofy "aw shucks" Southern pretty-boy image As for not winning the big one, yes he does have the trophy, but the funny thing is he did fuck all this last postseason in the Colts' route to win the SB... Vinny carried the team against KC and Baltimore while the running game carried them against NE and Chicago
  12. Slayer

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    Fridge also said that Milky and I sound alike, so that's one weird triangle there
  13. Slayer

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    Milky looks a lot like Fridge in that above pic
  14. Slayer


    I enjoy my durgz with a nice set of tirts
  15. Slayer


    I went that route the last time this thread subject came up, but thought better not to dip in the well a second time
  16. Slayer


    I haven't been clean shaven since I was 19, and I've gone through every major variety of facial hair, including regular goatee (which I've had about 75% of that time), full beard (24%), moustache (which I tried once and didn't like) and moustache-less goatee (same as moustache)
  17. Slayer

    Pictures I Like

  18. I'm writing it into my will that this be done at my funeral, but it has to be followed by the "BONG!" or else it loses impact
  19. and on the fourth day, he rested
  21. Woman and the kid should've known something was up when he did the throat-slashing sign
  22. Slayer

    Man who raped 10 year old girl given 2 years in jail

    It was self defense
  23. ta-da edit: I forgot that's also where the "95%" quote came from