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Everything posted by TNABaddboi

  1. TNABaddboi

    OAO Impact Thread - July/13th/2006.

    hahahaha...was that a DX Rejects chant at the James Gang?
  2. TNABaddboi

    OAO Impact Thread - July/13th/2006.

    They've been over 1.0 for about a month or so.
  3. TNABaddboi

    OAO Impact Thread - July/13th/2006.

    Judging by the clip on TNA's site, i'm pretty sure that's NOT the real ECW belt. If it was, I'm 100% they would have had him pull it out of the bag, a la Madusa. They're just playing on the fact that we all know he has it, which also gives them legal cover.
  4. TNABaddboi

    TNA Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Any word against who? Also, according to PWI, Konnan said on a radio interview that Homicide would be facing the Truth at the PPV. That could be an interesting match-up, IMO.
  5. TNABaddboi

    OAO Impact Thread - July/13th/2006.

    Mike Johnson posted this:
  6. TNABaddboi

    OAO Impact Thread - July/13th/2006.

    Mike Johnson posted this:
  7. TNABaddboi

    TNA Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Tidbits from Mike Johnson:
  8. TNABaddboi

    OAO Impact Thread - July/6th/2006.

    Ratings, from Mike Johnson:
  9. TNABaddboi

    TNA Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Was there any explanation for adding Devine to the Nash/Shelley tandem? Apparently, Devine and Shelley are going to be a tag team called The Paparazzi. I'm all for a new heel team and I like both guys, so I think they'll get over fine (especially if they keep them with Nash), but I was just wondering if this was one of those Patterson winning in the IC Title in Rio De Janero deals or if I missed a promo somewhere explaining why Devine traded his maple leaf for a camcorder.
  10. TNABaddboi

    OAO Impact Thread - July/6th/2006.

    I'm assuming they're hoping to pop a big rating with that main event. Before last week, I sorta figure that was going to ME the PPV, since they haven't done the tag match ME they normally do every other month since January.
  11. TNABaddboi

    TNA Comments which don't warrant a thread

    I gotta agree with Hawk and BPS. Sting getting his one last glory run on top (a la HBK after Surivor Series 2003) would a great short term thing. I think we'll see Sting and Jarrett finally have their one on one match in August, while they milk Joe and Steiner one more time in a gimmick match (maybe Last Man Standing, so Steiner can pass out to the Clutch instead of tapping, since they still want to protect him). In September, Sting defends against Christian (he offers him a title shot to shut him up about the hidden aspirations), while Joe defeats Jarrett in a number one contenders match. Then we get to BFG with Joe and Sting on top.
  12. TNABaddboi

    OAO Impact Thread - June/29th/06.

    FYI: credit: PWTorch.com
  13. TNABaddboi

    OAO Impact Thread - June/29th/06.

    B.G.'s JR impersonations always make me laugh. Is it just me though, or is the crowd really dead tonight?
  14. TNABaddboi

    OAO Impact Thread - June/29th/06.

    I agree. If they start a monster Monty push now, Joe/Monty could have the type of heat Steiner and Joe have now come say Slammiversary 07, or maybe even BFG. They gotta get Monty some wins over names though. The squash parade is not going to impress anybody in 2006. Joe's wins along his streak were all over people that he was at least competitive with, and it made him look better because of it.
  15. TNABaddboi

    TNA Comments which don't warrant a thread

    IMO, they have. Since they moved to Thursday and went to the three match formula, the shows have been much better and have gotten better reviews. And the ratings have gone up too. I think they could handle an extra 30 minutes at this point.
  16. TNABaddboi

    OAO 6/22 Impact Thread

    Preview: Discuss...
  17. TNABaddboi

    TNA News and Notes

    I actually think I kinda like yellow. It makes it stand out from almost every other wrestling shirt made in the last 10 years, IMO. Could be just me. Anyway, here's more about taking the PPVs on the road, from Mike Johnson: If they do Atlanta, I'm so there. I live about 4 hours from there now, and my parents live in the area, so I could always crash at their place. I'm still thinking it'll be Detroit though.
  18. TNABaddboi

    TNA News and Notes

    I sorta figured Detroit would get the first non-Orlando PPV. Can't say it doesn't make sense though....3,700 to a house show is nothing to sneeze at. That first show was headlined by Christian's first title defense in his rematch with Jarrett. A Sting/Joe world title match that's been brewing for four months might draw well too, I'd say. I wonder if Philly will get the next road show? It's a smaller building than Michigan, but they still sold it out and the crowd was said to be hot. I guess we'll see...
  19. TNABaddboi

    TNA Comments which don't warrant a thread

    From Mike Johnson:
  20. TNABaddboi

    OAO 6/22 Impact Thread

    I was out Thursday and missed the original airing, but I recorded the show and just got around to watching it. I thought it was a pretty good effort. The two title matches helped it seem like an event unto itself, which Impact rarely does IMO. I feel like we've seen AJ & Daniels vs the DitR too many times, but it was still a decent match and made sense for them to get the first title shot since they beat AJ & Daniels a few weeks ago. I thought the main event was fun, but kinda short. I would have liked to see it get the kinda time Daniels and Joe got on the first Thursday show since they were doing the change. But it did make me wanna see a Joe/Senshi one-on-one match, though I know that we probably won't. I wonder if Dutt gets a title shot next month in the first X-D championship match to not involve the big three since Turning Point 04? The 3D/James Gang and Cornette things didn't really do much for me either way, though Eric Young definitely stole some of Alex Shelley's "best character in TNA" momentum this week.
  21. TNABaddboi

    Major TNA Impact spoiler from PWInsider

    TNA said so....that's pretty much it. They promoted it last year as their "World Series." Tenay must have said that 100 times between the Spike debut and BFG. I personally think they'd be better off making Slammiversary their jewel PPV. Their anniversary is worth celebrating and the name just kinda has that Wrestlemania/Starrcade ring to it. But that's just my two cents. Since they've been doing monthly PPVs, they've established BFG, Slammy and LockDown as the big shows. If they didn't schedule Destination X so close to LockDown, and if they'd make it an X-division themed event, I'd say that'd be a good one to make a signature show too.
  22. TNABaddboi

    Major TNA Impact spoiler from PWInsider

    I gotta agree here too. I think the only shows TNA promotes as big enough for Joe's coronation are Slammiversary and BFG. They didn't start the big push for Joe early enough to pull the trigger at Slammy, but now they've got four months to get us ready to see Joe choke out Sting (or Jarrett). I'm actually torn....I think Joe gets more of a rub from choking out Sting, but I think a feud with Jarrett would have crowds eating out of TNA's hands. Imagine the "Joe's Gonna Kill You" chants drowning out Jarrett promos for 2 months or so!
  23. TNABaddboi

    TNA Comments which don't warrant a thread

    If anyone's interested, TNA's got the AJ Styles/Petey Williams X-title match from Victory Road 04 up in their VR 06 section. If you haven't seen it, it might be worth a quick look. It was criminally short, but well-worked. And Petey busting out the top rope Canadian Destroyer is a sight to see.
  24. TNABaddboi

    OAO Slammiversary Thread

    i totally forgot about the DQ rule in TNA. they haven't done it since about March of 2004, so busting it out this Thursday might be a good way to refocus the X-Division. It's a great way to get the belt off Joe without pinning him, BUT, they'd have to stop calling him undefeated b/c a DQ loss is still a loss. I guess they could just play up that he's never been pinned or submitted.
  25. I wasn't sure whether this should go in the "Comments Which Don't Warrant a Thread" thread or not, but since I'm posting it on its own, I guess I'm voting for not. Anyway, here ya go, from PWI: Thoughts?