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Everything posted by TNABaddboi

  1. TNABaddboi

    OAO Impact Thread - June/15th/06.

    I think this is the best build PPV since they started the monthly shows. Usually the hype for TNA PPVs is all workrate based, but other than AMW/AJ & Daniels, there's no match on this card that jumps out as a **** possibility. Somehow, I'm still hyped for it though, and it's all storyline driven. Two of the **** guys are working matches with guys they'll be lucky to get to *** with, and yet, I'm pretty OK with it.
  2. TNABaddboi

    OAO Impact Thread - June/15th/06.

    glad they finally got rid of that crappy Dr. Dre cover for Nash's entrance music.
  3. TNABaddboi

    OAO Impact Thread - June/15th/06.

    man that promo made me wanna see that match even more. i don't think i've seen joe cut a more passionate promo since he's been in TNA (and I haven't seen any of his other stuff). I wish I had ppv access, cuz TNA won't put out the damn DVD til october.
  4. TNABaddboi

    OAO Impact Thread - June/15th/06.

    ok...it's back, but I missed the whole promo. can anyone clue me in?
  5. TNABaddboi

    OAO Impact Thread - June/15th/06.

    any one else having reception problems? the picture's been flickering all show, but it just went out completely in the middle of the Shane promo, as soon as the crowd started chanting Candido.
  6. TNABaddboi

    OAO Impact Thread - June/15th/06.

    That was a pretty weird promo by Nash...
  7. TNABaddboi

    OAO Impact Thread - June/15th/06.

    I'm suprised they didn't give this show some sort of special name like "Midnight Madness" or something since they're acting like the later start time makes it special.
  8. TNABaddboi

    TNA to run a show in WWE's backyard

    They can get by now on general excitement about "TNA coming to (insert your town here) for the first time," but at some point, I think they'll have to start taking the names on the road. Leaving the main guys of the road is what killed WCW's house show business, because the product they were touring with was not the product they were putting on TV. Team 3D has been pretty good about working the shows, Christian worked Detroit and a few of the podunk, va shows (surprisingly i might add), but i think at some point they'll have to convince Sting and Steiner to go out and help the draw if the they want the touring to take off.
  9. TNABaddboi

    TNA to run a show in WWE's backyard

    They drew 3,700 hundred in Detroit on a show where Christian was the biggest name.
  10. TNABaddboi

    TNA to run a show in WWE's backyard

    according to the arena's website, tickets go on sale Friday.
  11. TNABaddboi

    Rhino re-signs with TNA

    From PWI: Well that certainly explains why he got a win back from Jarrett in front of the Philly crowd. I kinda expected this, cuz there's no way Jarrett jobs to someone on the way out of the door, ECW connection or not (see Raven, Destiny). I'm sure if TNA wasn't sure Rhino was gonna stick with them, he'd have eaten a guitar at the ECW Arena as a fuck you on the way out. Anyway, I've enjoyed Rhino's run in TNA more than I thought I would since he didn't matter in WWE and I was never much of a fan of his in ECW (though I did wanna see RVD kick his ass). I'm glad he's sticking around, though I can see him going much higher on the card than he is now. Either way, I'm guess he gets his job back from Roode at the PPV now. Thoughts?
  12. TNABaddboi

    TNA Comments which don't warrant a thread

    In case anyone's interested, UWF is claiming attendance of over 1,000 for Jersey and a sellout for Philly, which should have been about 1,500 IIRC. I'd say those are good numbers for TNA, if true. All the reports for Philly had the show packed, so I'd say that's a number, but most of the things I've seen about NJ estimated about 700, so who knows there.
  13. TNABaddboi

    TNA Philly show confirmed

    interesting tidbit, from PWI: isn't it kinda ironic that Spike worked the match he was supposed to have with Show with Abyss? lol...
  14. TNABaddboi

    OAO Impact Thread - June/8th/06.

    Ratings, from the Torch:
  15. TNABaddboi

    TNA Coming to NJ too

    Here's their press release:
  16. TNABaddboi

    TNA Coming to NJ too

    Her's a live report, from PWI:
  17. TNABaddboi

    TNA Comments which don't warrant a thread

    i'm expecting the number to be lower too, and I'm sure Spike and TNA are too. Anytime they've disrupted their regular viewing pattern, the number dips. But they did mention it a few times, though. they mentioned it during the Sting/Steiner match and during the 6 man.
  18. TNABaddboi

    TNA Philly show confirmed

    I'm pretty sure that they planned on the chairs....i'd guess they wanted to re-create the classic ECW moment. I wonder if they'll ever do a PPV from Philly. I haven't seen pictures, but I heard the arena has been remodeled and I believe WWE is gonna do a live ECW show from there. A TNA PPV from the ECW arena would be awesome.
  19. TNABaddboi

    TNA Philly show confirmed

    The UWF has DVD-R's of all their TNA shows for sale on their website. I'm sure this won't be any different.
  20. TNABaddboi

    TNA Philly show confirmed

    Dave Scherer posted this about the show: credit: PWI
  21. TNABaddboi

    PWTorch notes on TNA

    he started as a heel, feuding with Scott Hall, but they flipped the TNA universe when they put Truth over Shamrock for the belt about 2 months in. I'm pretty sure the plan had been for Jarrett to take the title off Shamrock, but since Truth got over so big as a heel, Jarrett had to turn. I don't really remember how they did it, though I think it was just him declaring he wanted the title and not cheating anymore. Anyway, in one of those "you probably won't believe it unless you saw it moments," he was pretty over. they built-up his title chase well and held off long enough to make the hometown fans want it. I still remember the pop he got the night he told Russo he wasn't going to join SEX...it was pretty insane if you think about it nowadays. The problem they ran into was that although they were going for shades of gray (Jarrett actually beat up Alexis Laree somewhere in there, IIRC), they booked the Raven-Destiny storyline in a way that totally built to Raven winning the title as a babyface. And that didn't happen as we all know, and the crowd called bullshit. Rather than running with that and turning Jarrett immediately and making him a hot heel playing of his WC heat, they keep the title on him and pushed him as a face to finish the SEX story arch (which I'm pretty sure was Jarrett pinnning Disco F'N Inferno in the next month's title defense). And thus, they ruined Jarrett with the Nashville crowd and the Orlando crowd pretty much followed suit. Having seen those early shows though, I think Jarrett could pull off the babyface role. The only problem with it the first was that they tried to make him superman, a la Steve Austin. He'd defend the title successfully in 3 and 4 four way matches, and beat back all kinds of interference, in the name of overcoming the odds. During the Raven match, half the ECW locker room showed up and kicked his ass six ways from Sunday, and somehow, he was able to get out of handcuffs and hit the Stroke. Jarrett can't be that kind of character. To be effective, he'd have to be almost like a latter-day Flair, playing up his years of experience and winning matches b/c he's a cagey veteran. It'd be an interesting experiment though....
  22. TNABaddboi

    TNA Philly show confirmed

    Results are in: Thoughts? Did anyone go?
  23. TNABaddboi

    TNA Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Saw these comments from Heyman about the possiblity of TNA & ECW-redux competing: thoughts?
  24. TNABaddboi

    OAO Impact Thread - June/8th/06.

    I'm still shocked too, BPS. The past couple weeks, I've gotten excited when the sirens hit. I have said it already, but i think it's worth repeating: TNA has gotten more out Steiner in 3 months than the WWE ever did. They are just booking him incredibly smart, playing up his strengths and hiding his weakness. They resisted the temptation to bring him in as face and feud him with Jarrett (a la HHH) just because he'd get a big pop the first night. Steiner just is more believable as a monster psycho heel. This match with Joe is probably TNA's best built one-on-one match since Raven/Jarrett at Destiny. I don't think they get enough credit for that....