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Everything posted by TNABaddboi

  1. TNABaddboi

    Bound For Glory

    Monty Brown revealed his BFG opponent in an interview from PWI. Here's what he said: Having not read the Impact spoilers, I don't know if this was set up for next week's show or will be set up later. But I'd imagine that this will be a #1 Contender's match with both guy's claiming that spot. IMO, it's a good way to keep both guys in a high profile match since they're not putting them in the ME. I think they would have gotten lost in the shuffle if they were involved in the Monster's Ball. Thoughts?
  2. TNABaddboi

    OAO 10/1 Impact Thread

    Well, I've followed TNA since show one (order quite a few weekly and monthly PPVs over the past 3 1/2 years) and I gotta say I was proud of them today. They really improved the presentation of the show. It looked so much more major league than when they left FSN. For starters, I was so happy they made sure the entrance music and ring annoucements could be heard. That was always a big pet peeve of mine during the FSN era. Also, the new graphics rocked and the slight changes to the Impact Zone were great. In fact, I think they should just make the heel entrance way the entrance. It looks soooooo much better than the face one. Also, the pace of the show was breathtaking. TNA has always gone for that kinda of hectic one hour rush feel, but this was the first time I felt it as a viewer. I was literally on the edge of my seat the entire hour. And the packages did a good job of putting the talent over, especially the opening one. As for the matches, for an introduction show, they did what they had to do. They'll have plenty of time to tell stories. AJ, Monty and Petey all came out looking strong, and while I do think they're blowing their 3D/AMW wad early, it makes sense to put 3D in the ME next week. That should draw any casual viewers back. And I wouldn't be surprised if we got a DQ ending to set up a BFG re-match. AMW needs to fully explain the turn though. The crowd was hot, which helped. I don't think they're going be able to keep Monty heel much longer judging by the reaction he got. Here's hoping Kip eats a Pounce real soon and Monty destroys him at BFG and begins climbing back up the card. Overall, TNA most certainly made the most of their hour. Here's hoping they can keep it up and Spike gives them another. It'll be interesting to see how the ratings come out on Monday.
  3. This is from PWI: This is great for TNA. Though I think Spike is risking killing the UFC dead as a TV property with this overdose (5 hours on Saturday and then 4 more on Monday), I'm glad to see they are going to do everything they can to get that audience to stick around for TNA.
  4. Here's the article: Thoughts?
  5. TNABaddboi

    Spike to hype TNA all day Saturday

    At about 5:45, they aired a plug from Monty. He put over the marathon and the UFC special on Monday, and then he said that the big one was at 11 when Impact debuted. And told everyone to stay tuned to feel the POUNCE! Eh, I'm sure if you didn't know who he was, you wouldn't care, but I'm a Monty fan, so I liked it.
  6. TNABaddboi

    Dixie Says Break Even Point is Near

    Most of there stuff refers to the company as TNA Wrestling now, they even changed the website to tnawrestling.com. They haven't used NWA:TNA in at least a year and half. I'm sure they'll have a TNA World Title before they are just the NWA. They might not even create a new title. I wouldn't be surprised if one day Jarrett showed up toting a new belt and they called him the TNA world champion. But IMO, they either gonna make a big deal of their split (a la ECW) or just do it and hope no one notices (a la WCW), but it's going to happen.
  7. I thought this was a good read.... Credit: SlamWrestling.com
  8. TNABaddboi

    Interesting Article on First Taping

    TNA has always used a small ring than WWE though. That didn't start with the switch to the 6 sided ring though. I believe WWE uses a 20 ft and TNA uses an 18 ft ring. Those numbers could be off, but it's something like that.
  9. TNABaddboi

    Interesting Article on First Taping

    I was against the 6 sided ring when they announced it, but after the first Impact on FSN, I was fine with it. It really does help them stand out from any other wrestling on television and that's important since channel surfers are going to be the kind of people they want to hook. IMHO, of course.
  10. TNABaddboi

    OAO 10/1 Impact Thread

    They're apparently going to air "post-show" footage on the web after the show goes off the iar. That's an interesting way to generate website traffic and go make their WCW-esque cliffhanger endings more palpable. I had when they going off the air before something happens, like when they ended the show before Bentley superkicked Trinity sometime in May as opposed to going off after something dramatic happens and wondering what's going to happen next (think JR: "There's gonna be hell to pay next week!"). It'll be interested to see how the show ends and what they put on the web.
  11. TNABaddboi

    Lengthy Dixie Carter Interview

    Credit: Pro Wrestling Illustrated Thoughts?
  12. TNABaddboi

    Lengthy Dixie Carter Interview

    Here's another Dixie interview if anyone's interested. This one is from Between the Ropes: credit: PWI
  13. TNABaddboi

    Interesting Article on First Taping

    IMO, every time TNA has changed there set, it's given the show a better overall look. And most times, the same can be said for WWE (though I could do without the current SD set). So while it's not the most important thing, I think it does do a lot for a debut to have a new set. Could be just me though...
  14. TNABaddboi

    Dixie Says Break Even Point is Near

    Well in that case, I couldn't agree more. I never really thought about it, but AFL being hard to get passionate about is kinda true. I just watch because its fun and there's not exactly anything else on Sunday afternoon's in February. But I clear my calendar for NFL Sunday. I did get wrapped up in the AFL conference championship game between Georgia and Orlando this year though, because I went and it was a really good game. So I guess it is possible to get drawn in, just difficult. But anyway, back on subject, I agree that was the AFL's best decision and that TNA would be wise to make a similiar one. Even if they want to compete with WWE directly ratings wise, they will not win by out-WWE'ing them. They'd have to win by providing something completely different and convincing viewers they're cooler. If you look at why Nitro took of in the first Monday Night War, it was because they were everything Raw was not. They were live, Raw was taped once a month. They were edgy, appearing to go "off script", while Raw was match, interview, match. And finally, they were cool (NWO) and Raw was not (almost everything non-HBK/Hart/Foley/UT and pre-Austin). So even to compete, they have to try to provide a totally different product. The AFL trying to provide a different product is the reason they didn't go the was of the USFL....and TNA should learn from that.
  15. TNABaddboi

    Dixie Says Break Even Point is Near

    I know you meant that as a joke Mike, but I actually think that's a great comparison. If TNA could grow into what the Arena Football League has become (a profitable, almost 20 year old company), they'd be happy. They are very similiar: Both were scoffed at in the beginning, operating before small crowd on a show string budget, both were (or could be in TNA's case) saved by a decent TV deal (AFL with ESPN, TNA with Spike) and both are not trying to compete directly with the #1 company, but provide an alternative brand of the same concept. AFL is football, but it's absolutely nothing like what the NFL provides, and TNA has taken strives to be the same way, which is good. The AFL loses the traditionalists who say "I can't watch, the field is 50 yards and I don't know these players," but otherwise gets people who enjoy football and will watch it, but would never watch a game if it aired at the same time as the NFL. That's how I started watching, though I never watched NFL Europe because it was the exact same product, only less interesting. Right now, TNA is hoping for the same type of thing. They may lose the traditionalists who say "I can't watch, the ring has 6 sides and who are these guys anyway?", but if they can get people who like wrestling to watch on Saturday nights, when WWE used to be on, and on Monday nights, when wrestling is over, they'll be fine. I'm sure that eventually TNA envisons themselves competing with the WWE, I think they'd be wise to use the AFL as a guide. Provide an alternative, because people who want to watch what the WWE offers will watch what WWE, and they be around long enough to reap those profits Dixie talks about. Even if Spike moves them to a better slot and say makes Mondays the first showing, they might be wise to consider airing before or after Raw, so people don't have to choose until TNA has shown them why they should choose them.
  16. TNABaddboi

    Spike to hype TNA all day Saturday

    I tried to do these with the spoiler designation, but I don't think I know how. So anyway, be forewarned. Red, here you go: credit: PWInsider.com
  17. TNABaddboi

    Dixie Says Break Even Point is Near

    That's kinda the logic I assumed the writer was using (the reach one), because drawing money couldn't have been his/her standard. They mention they losses reached $1 million a month, which would disprove the argument if that was the case. If the standard is reach though, I'd have no problem with that claim though.
  18. TNABaddboi

    Dixie Says Break Even Point is Near

    That's a good point. Isn't TNA seen in something like 100 plus countries? How many companies other than WWE have that kind of exposure. Just asking for argument's sake.
  19. TNABaddboi

    Lots of News

    Credit: PWI & The Torch Lots of good news there. The Duds being official is great, as it gives smarks hope that they plan on the first show being big, but they're appearance will still shock first time viewers. The footage of Liger is good too, to help sell his appearance. Fairplay coming back, I could do with, but the possiblity of them using the replay hour as a second hour of TV is interested. I kinda figured they would eventually run Xplosion in that slot, because at the end Xplosion basically became an Impact recap with Shane and Borash explaining the storylines. That might be good to hook newbies on "wrestling night" and then refer them to the first run show on Saturdays. And then TNA can say they produced 2 national shows. And for them to be considering using Waltman again, he must have a damn good reason for having no-showed. I'd love to know what it is.
  20. TNABaddboi

    OAO 10/1 Impact Thread

    That's my guess. So Shelley can eat a Destroyer and either Wiliams, Sabin or both can take superkicks.
  21. TNABaddboi

    Nash must win the World Title.

    Yeah, I know 3LK sells a lot of merch, but I honestly think they would have anyway b/c the group really got over become of the comedy stuff and catchphrases from Konnan and BG. And I think Truth could sell some serious merch on his own. He got over a couple of catchphrase. I have always wondered why they if they can't put out a "sorry about your damn luck shirt," why they haven't put out a Suntanned Superman shirt yet, unless there are legal issues. As for the Hardy team, unless they are gonna be unofficial allies like Hardy and Styles were last year, I don't see how much sense that makes. But if it leads to him turning heel on Hardy, I'm all for it. It'll be interesting to see what they do with him. All the talk about rebuilding Monty got me to thinking about how much they'd benefit from rebuilding the Truth too. They may even need to consider programing them together in that "on the rise" extended feud (a la HHH/Rock in 98) that can get both guys over a legitimate threat.
  22. TNABaddboi

    Nash must win the World Title.

    I agree. I think Killings should have gotten Jarrett's push as the long term heel champion because during his initial run, he really connected with people and drew great heat, but not in a "go away" role. Then after being horribly de-pushed for a year and half, he got pretty over as a face when he was pushed as Jarrett's first challenger in the FSN era. The problem is that every time he gets over, he gets jobbed to Jarrett (I know you're gonna have a field day with that Mike ). Anyway, I think a heel turn and push up the ladder could do Killings and the ME scene some good. I think other than Monty, Killings has the biggest breakout potential of any "heavyweight" on the roster and he could draw really well with a sustained push. Hell, I think a feud between them would kick all kinds of ass. I know they feuded during the initial few shows, but neither was as developed as they are now (esp. Monty). TNA has definitely missed the boat with Killings in my humble opinion. The guy can work as well as almost any of their regular ME'ers (other than Abyss maybe), and can talk better than any of them but Monty. The promo he cut the week after the Dusty finish at the second anniversary show was one of the best in the history of the company, and the one he cut the week before his first title win with Steamboat is probably second best. Hopefully once they are done reforming NAO, they give Killings a serious push.
  23. TNABaddboi

    OAO 10/1 Impact Thread

    I agree. I think that until the show airs, the only things that should be discuessed in this thread are the preview information TNA provides. All other information should be kept in the eventual spoiler thread. Though it doesn't look like he's gonna make anyone tap in week 1, I'm sure he'll be featured in a vignette to hype him and the match with Liger.
  24. TNABaddboi

    OAO 10/1 Impact Thread

    I'm certain that if we don't get a Destroyer in that match, we'll see a package on it before the match starts. And I definitely marked out the first time I saw it too. Also, not suprisingly, TNA added this too: credit: TNAWrestling.com Showing that the title changed in Canada will help them come off as a big time company, IMO. And of course it will set up the obligatory "I'm the KotM" promo. The key to that is who interrupts it and how well they get over.