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Everything posted by TNABaddboi

  1. TNABaddboi

    DUSTY'S GONE!!!!

    Here's the news from today's Meltzer update: Wow, the other show finally dropped. I wonder what affect this while have on the PPV. Maybe we'll see that title change after all from this new committee that will want to set themselves apart. I wonder who's on it though....
  2. TNABaddboi

    DUSTY'S GONE!!!!

    Me too, but right now, I think any deal where they aren't paying per broadcast would be an improvement, whatever channel it's on.
  3. TNABaddboi

    Tenay Interview

    Here's an interesting interview that was posted on PWInsider.com:
  4. TNABaddboi

    DUSTY'S GONE!!!!

    Here's an interview with Dusty where he discusses give up the booker job: Credit: PWInsider.com
  5. TNABaddboi

    Official TNA Hard Justice Preview

    I want to see those guys in the gauntlet too. I'm really hoping for a Monty win that would set the wheels in motion for a face turn.
  6. TNABaddboi

    TNA iMPACT! Preview weekend of 5/13/05

    Looks like they cut the Naturals match they taped for this show out. I'm pretty sure they were accompanied to the ring by Candido, so I can't say I blame TNA there.
  7. TNABaddboi

    AJ Styles special video on tnawrestling.com!!!

    I agree, but the WWE follower in me thinks that Styles is doin the J-O-B cuz Tenay said in the video that he thought AJ was gonna win, which if coming from JR, roughly equally death. lol. But otherwise, that video sets AJ up perfectly as the franchise and I think him betting Jarrett after all the "names" failed will also give him (or whoever beats JJ for the belt as long as it's not DDP) a bit of rub.
  8. TNABaddboi

    DUSTY'S GONE!!!!

    Here's a more detailed report from Mike Johnson:
  9. credit: PWInsider.com TNA seems to actually be having some success getting international clearance. For awhile, the PPVs were broadcasted in Australia (don't know if they still are though), the European clearance, and now this. I wonder if the shows will be behind though.
  10. TNABaddboi

    Dust Rhodes on WOL

    Here's a full report from the Observer:
  11. TNABaddboi

    Final Resolution DVD available

    I noticed that as well, and I was really looking forward to that DVD because I want to see the iron man match.
  12. TNABaddboi

    Final Resolution DVD available

    Here's the description from ShopTNA.com: I was going to wait for the Against All Odds DVD, but I'm somewhat tempted to spring for this one as well. Did anyone see the show? I remember it getting good reviews at the time, especially the AMW/Team Canada match, but would anyone suggest I spring for the DVD?
  13. TNABaddboi

    Notes on TNA TV Deals and Monty Brown

    I think we'll get a clue of how the negiotations are going at the PPV. If Monty jobs in that tag match, chances are he's on the way out, as they wouldn't have him take 2 straight PPV losses if they are prepping him for a title run, however, if they put him over strongly, he's probably staying.
  14. TNABaddboi

    Notes on TNA TV Deals and Monty Brown

    I wonder what kind of timeslot WGN is offering. If it's any weeknight slot (except the old ECW slot), I think they should take it, because clearly Fridays at 4 aren't cutting it. I hope Monty sticks it out in TNA. I think he'd get lost in the WWE shuffle, but he's on the verge of being TNA's big thing. I thought Jarrett couldn't make booking decisions anymore. I agree that Monty would be better than AJ because him and AJ have basically traded the title since November 2002, he really shouldn't have a say in who he drops the belt to if he's not booking. And make no mistake, he needs to drop the belt.
  15. TNABaddboi

    Matt Hardy's Viability to TNA

    Here's a question and answer from today's Ask The Torch that I thought would spark some more discussion: I agree that Hardy would make a great TNA champion, but in his V-1 persona, so I don't know how feasible Jarrett/Hardy is. In fact, I think the way to go about it is do the temporary Hardy Boys reunion leading to Jeff Hardy getting a title shot and winning the belt, but then, make him a transition champion by having Matt Marty Jannety him (which would be ironic since everyone thought Matt was the Hardy's Marty) and win the belt leading to a nice run that would feel fresh because that character would get over and it would be something we haven't seen in TNA before, as opposed to say another Styles run, even though I love AJ.
  16. TNABaddboi

    Matt Hardy's Viability to TNA

    I used to think as well, but I'm kinda worried that they may have damaged him too much with this heel turn and depush. You think he can be repaired enough?
  17. TNABaddboi

    What is TNA doing right?

    They've done a good job recently pushing their own talent. In recent months, Chris Daniels has gotten his biggest push to date at TNA and I'd say he's made the most of his run with the belt. They're pushing the Naturals again, which they never should have stopped. And AJ is once again up for his yearly push. The show seems to be more about TNA guys than guys who made their names elsewhere (and yes, I'd consider Jarrett a TNA guy). They've all done a good job making each of their PPVs seem like huge deals, though they've overdone some gimmicks (UX, Cage) sort of how they killed the ladder match in the early shows. I like that they've allowed a secondary X Division feud to develop with Shane and Sabin, because before, they'd be the title feud and the rest of the division would just kind of wait their turn, patiently having multi-man spotfests. And the Raven/Hardy feud has brought the best out in both of them. I think this is the best use of Hardy they've made since he joined TNA. He has a place on the shows because he's marketable and clearly has a fanbase, but last year showed us that he was no main eventer. Even though I think they could make him a killer heel if they played up his artistic nature and made him a flaky "I don't care about wrestling, but I'm naturally good" kinda character.
  18. TNABaddboi

    Final Justice Talk

    I do think that TNA should consider an AMW turn as they are one of the few people in TNA who've never turned, although they've flirted with splitting them up before. I do think that Monty would be better served in the gauntlet, but I do think that's match they're panning on. And they definitely need to resign Brown. As I said in other thread, TNA really blew it with him. They had a chance to legitimately make a new main eventer (not an import) for the first time since AJ Styles. Monty was over, he holding his own in longer matches and all they needed to do was have Jarrett eat a Pounce at Final Resolution or in a rematch at Against All Odds. However, instead, they made the classic mistake of believe past star power was more important than using the stars you have to create new ones, and they rushed a turn and inserted Nash into the title picture. Sure, Nash and Jarrett had a decent match (according to reports anyway...i've only seen the finish), but in the grand scheme of things, that move crippled TNA's main event scene for months. I'm still holding out hope for Monty to win the Gauntlet and ME Slammiversary, but I know it won't happen. A Monty/AJ ME on TNA's "biggest" PPV ever would definitely send a message that they are ready to be a real alternative, but for some reason, I think the fans want to cheer Monty, and I think they will if they show that he's been playing Jarrett all this time. I think the ideal ME for the anniversary PPV would be a deadly draw four-way with AJ, Jarrett, Monty and Abyss, with Monty going full-fledged face at some point in the match. Sorry for the rant, but seeing Final Resolution finally made the blown opportunity with Monty fresh in my mind again.
  19. TNABaddboi

    Final Justice Talk

    They've officially announced the tag title match, bringing the current card to four matches plus the Gauntlet. I'm sure we'll see the mix tag and DDP/BG James vs Monty/Outlaw match getting added next week, but overall, I like the way the card is shaping up. Here's the press release on the tag title match:
  20. TNABaddboi

    Kash Does It Again

    credit: PWInsider.com At this point, I think TNA needs to cut their losses with Kash. He is a very good performer, but if he's going to continue to badmouth the company, they don't need to be bother. They can put his salary to the money they're going to throw at Matt Hardy.
  21. I don't get it either. There aren't enough guys in TNA who would be viable contenders for it. Maybe in 2003 when they had the Extreme Revolution going, but now, I think they'd be much better served with a Television or North American title.
  22. I hope this means that they are seriously considering adding a mid-card title. They've needed one for awhile, but they need it now more than ever that there's the group of guys getting feed to Jarrett and everybody else. They could have a tournament on Impact with the finals on the PPV.
  23. TNABaddboi

    Final Resolution DVD available

    Got the DVD yesterday and I just finished the show. My quick thoughts are that UX and AMW/TC were fantastic matches that had me on the edge of my seat, even knowing the results. The 3LK/Shane, Kazarian & Daniels was a fun opener, and watching this match made me realize that TNA never ran with an extended AMW/Shane & Kazarian feud. They could have a good feud on their hands there and some different heel champs at a time when they were recycling the belt between a small group. Skipper/Dutt was a good X-Division showcase, but it seemed more like an Impact ME than a PPV match. Maybe it was because there was no story behind it. The Hall/Hardy match was ions better than it should have been considering the participants, mostly b/c everyone played their role well. Dustin/Kash was passable, but Raven/Watts was not. Finally, watching this DVD today, I got the same feeling that I got watching Jarrett/Raven watching Jarrett/Brown. TNA really missed that boat. The crowd was totally buying Monty as a main eventer and he could have claimed to have beaten 3 world champs in one night, which could have legitimized him. The just totally blew it with Monty. The Impact title match should have ended in a DQ (a la Rock/Austin the night after Rock's SS98 heel turn) to build to the money rematch and Jarrett should have ate a Pounce on this show. But all that said, it was a fun show, just about as good as Turning Point.
  24. TNABaddboi

    Hard Justice ME Promotion

    Credit: PWInsider.com Johnson entire report was longer than this, but some of it overlaps into the Banks' column that was posted elsewhere on the board. Anyway, I agree that TNA needs to put the belt on AJ and give him a long, extended run that ends at hands of anybody other than Jarrett.
  25. TNABaddboi

    Final Resolution DVD available

    Just an update...TNA has tremendously updated their online shopping. I ordered the DVD on Friday and got an e-mail on Monday saying that it had been shipped, so hopefully it'll be here by the end of the week. The other DVDs I ordered from TNA each took six weeks. So gotta give them credit where credit is due. I'd say that was good enough to get me off their case about getting the DVDs in stores, but then I remembered they hit me with 7 bucks in shipping and handling.