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Everything posted by TNABaddboi

  1. TNABaddboi

    Final Resolution

    I agree wholeheartedly. I actually think they probably won't go back to Nashville until the anniversary show (if they make it that far), but I do think they should hold a PPV at the Asylum. They'd lose the ability to have pyro, but they could make up for it by using a videowall entrance and the lights and stuff. They would need to hit the ground running if they want to break into an entirely new market. I believe they do have access to information like this and that is the basis for them wanting to start their house shows in the midwest (supposedly they drew the most buys for the weekly PPVs in the midwest and northest).
  2. TNABaddboi

    Savage gone AGAIN?

    Very true
  3. TNABaddboi

    TNA Notes from Meltz

    Here are some TNA notes from Meltzer: That's a pretty strong recommendation of Turning Point. Alot of people will probably order based only on his advice. As for the Final Resolution matches, I've been calling for it since June, so I'm all for an extended Team Canada/AMW feud, but I really think they need to hold off on putting the belts back on AMW. IMO, this feud needs to play out like the first AMW/XXX feud, which AMW being unable to get the belts due to the numbers and then winning when the odds are evened. I like the 3 way, and I appreciate the continuity of Sabin (should he go over here, which I think he will) regaining the belt he never lost in the same way he won it last time, BUT, do we really need another UX match already. That will make 4 in the past 6 months, which is a gimmick killer in IMO. I think they'd be better off just doing the 3 way, as these guys reputation for good matches is enough to sell the match, w/o the gimmick. And don't get me started on Jarrett/Savage.....all I'll say is that Jarrett should be eating a Pounce at Final Resolution, because though he needs to drop the belt, putting in Savage would be worse than keeping it on Jarrett, just like everyone was saying before the Jarrett/Hardy ladder match. As for Trinity...eh. I have always thought she was miscast as a heel, and unless they were going to bring in China to put her over, I don't think she serves any purpose other than being a manager. And I like Traci better. So anyway, thoughts on this news..... Also, with the rumor that Final Resolution will be the first TNA show in the midwest, any thoughts on how these matches will play? I think they need to do another fan fest if they are hitting a new market, both to help with ticket sales and try to get new fans to care about these guys.
  4. TNABaddboi

    Savage gone AGAIN?

    Yeah....I've been a fan of his column, but he regularly belittles TNA and his site lacks and sort of real coverage of anything that's not WWE.
  5. TNABaddboi

    Give Monty Brown the Title?

    I've watched Impact w/ a few non-fans the past few weeks and they've all marked out for the Pounce. It may be a ridiculous move, but then again, so was the People's Elbow. And it seems rather pointless to chant for a move you want to mock. At this point, the Pounce is the most over finisher in the entire company (or at least on par with the Canadian Destroyer, but no one chants for that).
  6. TNABaddboi

    Savage gone AGAIN?

    Rick Scaia, who very rarely even mentions TNA, discussed the Savage/TNA situation in his latest Online Onslaught column: Credit: OnlineOnslaught.com
  7. TNABaddboi

    Give Monty Brown the Title?

    No Xplosion in my area
  8. TNABaddboi

    2 Weeks Worth of Impact Spoilers

    Interesting show. I guess they may be leaning toward Jarrett/Brown, with Dusty telling Jarrett he has to defend the belt and Monty saying he's going to take the belt next time he faces Jarrett. They got 6 weeks (4 after this all airs) to make it happen....
  9. TNABaddboi

    Give Monty Brown the Title?

    BTW...anyone know where I can find the Brown/Jarrett match? I missed that weeks show and I'd really like to check it out.
  10. TNABaddboi

    TNA Turning Point poll

    I'm really interested in seeing the show too. I was going to try to find a tape, but to support TNA, I'm going to order one of the replays next week when I have PPV access again.
  11. TNABaddboi

    TNA Notes from PWInsider

    I figured when I saw that Sabin lost at TP that they were going to put him over in a rematch, I'm already picking him to win UX in an excellent match. We all know how we feel about Jarrett/Savage and as for Dustin's re-debuting, if they come up with something for him, I'm all for it as Goldust became a fav of mine when teaming with Booker in WWE, but if he's just going to be Cowboy Dustin, then boo.
  12. TNABaddboi

    TNA Notes from PWInsider

    Here's more notes: Kenney going back to Simon Diamond is the greatest thing I've heard in a while. The move away from the gimmick was one of the biggest failures of the year for TNA, and Diamond was one of the few wrestler's with a recognizable personality for TNA. They should definitely let him cut some more Simon Has a Problem promos though. I always used to mark out for those.
  13. TNABaddboi

    Savage gone AGAIN?

    WMD, on the other hand, if they wait too long, they could miss the boat completely with him, like I was saying WWE did with Booker T. This is the first real shot they've had at making a legit homegrown star in alomst 2 years. The fans want to see him in the top spot, and he's proving he can handle more than his steady diet of squash with his match with Jarrett and the match with Raven and Abyss at VR (I haven't seen TP yet). Besides, he's already gone over Abyss and Raven, who are clearly TNA's stepping stones to the belt. Who's left in TNA to put him over? I say have him go through the Outsiders to get to Jarrett and put the belt on him.
  14. TNABaddboi

    Savage gone AGAIN?

    Very true...lol.
  15. TNABaddboi

    Savage gone AGAIN?

    At least they had the common sense to tell him no....which is a good sign.
  16. TNABaddboi

    Savage gone AGAIN?

    They didn't even get footage they could use out of this whole fiasco. I think at this point they should cut their loses and toss some money at Sting to fill the void. If not, put DDP in his spot, because he's clearly over with the crowd too.
  17. TNABaddboi

    Savage gone AGAIN?

    Here's an update from Johnson: They should book Jarrett/Brown/Raven/DDP in a four way for the title and have the Outsiders/3LK match as the second "name" match on the card.
  18. TNABaddboi

    Final Resolution

    According to Mike Johnson, they've scheduled a PPV for 2/13 as well.
  19. TNABaddboi

    TNA Notes from Meltz

    I agree here. They already saw here that Brown and Jarrett work well together and that the fans are ready to accept Brown as championship material, and if they wait to look, they're going to miss the boat entirely with him, kinda like Booker T circa WM19.
  20. TNABaddboi

    TNA Notes from Meltz

    No official annoucement, but I believe the current rumor is Chicago.
  21. TNABaddboi

    TNA Turning Point poll

    I didn't order because I'm in a dorm w/o PPV access, but I really wanted too. I ordered VR and really enjoyed it, so I was looking forward to this show. Hopefully I can get my hands on a tape, because it'll be forever b4 TNA puts out a DVD. And Slap, I agree with this assessment:
  22. TNABaddboi

    Tna Turning Point Thread

    According to the Torch, he interferred in the tag title match to help Team Canada regain the belts.
  23. TNABaddboi

    Favourite 'Mark Out' moments

    Savage/Elizabeth reunion at WM7 Hart winnin the IC Belt from Perfect at Slam 91 Michaels winning the belt at WMXIX (the mark in me thought the match was too long and I still think they should have traded pinfalls, but those last 10 minutes and overtime were fanastic and I popped huge when HBK hit the 2nd superkick) Austin attacking Hart in the ambulance Austin stunning McMahon the first time DX imitating the Nation on RAW When the Road Warriors showed up in TNA (it was nostalga) And recently, when Petey Williams hit AJ Styles with the Canadian Destroyer at Victory Road
  24. TNABaddboi

    TNA's next PPV: Turning Point

    TNA's website has listed the following matches: NWA Tag Team Title Match: 3Live Kru vs. Team Canada Kid Kash, Michael Shane and Kazarian vs. Hector Garza, Sonjay Dutt and Sonny Siaki The six man should be good and the tag title match is just kinda there. I hope they add some sort of gimmick to it so it's not just a pointless rematch (of course, just my luck, they'd make it a flag match. lol). But anyway, that brings the total to 7 matches so far, with 2 weeks to go. We've also got Savage/Styles/Hardy vs the Kings, AMW/XXX-Six Sides of Steel, Monty/Abyss, DDP/Raven and Sabin/Williams. It's an interesting line-up. Thoughts?
  25. TNABaddboi

    Kings of Wrestling

    The name does suck and Monty Brown could be in Savage's place.