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Everything posted by TNABaddboi

  1. TNABaddboi

    Impact spoilers

    I'm shocked they're still doing well. Me too. Even though I don't like the current direction of the show (the new and improved Xplosion), you have to give TNA credit for maintaining their audience from week 1 and 2.
  2. TNABaddboi

    TNA at a Crossroads

    I'm in favor of 2/3. I think they should ditch the weekly PPVs at this point and go monthly and I do think they need to start looking at hitting the road, but unless they go ahead with the elimination of the weekly PPVs, they should in no way move all the operations to Orlando, because 2 shows a week is waaaaay past overkill. Ideally, IMO, they should do Impact in Orlando and travel with the PPVs around the southeast, maybe doing the first one in Nashville to reward the original fanbase (even though most of them got in free for 2 years).
  3. TNABaddboi

    Best of AMW

    It looks interesting to me partly because the only matches on there that I've seen are the AMW/New Church from January that's on the Best of the Title Matches DVD and the cage match, because I missed most of AMW's rise because I was at school without PPV capablities. But, I will definitely let you know we have another overshipment
  4. TNABaddboi

    Best of AMW

    Make that 2, WMD, because I'm probably going to buying this one too.
  5. TNABaddboi

    Why I respect Jim Cornette

    You can't deny the fact that TNA got him over as a babyface during his title chase and up until the beginning of the Raven feud (which i thought was next to impossible), and he did create a near riot in Mexico, but that had absolutely nothing to do with his character and more to do with him going over a hometown hero. But now, I think most of the heat he receives is of the go away variety.
  6. TNABaddboi

    TNA's money match

    I agree that any long-term success for TNA is going to depend on their ability to make AJ Styles a star, and I don't think they've completely failed at that yet. He's been the most over non-cast off with the new Orlando crowd. And I think anybody else on the roster would have been booed out of the building against Hardy and AJ kept at least half of the crowd on his side (I know I hadn't cheered for a wrestler more since The Rock in 99). And, while Raven was jobbing on Heat before he came in, TNA did a good job of making him a credible title contender almost immediately without rushing to the match. Of course, Raven's character has been a mess ever since the lights went out in the Asylum on April 30. IMO, he can be built into a ME again. The precedent is there. Austin and Foley was a midcarder in WCW, HHH was an afterthought there as well, for instance. But they became credible main eventers. And Raven could be one again, IMO. So while i think Styles is the future of TNA, if they were going to bust out Bound for Glory at any time this year, I'd headline with Raven/Jarrett and let Styles work a fanastic, "break out" match to wow new fans.
  7. TNABaddboi

    TNA's money match

    I'd argue that Raven doesn't count as a WWE castoff. He wasn't featured prominently enough to have left that mark and most of his recognition comes from his ECW/WCW days. Plus, the Raven/JJ feud would be based on TNA history and not history in other promotions, unlike so many of the other feuds involving names in TNA, such as Raven/Sabu anyone? As much as I am enjoying the feud, it could have just as easily been based on Sabu denying Raven his destiny last April, and then viewers wouldn't have had to forget that they had indeed fought before, though never in a match. Anyway, this feud being based on TNA history would be a big plus, IMO. Longtime viewers will appreciate the acknowledgement of the product they've support for a long time and newer viewers might feel like they missed out on something and want to check out the first Raven/JJ match, and say, buy the best of the Title Matches DVD, provided TNA ever gets that elusive distribution deal.
  8. TNABaddboi

    TNA's money match

    If I were TNA, I would play up the whole Triple J thing they started before with him holding others down because he has power over the company (only this time feuding with an actual wrestler fighting the establishment, say Raven, and not with a co-GM or whatever they want to call it). In fact, I'd let Raven call him Triple J on air, because that would make him the most over babyface in the company's history to alot of fans. And then, have Raven overcome the odds and beat him for the belt, thus fulfilling his destiny.
  9. TNABaddboi

    TNA's money match

    Unfortunately, it looks like TNA's gonna blow the JJ/Hardy wad very early, when IMO, the should take the slow build they took when they brought in Raven. And yeah, the match won't be very good at all.
  10. TNABaddboi

    TNA's money match

    As much as I love AJ Styles and The Truth, I'd have to say it's still Raven vs. Jarrett. It was TNA's biggest match in 2 plus years, and could be again as most fans think Raven got screwed that night. That match was built like an epic and as the entrances were happening, it felt like a WM main event or something (sorry for the WWE reference). As long as they don't make Raven a pussy-babyface like they did before, he will have everyone on his side if he takes on Jarrett for the belt. I think this should main event TNA's first big PPV, provided they ever actually pull it off, and have Jarrett job clean.
  11. TNABaddboi

    Official TNA Preview for 7/28

    That's exactly what I think is going to happen in that match, because TNA isn't going to want to job Hardy already and the don't want to end all Monty's momentum either. So JJ comes in, El-Kabong's both, which pisses off Russo, who makes a three-way ME for the title next week. Take it to the bank.
  12. TNABaddboi

    From Even Further Outside

    From Even Further Outside Wuzup everyone….I am sorry for my 2 week absence but I am finally back with “From Even Further Outside.” I was still watching TNA during my absence, but I just wasn’t motivated to write about it. I don’t really know what happened. But, I am stoked about recent developments, so off writing I go. You all know the drill with the feedback. I want it. I NEED IT. So, if you’re so inclined, e-mail me at [email protected] Last Week in TNA TNA finally delivered the Guitar on the Pole match I had feared out loud a few weeks ago and boy did it suck. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a more heatless clusterfuck. And has The Truth become an after thought or what? Does he still even want to be the champ or is he just going after JJ because he enjoys being his BIATCH. The Truth cut the promo of a life time on the show after the anniversary show, actually drawing me into the insipid Russo decides who’s champ story. I thought it could be a major turn as far as The Truth connecting with newer fans. So of course, TNA shot that straight to hell by never giving him the mic again because its shoved so far up Dusty’s ass. Why is it that we know more about why Dusty and Larry and Russo hate Jarrett than the Truth? How can we possibly be expected to get behind in that scenario? TNA absolutely ruined all the momentum The Truth had picked up for the first few months of the year, leading up to his title win. And they haven’t given the Orlando fans a reason to pop for him at all, other than the fact that the Nashville fans do. And to make matters worse, it appears that TNA is gearing up for a heel/heel feud between Jarrett and Monty Green. The two have crossed paths and exchanged words, mostly about the lack of mountains in the Serengeti, in recent weeks. Hell, Monty even sniffed Jarrett this week, so now YOU KNOW it’s on. We all should have known that they were only playing his Goldberg-like “undefeated” streak so that JJ could play Kevin Nash and kill his heat. Listen, we’ve established that I like the Alpha Male and that I think he’s someone TNA should invest in, but he’s just not ready for this slot yet and here’s why: 1) They are pushing him against a heel and Monty was not getting any reaction to suggest that fans are ready to accept him as a face. So this feud will play mostly to silence that travels across two time zones. 2) Monty’s building up momentum with his streak and they’re going to cut the legs from under him by jobbing him to JJ so soon. 3) The matches will SUCK THE MEAT MISSLE. Monty’s very limited at this point and he needs someone who is going to bump like a madman for him, which is decidedly not Jeff Jarrett. TNA has plenty of better options for Jarrett challengers. They could complete Abyss’s face turn and stick him in there. They could un-pussy-ify D’Lo and have him challenge him (more on that later). They could put “Jerry-actric” Lynn in there (TM “Don’t Call Me Frankie” Kazarian). Hell, they could put Jeff Hardy in there and the fans would erupt. Shark Boy, D-Ray, and even Mike Posey would all be better challengers for Jeff Jarrett than Monty is at this point. In short, the World Title scene is a hot mess and TNA doesn’t seem to have a clue what to do about it at this point, other than give it a rest as they seem to have this week. Thankfully for TNA, there other two title divisions are in tip-top shape. Your hero and mine, the Phenomenal AJ Styles, now has his hands full with “Don’t Call Me Frankie” Kazarian and HB2K, Michael Shane, two guys I’ve always liked despite the IWC telling me they suck over and over. So anyway, Future Heartbreak suckered Styles into facing them both at the same time on Wednesday PPV and to prove they were great, they defeated Chris “Give Me Something to Do, Please!” Sabin and the Not-Quite-As-Amazing-Lately Red. Styles and Shane met to open up the show and work an excellent match that wasn’t really an X-match at all in that it wasn’t a spotfest. Clearly, this is where I saw the benefit these guys got from working outside the X-Division (AJ with the Heavies, Shane in the tag division). Just a solid 10 minute match up, leading up to the non-finish. Styles, “showing off,” goes over the top rope onto Shane and gets his knee caught on the rail and then sells the injury like a MOFO. I was all prepared to drive to Nashville to make sure he was ok. I knew it was a work, but in the back of my mind (you know, the mark part), I thought OMG, now AJ can’t wrestle Kazarian. So good job, TNA. This is one instance where I don’t mind the non-finish as Shane get his title shot through less than honorable means and it put heat on Styles’ second match. When time for the second match came, Jerry Lynn came out to substitute for AJ, then Frankie, in a very heel-like uncompassionate moment, demanded Styles come out or forfeit because he wasn’t wrestling his grandfather, “Jerry-actric Lynn,” which had me rolling on the floor laughing. So Styles valiantly comes out to defend his honor, and shame on you Nashville for not popping as loud as you should have. Though, in fairness, you made up for it by getting behind AJ in the match. So AJ and Frankie do their thing, a competitive little match and Styles seems to be ok. Then he slips climbing the ropes and Frankie attacks. Great psychology there. He still can’t put AJ away, so Traci starts interfering, leading to her taking a Styles Clash, which is very un-face like, Mr. Styles? Anyway, Kazarian and Shane continue their pattern of not caring about Traci’s well-being as long as they win and go on cheating until they get the best of AJ. So now they’re both in line for X-Title shots. But who goes first? Smell the intrigue…. Over in the land of the two man, the Naturals (who? Those Xplosion guys, remember?) have opening their package, marked PUSH, and are now your WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS. Long way from working 3 minutes match while the crowd buys hot dogs, huh guys? Well, they won the title in under a minute, so I guess you can’t call it total progress. Anyway, they were forced by Russo to put up a title shot against AMW’s roster spot in a double ladder match. This was a very stiff spotfest and AMW prevailed giving them their “dream” match for the title shot and AMW, you guessed it, chose the ~SIX-SIDED CAGE. Speaking of cages, 2 men have recently spoke out against AMW claiming to be the best tag team in TNA. Two men who are the only other 2 time former World Tag Team Champions in TNA (besides AMW). Two men who are 4 and 1 versus AMW lifetime, with their only loss coming in TNA's first cage match. Two men who are Triple X. I know, I know, it doesn’t make sense for two men to be called Triple X, but trust me, there used to be 3 of them. And Double X doesn’t sound as cool, now does it? Anyway, Triple X has let it be known that they want to tango with AMW again, and all they have to do is defeat Team Mexico to earn a title shot. Shouldn’t be too difficult because everyone but David F’N Young has defeated Mexico at one point or another. Goldilocks used Erik Watts’ money to purchase the services of Alex Shelley because she thought he was cute. She even named him Baby Bear. And in showering Mr. Bear with affection, she’s neglected THE MONSTER Abyss, who’s feeling appear to be hurt. Awww, poor guy. Actually, I don’t know how sympathetic I can be to a guy who loses his girl because he wears a mask and growls at her all the time. Despite being jealous of Mr. Bear, Abyss has been forced to team with him because he’s with Goldilocks, who has control over him, though we’re still not quite sure why. Abyss and Shelley ran into Sabu and Sonjay Dutt this week, who are mostly just killing time waiting for Raven to get a better. I think I saw Sabu take Raven soup last week. As I’ve said before, he is awful thoughtful and compassionate for a homicidal, suicidal, genocidal maniac, so I wouldn’t put it past him. Well Sabu and Sonjay won (I think, but it’s not important), but Raven did his scare crow thing again with the Sheik, to piss Sabu off. Sabu, in the middle of battling with Abyss, became distracted. Shelley and Goldi left while Sabu had the upper hand, and who the hell knows what happened to Sonjay, but after Raven’s game, Sabu got a major beatdown. This is good in that it gives Sabu something to do until Raven’s back, but bad in that it prolongs Abyss’s face turn. In other developments, the NYC are chumps and Swinger might be slightly homosexual. Vito is a tough guy. Kenney can’t win a fight to save his life, mostly because HE LIKES GETTING KNOCKED DOWN. Kid Kash is suspended for God knows why. Jeff Hardy has been deciding on a contract from TNA FOREVER and Dusty gets a woody thinking about him signing. Shark Boy and D’Ray hang out because they make each other feel normal. David Young is still a loser. In fact, he’s such a loser that he can't get the best of an F’N referee. And D’Lo Brown’s testicles were apparently eaten by his baby daughter. This Week on TNA This week, TNA Wrestling proudly presents: “Six Sides of Steel.” I gotta admit, I kinda like the name. I think every once and a while they should name the PPVs. It makes them feel special. Now whether or not they live up to it or not is another matter entirely, but I believe this is the fourth time they've done this. There was "Destiny," "Anarchy in the Aslyum," "Wednesday Bloody Wednesday" and now "Six Sides of Steel." And I will forever refer to the JJ/Truth show as "Truth or Consequences." I don't remember if they did or not (somebody correct me), but it's such an appropriate name for that show as it basically kicked off the angle that carried the next SIX MONTHS for TNA. At any rate, the Destiny show was big deal because it had JJ/Raven and the Wed. Bloody Wed. show and the Wargames match and the Super X Cup, so I guess they're 2 out of 3 in that department. But anyway, the “Six Sides of Steel” line-up looks great. And here it is: SIX SIDED STEEL CAGE MATCH FOR THE WORLD TAG TEAM TITLES: THE NATURALS © VS. AMERICA’S MOST WANTED THE PHENOMENAL AJ STYLES AND JERRY LYNN VS. MICHAEL SHANE AND KAZARIAN w/ Traci SABU VS. THE MONSTER ABYSS w/ Goldylocks TAG TEAM TITLE NUMBER ONE CONTENDER MATCH: TRIPLE X (DANIELS AND SKIPPER) VS. TEAM MEXICO’S MR. AGUILA AND ABISMO NEGRO SICILIAN STREET FIGHT: “IRISH” PAT KENNEY VS. BIG VITO w/ Trinity SHARK BOY, D-RAY 3000 AND REFEREE MIKE POSEY VS. THE NEW YORK CONNECTION AND DAVID YOUNG AMW versus the Naturals is clearly the draw this week, but I don’t know if it will get the main event position due to the time it takes to set up the cage. Remember, TNA’s first cage match opened the show and went nearly 20 minutes. Every one since has main event and gone about 10. Which would you prefer? I think this ends up going on last, because the only other match on the card that I think could carry the main event position well is AJ/Lynn vs Future Heartbreak. Either way, this match should be good. AMW will most likely want to prove that the success of the first great cage match wasn’t all due to the greatness of Triple X and the Naturals are probably creaming themselves wanting to take advantage of their highest profile match yet. So I fully expect these guys to go all out and to see this one end with a Death Sentence off the top rope. What I would do if I was booking, however, would be to have the Naturals narrowly win so that Triple X has to choose between going after the belts or AMW, or maybe trying to do both at the same time, leading to a great 3 way here. I think it’s too soon for this feud to be blown off, but that seems like the nature of the beast. After all, AMW and the Naturals have faced off about as many times as AMW and Triple X did, but the AMW/XXX feud lasted six months and this one lasted one month. This feud is a perfect example of the FF nature of TNA since Impact started, a nature they will only be able to slow down once they drop the weekly PPVs, but I disgress. AJ Styles and “Jerry-actric” Lynn vs Future Heartbreak should also rock mightly. If they give these guys 15 minutes, they might contend with the cage match for MOTN. Kazarian and Shane have really come into their own as a heel team, so much so in fact, that I’d suggest moving them to the tag division after his feud is over. The story of them being jealous of AJ and wanting him out of the X-Division has been well done. I wish we got more of the backstory of Styles and Lynn coming to respect each other after their feud, but I guess I should be satisfied that they mention that they are former tag team champions. Anyway, I expect either AJ to go over some one to get his jobs back or Lynn to take the fall to protect AJ here. It’ll probably be the latter, though, since they’ve clearly tried to establish that Lynn is old and can’t go with the young guys anymore. Sabu and Abyss could be a huge mess or an entertaining brawl. Who knows? It’ll just be fodder to continue the stories of Raven playing games with Sabu and Goldi pretty much ignoring Abyss for Shelley. I think we see Abyss go over here due to Raven interference, marking his first appearance in a few weeks. Triple X versus Team Mexico is just a backdrop to propel Triple X back into the title hunt. The only real question is not whether or not they will win, but will this be the week where they finally acknowledge that there is, or was, a third member of the team. Kenney versus Vito feels old already because it is built on the same premise as the tired Kenney/NYC feud, only the work should improve. I don’t doubt this will be a good match, but I’d just like to see Pat going in a new direction now that he and Siaki have bested the NYC. And speaking of the NYC, they continue to prove to be the dumbest guys in TNA by continually teaming with the biggest loser on the roster, David Young. You know he’s taking the pin here, most likely from Posey to set up a one on one match, where he finally wins, but is still called a loser because he had to be a referee. Get it? Got it? Good. Now giggle and move on. PLEASE! Jeff Hardy will finally reappear in TNA this week, most likely for a contract signing. And since we all know how those ALWAYS play out in wrestling, fully expect a long-winded King of the Mountain interruption, probably leading to a brawl that involves Monty Green somehow too. Kid Kash will sit down with Mike Tenay as we try to find out what exactly got him suspended. I’m sure this will be a worked shoot, but it should be interesting to see where TNA goes with this. I’m glad Kash isn’t gone, because poor Dallas would have fallen off the face of the earth. Anyone seen him lately? Exactly. And because Kash is the best heel in the company. Should be good. There you have it. TNA Wrestling Six Sides of Steel. This Wednesday, live from Nashville, TN, for ~UNDER TEN BUCKS. Sorry, couldn't resist going into Don West mode for a sec there. RANDOM TNA NEWS: Before I go, let me quickly discuss some news in the TNA world. • TNA has finally reached a deal to have their shows broadcast in Canada! Now before you get too excited Marty and Riley, I should tell you that it isn’t Impact. It’s there first year of PPVs, airing chronologically on ESPN Classic. Feel deflated yet, guys? TNA should have been trying to get Impact to clear Canada. This announcement isn’t good or bad. It’s just kinda there. • The Torch reported that TNA could be considering running joint shows with the AAA promotion in California. Anything that leads to them touring and perhaps, making some money, is a good thing in my opinion. This is the first time we’ve heard of the targeting the West Coast though. Everything I’d read before that indicated they’d be starting in the Midwest and Northeast. • The Elite Guard have all been signed to contracts. Now granted, their booking hasn’t been the best, but these guys haven’t impressed me yet. Doesn’t mean they won’t, but they haven’t yet. So I’ll reserve judgement on this signing for now. • TNAWrestling.com has opened up mini-sites that are superstar specific. The first ones are the ladies (TNA Knockouts) and AJ Styles. • TNA is apparently giving serious consideration to moving the entire operation to Orlando and running both of there shows from Universal Studios. I understand that this move is being consider to cut back cost, but I really think they are running the risk of QUICKLY burning out the Orlando crowd. Two shows a week are just waaaaaaayyyyy to much. I think they should consider moving the PPV’s to Tampa or some other Florida location that will save transportation costs, for the sake of crowd heat. That's it and that's all. Lemme know what you guys think. Agree, disagree? I don't care, just FEEDBACK ME!!!!
  13. TNABaddboi

    More News

    That's very true. Even though it never translated to ratings, his nostalga tour from WM18 to WM19 was getting was get such big pops across the country that Vince was fooled into thinking that he deserved another run with the belt and jobbed his own son-in-law to him without him returning the favor to Trips (and we all know how often that tends to happen).
  14. TNABaddboi

    More News

    Mike, I think that's the point. Nobody is saying Hogan has drawn flies in recent years, but even in 1997, most pundits thought he was past his prime as it was well after his huge run on top (83-91). Even when he first jumped to WCW, he didn't spark much interest right away. But he was able to recapture his heat in late 96 all the way up until he didn't put over Sting at Starrcade 97.
  15. TNABaddboi

    From Even Further Outside

    What about the Deadly Draw match? I'd put somewhere between ***1/2 and ****. If not for the interference, and Russo ruining Truth's big moment, I probably would have given it the full ****. I believe Keller did go **** for it though. But anyway, the gimmick itself was nice twist on a four way we'd seen before, and thus, it made it look fresh. There worked some nice spots in there (the 3 man sleeper for instance) and I popped for EVERY nearfall after JJ's interference. That's my favorite World Title match in TNA's entire existence, with a close second going to Truth/Jarrett I, from November 2002, but I would have only put that one at ***1/2.
  16. TNABaddboi

    From Even Further Outside

    Hell, I marked out when Lynn beat Justin Credible at whatever the hell that ECW pay per view in October 2000, and I wouldn't have described myself as a Lynn fan before that.
  17. TNABaddboi

    From Even Further Outside

    I actually wouldn't mind Lynn being the one to unseat JJ, because he could probably get a good match out him and if they change the title in Nashville and play it up as him finally winning the big one, the pop would be outrageous. You'd think they'd make this move since they are really lacking credible ME faces (JJ killed them all, u see), but I guess they really think he's too old.
  18. TNABaddboi

    From Even Further Outside

    I'm not sure exactly what the problem was, but I think it involved Lynn wanting a pay increase, if my memory serves me correctly. Don't quote me on that though.
  19. TNABaddboi

    From Even Further Outside

    There might be. I know Jarrett and Lynn had a flap awhile back and Lynn wasn't on the shows for awhile, leading many to think he was done with the company, but Russo pushed for him to be brought back in.
  20. TNABaddboi

    From Even Further Outside

    Thanks for the feedback guys. Lynn could definitely fill TNA's Benoit role as a wiley veteran who FINALLY wins the big one (if you ignore his 1 month ECW Title reign kinda like how WWE ignored CB's WCW "reign"). But TNA instead on telling us that he's old, even though he looks much younger than he actually is. And I think a JJ/Hardy feud would put some heat on the title, and if well booked, could repair all the pending damage of the JJ/Monty feud.
  21. TNABaddboi

    A long rant about the state of TNA

    They did sign a one year contract, but in it, they agreed to pay X amount of dollars per week to be broadcasted. I don't know if they paid the lump sum up front or it they pay per week, but it was widely reported that they are paying to be broadcasted.
  22. TNABaddboi

    A long rant about the state of TNA

    This is actually the best example of two enties in the same genre NOT competing. While both present football, the NFL and the AFL have very distinct audiences and have never once competed in 18 years, which is why the AFL has survived. Hell, about 5 or 6 AFL teams are now owned by NFL owners, which further proves that they aren't competing. Every other football league that competed with the NFL tanked (USFL, XFL) because they were presenting the exact same product, only with less talented players. This is a trap TNA could easily fall into, but thankly to this point they have not. The AFL on the other hand, is football, but it's an entirely different brand of football. There's a 50 yard field, nets and players play both ways. Some may scoff and say this isn't really football or this is a gimmick (like TNA's 6 sided ring, Ultimate X matches or fondess for spotfests), but the fans that do stick around will do so because its something they can't see anywhere else that still fills their wrestling need. They have enough innovations where it's like, it's wrestling, but it's different, thus having a chance to give the average person a reason to watch something other than what they normally watch.
  23. TNABaddboi

    Official TNA Preview for 7/21

    Well they did briefly mention that they were former tag partners on Wednesday but that was it. I agree though, they should do more. It'd be relatively simple too. They could say that they've come to respect each other after all the battles as Styles has maturely and become less disrespectful.
  24. TNABaddboi

    Official TNA Preview for 7/21

    Apparently, according to the Impact commercials, they're calling this show "Six Sides of Steel" and I gotta admit, I kinda like it. I think every once and a while they should name the PPVs. It makes them feel special. Now whether or not, they live up to it or not is another matter entirely, but I believe this is the fourth time they've done this. There was "Destiny," "Anarchy in the Aslyum", "Wednesday Bloody Wednesday" and now "Six Sides of Steel." The Destiny show was big deal cuz it had JJ/Raven and the Wed. Bloody Wed. had the Wargames match and the Super X Cup, so I guess they're 2 out of 3 in that department. But anyway, this line-up looks great. The cage match should be good if its gets the kind of time the AMW/XXX cage match did, and hopefully we get as solid an in-ring story as we did that time. Styles/Lynn vs Kazarian/Shane should also rock mightly. Sabu and Abyss could be a huge mess or an entertaining brawl. Who knows? I'll definitely be ordering.
  25. TNABaddboi

    More News

    This is the most interesting newsbit here to me. Could this be the start of the TNA touring plan? I've read alot about them going to Pittsburgh and perhaps Buffalo, but I haven't heard much about the west coast. Very interesting here.