Wuzup everyone….once again, it is the one and only TNABaddboi and I’m here with another edition of From Even Further Outside to get you hyped for this week’s double dose of TNA! For those of you who are new to the column, you can find out a lil’ bit more about me as a wrestling fan in last week’s column.
Last week I asked for feedback, and lo and behold, I got it! How cool is that? So, we’ll debut a new feature in the colun here:
There’s only one here this week, and it’s all the way from the Mid-East. Let’s read:
"dude i'm a tna fan im israel and we get our episodes in a five month delay fromyou guys and still i'm more updated then you. you wrote an enriely freakin long collumn about how bad tna and all you did was diss tna but to tell you the truth all you did was just show how good tna is. if all you really care about is the little details and get down to the little things in tna how the hell are you going to enjoy the show. bottom line is: get a life cause all you have now is dissing a really good wrestling show in your free time"
Now, let’s discuss: First, let me thank you for reading my debut column and taking the time to respond. Now that the formalities are out of the way, let me point out to you that I am a huge TNA fan and have been since the VERY beginning. I’m such a huge fan, in fact, that I’m driving 4 hours to be apart of this week’s special anniversary show. That said, I am NOT a blind TNA mark. There are things about TNA that I think could and should be done different, which I will not hestitate to point out here, in MY column, where MY opinion is always welcome. Whether you agree or not is irrelevant. Granted, I do have a sarcastic tongue that makes me laugh when writing, but it does not mean that I’m an dissing TNA. If you’ll recall I gave TNA props for the debut of Impact, the Styles/Kash feud and the Raven/Sabu feud, among other things. Check it out, dude. Please. I will continue to recap the happenings of TNA with my opinions of them included before preview the upcoming show. That’s the point of the column. If I was here just to praise TNA, it’d be posted on TNAWrestling.com. But since I am not a TNA employee, I don’t have to ignore the flaws that I see in the product as a FAN. And if I wasn’t a FAN, trust me, I wouldn’t waste my time writing this as you so eloquently pointed out, “enriely freakin long column.” And let me apologize for not getting this week’s up sooner, but I was out, enjoying the life that I apparently don’t have. Again, thanks for reading and remember, feedback is ALWAYS welcome. E-mail me at:
[email protected].
Ok, I admit it. I’m a cheap bastard and I didn’t order this weeks TNA. There, I said it. I just wasn’t that intrigued by the line-up. The only match I was hyped for was Styles/Dallas. Well, with most reports labeling it a hot show, I’m officially an idiot. With that firmly established, this week’s last week recap might be a bit less in depth than last week's. I did of course watch Impact, so now that I’ve got that off my chest, let’s get to the recap.
In breaking news, 3 Live Krew are apparently still chumps and Jarrett found even bigger chumps to soften them up. If you will remember from last week, our lord and savior, the end all and be all, King of the Mountain, Triple J, warned 3 Live Krew that he would be bring in mercanies to take them out and that Killings wouldn’t make it to his big title match. The Elite Guard lasted about 5 minutes before falling victim to Killings’ axe kick Lie Detector finisher (what a lame name for that move. Jeez!). The King then came off his throne to administer a 4 on 3 beat down. Then on Impact, after Killings won a tune-up match with Team Canada’s Eric Young, Jarrett made his appearance, and attacked Dusty Rhodes and Killings, getting the better of both and delivering the El Kabong to Big Dust. Then, in an extremely bone headed move, TNA let Vince F’N Russo cut the final promo before the big match. Russo let Jarrett know that if he uses the Guitar during the title match, he's be DQ'ed, and as we all know, titles change hands on DQs in TNA. Listen, Russo and Jarrett hate each other. We get it. They’ve hated each other for 2 years. We get that too. What we don’t get is why we should care at all, because most of us (us being the viewing public) either don’t have a clue who Vince Russo is at all (marks) or know that Russo and Jarrett are never going to have a match, and thus find the feud pointless (smarks). Why not make this match about, ya know, the guys in it. At this point, they’ve rendered Killings into nothing more than a disinterested 3rd party. They should be playing up their history. Telling us how Jarrett won his first title from Killings and that Killings is 0 for 2 against Jarrett. Put some babyface heat on him by have him say that he’s matured and gotten better since then and that the third time is going to be the charm for him. See, one simple promo could have made this match about the guys in the match instead of the guy who made the match. And that is my biggest beef with the way this feud has played out. Fans have no reason to invest themselves in Killing’s title chase because he hasn’t told us why we should. So anyway, in summary, Killings is now less than a week away from the biggest match of his life and he has a snowballs chance in hell, apparently. This is NOT how you draw money with your World Title, TNA!
The other big title feud in TNA right now is in the X-Division. AJ regained the belt last week and successfully defended it against “Don’t Call Me Frankie” Kazarian in another good, albeit much shorter, Impact match-up. Once again post-match, the Two Dudes With Attitudes, Part Deux, worked over AJ, leading to a match between the Phenomenal One and Dallas on the PPV. Reports said this match was very good, which I tend to believe, because as I said last week, NO ONE work the big man/little match up in 2004 better than AJ Styles (at least until HBK faces Kane. Then he might have some competition). Besides, Styles brought with him the absolute BEST dropkick in the business today. How could he lose? Of course he couldn’t. And of course, post-match, Kash and Dallas worked him over. Guess who made the save? Need a hint? *Hint courtesy of last week’s column*
And I have a sneaky suspicion that all this AJ getting outnumberedness leads to a triumphant D’Lo Brown return and a kick ass tag match on the way to a kick ass X Division title match. It makes sense on a bunch of levels, because AJ and D'Lo patched up their differences after their feud and D'Lo was feuding with Kash and Dallas before he left for Japan, so AJ would be calling on his "mentor" for help dealing with someone who has more experience than he does and the even out the numbers game. Cool with me.
I hate to say I told you so, but I TOLD YOU SO. And I’m sooooo down with the Brown! So we haven’t gotten that kick-ass tag team match yet, but D’Lo did save AJ on the PPV and on Impact, so I promise you, its coming. D’Lo also made it known that he’s coming for the World Title, as he was inspired by AJ’s X Title win. This is another move I applaud because I think D’Lo could make a good addition to the World title scene (witness his feud with AJ last summer) and he has his fans. How they introduce a feud with Jarrett will be key in whether or not he gets as over as he was during the AJ and Siaki feuds though.
These feuds not withstanding, TNA’s most awesome ongoing story has been Raven’s challenge to Sabu. Raven’s consumption with the World title lead to him abandoning his partner Sabu, who responded by costing Raven his opportunity to win the belt. Raven began challenging Sabu to a fight, but Sabu wouldn’t agree. Two weeks ago, on the PPV, Sonjay Dutt of all people, informed Raven that no match would happen because of the Promise and Tenay told us on Impact that a promise was made to Sabu’s uncle, The Sheik, who trained them both, that they would never fight. On the PPV this past week, Dutt sought revenge for the MAN-SIZED beat down he took from Raven in a Raven’s Rules match. Raven used this opportunity to further goad Sabu, as he had Dutt beaten several times, but refused to pin Sabu’s “friend.” Sabu finally came to ringside to check on Dutt, because as I said last week, he’s awful thoughtful and compassionate for a homicidal, suicidal, genocidal maniac. Even though Raven attacked him while he tended to Dutt, Sabu wouldn’t respond, causing Dusty Rhodes to come down and remind Raven about respect. Raven backed off, telling Big Dust it was none of his business, but he later realized the err of his ways and apologized. On Impact, Dutt and Sabu teamed up for the first time, but lost a competitive match-up to the more experienced team, The Naturals. Good developments in this story and I have a feeling when these two finally locked up, the crowd reactions are going to be insane. And BTW, Sabu was more over in 90 seconds of action on Impact than he has been in 1 year plus of work in Nashville, and that’s saying a lot, because he’s pretty over there too.
Last week, AMW’s random challenger generator brought them the team of “The Alpha Male” Monty Brown and the monster Abyss. All reports said this match rocked until the ending. That ending saw the Naturals run in and attack AMW to cause a DQ. Then, it a move of supreme dastardlyness (or not), The Naturals stole their ring gear and showed up sporting on Impact. AMW, of course, took much offense and attacked them before their match, which the Naturals won anyway (that’s got to be some kind of first). Now, while I’m all for AMW getting a real feud for the belts and have wanted to see the Naturals get a push for a while now, the beginning of this feud just screams 1985 to me. Why should I care that they stole AMW’s ring gear. And for that matter, why should AMW care? Shouldn’t they have more than one? And its imitation the sincerest form of flattery? Maybe that’s just me. Either way, this feud should be excellent and should help breathe some life back into the tag division.
Speaking of Abyss, Erik Watts has accepted Goldi’s challenge, so the contract versus money match should be on. No word on when yet, but it’ll be on. And I still couldn’t care less. I just want it to end.
Team Canada is still pissing off the entire free world as the X Cup just will not go away. The defeated Team NWA this week in the ME of the PPV, by what else, D’Amore interference. On Impact, a frustrated Jerry Lynn chased D’Amore from ringside during his protégé’s match, and a match between them has been signed for this week.
“Irish” Pat Kenney and Sonny Siaki finally extracted their revenge on the NYC by defeating them in an Ultimate Humiliation match. The NYC then had to dress up in costumes provided by Kenney and Siaki leading to Leprechaun Gilberti and Ahola Swinger. If you didn’t see the show, find the pictures. They’re absolutely hilarious. I’m assuming that means this feud is over, even though Siaki and Kenney get to humiliate the NYC for a month, which is about as long as wrestling fans were tortured with this god forsaken feud.
In other news, D-Ray is still stupid, David Young is still a loser, the X-guys still mostly just fly a lot and Abyss is now on a healthy diet of SQUASH. Gee, I really wish I had more to say, but I just don’t. Once again, if TNA’s not going to put any effort into character development, I’m not going to give any effort to writing about it. Now…onto the preview:
This is the second anniversary show for TNA (even though last week’s show more closely resembled the actual second anniversary), and in theory is the biggest show of the year for the company. I know I’m pumped for it because I’m making the ~FOUR HOUR DRIVE up from Atlanta to attend. Last year on the big show, TNA’s had a relatively stacked line-up and delivered the debut of Sting, but the show itself was largely underwhelming as AMW and XXX saved the good stuff for the cage match the following week. This year’s show features matches that have been building longer, and all 3 titles in the company will be defended, but it does not have as much star power. We’ll see how everything turns out. These are the matches listed in the official preview:
World HWT Title: Jeff Jarrett © vs Ron “The Truth” Killings
X-Division Title: AJ Styles © vs ???
Tag Team Titles: America’s Most Wanted © vs. Nosowa and Miyamoto
Jerry Lynn vs Scott D’Amore
Stretcher Match: Desire vs Trinity
AAA Mini’s in Action
Ron “The Truth” Killings challenging Jeff Jarrett for the NWA World Title will get top billing this week given the history of the parties, be a very good 15-20 minute main event. That is, of course, until the run-ins start. I foresee this match out doing Raven/Jarrett in that department, and that’s a lot of running. I also foresee this match ending in a similar fashion, with the Stroke. There are a lot of parties that could figure into this one: Minsa, 3 Live Kru, D’Lo Brown, Vince Russo and the Elite Guard to name a few. TNA hasn’t done much to show fans that Killings is a prime time player in the build up to this match, but a good showing here would do wonders for his appeal to the new audience. I don’t know how they’re going to do this one, though, because Jarrett needs a big win to start his reign, but Killings need to be protected too, or else he’s replace AJ Styles in fans eyes as Jeff Jarrett’s official bitch.
Another match TNA had been building for the better part of a month leading up to this show was AJ Styles versus Kid Kash, a match that would have kicked all kinds of ass. Unfortunately, as most of you know, Kash has injured himself and is off the show. AJ has issued an open challenge to defend the belt on the big event and speculation has begun. I’d like to see it be Teddy Hart, myself, but most likely, it’ll be Hector Garza, Kazarian or Michael Shane. I say Garza because he won the 6 way on Impact, Shane, because he defeated Chris Sabin a few weeks ago, and ya know, he’s Shawn Michaels cousin or Kazarian because they’ll know it’ll be a good match. If I was a betting man, I’d say they’ll go with Garza though because they appear to want to push and Kazarian simply CANNOT afford another job to Styles. Either way, it should be a good match and I’m sure Dallas, Kash and his crutches will be around. I wouldn’t be surprised to see D’Lo end up facing Dallas on this show too. As long as AJ brings the BEST DROPKICK IN THE BUSINESS with him, I’ll be smiling in the crowd.
America’s Most Wanted will defend the tag belts again Nosowa and Miyamoto in a match that I could care less about. I’d rather see the Naturals in a number one contender’s match in this spot or something. But I digress. I haven’t really been impressed with Nosowa and Miyamoto came off as a Tajiri rip-off on Impact. Now granted, that was the first time I saw him, and my only exposure to Nosowa was the first Super X Cup. I’m sure the Naturals will be lurking around here to continue that feud.
Jerry Lynn will finally get his hand on Scott D’Amore on the show, as well. This match has been building longer than anything in the entire company, and I’m sure that once Lynn FINALLY gives D’Amore the cradle pile driver, the roof will come off the place. With that said, PLEASE TNA, end this feud. Move Lynn back to the X division, reform his team with the Amazing Red. Anything. And please put Team Canada into the Tag division. I have been screaming for a Team Canada/America’s Most Wanted feud and many others have as well. Just do something else with these guys. ANYTHING.
The feud that just will not die will continue here as Desire takes on Trinity in what TNA is billing as the first ever Stretcher match. This is an extension of the Siaki and Kenney/NYC feud. Since Trinity has pretty much spent the last 3 months trying to break Desire’s back again, one would expect Desire to go over here, but hey, I thought Team NWA was going to win the flag match last week, so what do I know. I do know that I don’t think this match is going to be very pretty at all, which is hard for me to stay consider the level of beauty in it.
Raven will pay tribute to The Sheik on this week’s broadcast as well. This is without a doubt going to be the highlight of the show. Who knows what Raven has up his supposed sleeve? I’m sure that this week Raven and Dusty will come to blows, leading to a match to allow TNA to continue the feud without delivering the actual match. Should be very interesting.
There are only 5 matches scheduled this week, most likely because TNA wanted to give big minutes to Jarrett/Killings and Styles/Kash. With Kash out, I wouldn’t be surprised to see them add another match, as I don’t believe Styles versus ??? will get as much time as Styles/Kash. Kash’s injury may be a blessing in disguise for TNA as they can save the big match to headline another show and continue the feud here. As I said earlier, D’Lo versus Dallas would fit quite nicely onto this show.
Before I go, let me quickly discuss some news in the TNA world.
The first Impact rating is in and it’s a 0.32. That is absolutely huge for TNA to draw that kind of viewership in the middle of the day and if they can keep it up, it will give them leverage in negotiating for a better slot.
FX was rumored to have been interested in bringing Impact to its station in prime time. Mike Johnson of PWInsider.com has since shot those rumors now, but it would’ve been great, wouldn’t it?
TNA did not sign Chad Colliyer at the PPV as was widely rumored. It is now being said that they just told him that to get him to come to the show to put over 3LK. If that is true, that is an extremely low move on TNA’s part. I hope they wouldn’t treat the talent so badly, because if they do, that makes them no better than the company they are trying to differentiate themselves from.
TNA has gone ahead with plans to remove Xplosion from smaller markets as of June 30. I think this is a good financial decision on TNA’s part as they were paying to air the shows in slots that no one would possible watch. I think they’d be better off putting the show on their website for viewers who can’t watch it.
That's it and that's all. Lemme know what you guys think. Agree, disagree? I don't care, just FEEDBACK ME!!!!