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Everything posted by TNABaddboi

  1. TNABaddboi

    Some TNA news...

    I believe so. And speaking of old ECW partners TNA could benefit from working with, somebody in the company should definitely be calling Pioneer Entertainment.
  2. TNABaddboi

    XPLOSION recap for 6/2-6/9

    Good recap. I know I said it already in the other thread, but I just wanted to put it in here too.
  3. TNABaddboi

    Some TNA news...

    Especially when you can only buy the damn DVDs online.
  4. TNABaddboi

    The One And Only 6/9/04 PPV Thread.

    Yeah, I usually don't get into star ratings, but I'd give it a solid *** to ***1/2. That finish took at least 1/2* off though. And the pop would have been great if they got the finish right. And yeah, that superplex was insane. I think I let out an OMG too.
  5. TNABaddboi

    More TNA News

    Hopefully the timeslot move is something that has actually been discussed and not just wishful thinking on TNA's part, because that timeslot would improve Impact's chances for success alot. I agree that the six sided ring helps them look different from WWE, and that's important to their success. The Asylum set definitely looked better last night, and once they add the pyro, it will be even better. I'd look forward to a Styles/Daniels feud as well, but Styles/Kash is an excellent substitution.
  6. TNABaddboi

    The One And Only 6/9/04 PPV Thread.

    I was soooo into that match last night. I was on the edge of my seat and for awhile, I had no idea who was going to win. Except the Deadly Draw match, I haven't been completely sucked into a TNA match (or any match) for awhile. And when Styles went up top, I thought what a great way to end this match, and applauded the psychology of him winning his third X title the same way he won his first. And then they blew it. It could have been covered up, which it looked like Kazarian wanted to do, but the ref counted the three anyway. I'm not sure who to blame, as I don't necessary think it was Kazarian or Styles' fault, and I'm sure the ref was instructed to make that count, but that finish blew it for me. It sucked the life out of me. I had to watch the match again to even remember how good the other 19 minutes were.
  7. TNABaddboi

    The One And Only 6/9/04 PPV Thread.

    I think those matches were tapes for DVD releases or something. I read somewhere that they are planning a DVD of "Exclusive" matches that were never broadcasts anywhere, which could be interesting, but might be a disaster because people won't be able to buy the DVD based on how could the matches are. According to Meltz, they taped the usual Xplosion squash matches before the PPV last night. Nothing really jumped out as me except for Rude screwing up the powerbomb and of course, blown finish '04.
  8. TNABaddboi

    The One And Only 6/9/04 PPV Thread.

    Did anyone else notice that when they showed clips of Impact, they showed stuff that didn't air? They have to do a better job catching stuff like that.
  9. TNABaddboi

    The One And Only 6/9/04 PPV Thread.

    I'd say Kazarian held his own here. The match was very good up until the end and felt like it deserved the main event spotlight. The ending took something away from it, but I'm not sure I blame Kazarian solely for that. I think he actually had the right idea of kicking out, because it was clear that Styles COMPLETELY MISSED him, but the ref counted the three away. I would have prefered it they played up Styles missing, then have hit it again or hit a Styles Clash or something. Kind of how they covered Brock missing the Shooting Star Press at WM19. Anything would have been better than just pretending Styles hit him or that Kazarian didn't get his shoulder up well before the three count. Just a terrible, terrible ending.
  10. TNABaddboi

    The One And Only 6/9/04 PPV Thread.

    AJ went up top for the spiral tap, which was clearly going to be the finish, but Kazarian was too close to the corner and Styles overshot him. Didn't touch him at at. I think they were going to redo the spot, because Kazarian kicked out of the cover, but the ref counted to three anyway. Just a horribly blown spot that nearly ruined an excellent match.
  11. TNABaddboi

    The One And Only 6/9/04 PPV Thread.

    Quick Thoughts... The opening segment was ok for what it was, though it ran a little long. Jarrett was drawing good heat though, so it was total waste. 3LK's run in was good, but didn't get as big a pop as it should have. I really enjoyed the tag title match. I haven't enjoyed a Gilberti match that much in forever. I actually liked the development in the Siaki & Kenney and NYC and hope next week is the blow off. Shane and Sabin didn't have enough time to do anything and TNA hasn't really given workers a reason to care about them. The Gut Check match was filler, but David Young and D-Ray's interaction was priceless. I would really like to see them become a team, with Young teaching D-Ray the basics and D-Ray teaching Young how to have a killer instinct. The Six Man was ok, but the Impact version was better. I wish they would end the X Cup stuff. The blow off was USA winning the World Cup, or so I thought. The Triple Jeopardy match was fun, glad Jarrett didn't go through all of 3LK and that Truth pinned him clean. Should add more fuel to the fued and I'm looking forward to the actual match. The main event was fantastic and I felt terrible because the botched finish almost ruined it for me. That looked absolutely horrible and you could tell AJ was upset. But the other 19 minutes of that match were incredible. The crowd was hot for AJ and Kazarian drew great heat. Kazarian really impressed me in his first "money" match. I'm almost sad they took the belt off him and I hope he doesn't get lost in the shuffle, but I think this upcoming Kash/Styles feud is going to rock and the heat will be incredible. I liked the start of the Raven/Sabu feud and Dutt speaking for Sabu is a good way to introduce a personality for him. Hopefully Dutt explains why Sabu doesn't talk. I think we'll see him face Raven on Impact, but who knows. OTHER RANDOM THOUGHTS: The ring looked good in the Asylum and everyone worked well in it. I liked that they added the lights from Impact and liked everyone's new entrances. I like that they more prominently featured the big screen as part of the set. I think they did about as good a job as they possibly could have sprucing up the Asylum. It was close to what they present on Impact, but different. Two thumbs up from me. And the crowd was good again, but only for the matches they had a reason to care about. What does that say TNA?
  12. TNABaddboi

    SPOILER ALERT for tonights show !!

    Yeah Truth will either beat Jarrett or have him beat before interference. Agreed....I wouldn't rule out Jarrett having some sort of back up though. I'm sure they make Truth earn his title shot in some way that can put him over strong for the new audience. Hopefully, anyway ....
  13. TNABaddboi

    SPOILER ALERT for tonights show !!

    I think instead of just saying Daniels is injured and giving the shot to the NYC, they should announce them as the winners and have Tenay and West put over how shocking it is that they won considering their lack of popularity. Then have Russo discover that Gilberti and Swinger hack into the system and rigged the vote and give XXX the match when Daniels is healthy. I thought that was a creative way for them to get around that.
  14. TNABaddboi

    SPOILER ALERT for tonights show !!

    I think instead of just saying Daniels is injured and giving the shot to the NYC, they should announce them as the winners and have Tenay and West put over how shocking it is that they won considering their lack of popularity. Then have Russo discover that Gilberti and Swinger hack into the system and rigged the vote and give XXX the match when Daniels is healthy. I thought that was a creative way for them to get around that.
  15. TNABaddboi

    SPOILER ALERT for tonights show !!

    This is not surprising. I figured the shot would go to Gilberti and Swinger. I liked my explanation though of them hacking into the system and changing the votes. I think TNA should give him a shot as the color commentary on Impact. He did pretty well commentating in ECW and would be a great change of pace to West. Should be interesting....a decent way to kick off the feud. I hope we see Gorgegous George involved here to so we have some continuity. This is an interesting way to start this feud and hold on delivering the actual match. Good move on TNA's part. I wonder how they are going get that over with Sabu saying it.....should be interesting.
  16. TNABaddboi

    Changes in Xplosion

    Amen. And good review. You should see if Dames would let you put that on the main site.
  17. TNABaddboi

    Changes in Xplosion

    Oh yeah, I forgot to mention how much I hate the repetitve commercials, I know they are trying to sell stuff, but we get the point! They could at least mix it up instead of showing the same 3 commercials 5 times each! And it's not like it would be difficult to do a "name vs name" main event. Just use 2 guys who aren't on the PPV card and have it go about 6-7 minutes instead of 3 and bingo, got your Xplosion main event and I'm satisfied. Like this week they could do something like a Kash/Dallas v Siaki/Kenney match and have Kash/Dallas win to get their momentum back. And then they could do a post-match angle with the NYC. Just using those guys as an example because they don't have matches scheduled, but they could do something like that every week very easily.
  18. TNABaddboi

    TNA Letting Fans Choose Who AMW Face On Wednesday

    I'm not sure either, but I don't think they would do that until they run the angle where XXX officially reforms. They've already got them working together, with Daniels teaming with Low-Ki in the tag title tournament and then teaming with Skipper in the X Cup, so I would assume we aren't too far off from that.
  19. TNABaddboi

    TNA officially adopts 6-sided ring full time

    I have only seen the best of the title matches DVD, and I'm ordering the Ultimate X one coming out, but judging just from the quality of that DVD, I'd definitely say it's worth it. It's a well-produced 2 disc set and almost all the matches are shown entirely.
  20. TNABaddboi

    TNA Letting Fans Choose Who AMW Face On Wednesday

    Nope...no results. After you vote, it just says something like join us wednesday on PPV to see your match or something like that. So yeah, it's definitely fixed. And the more I think about it, the more I think they're going with Gilberti and Swinger
  21. TNABaddboi

    TNA Letting Fans Choose Who AMW Face On Wednesday

    I really enjoyed the tag match on Impact. It was a nice chance of pace from the high spot matches in that it was different, but not worse. I was actually a little disappointed that they changed the titles there as I thought Kash and Dallas were coming into their own as a team and could have benefitted from a longer feud with AMW before dropping the belts to them. And it's not like they weren't over. Well, Kash was over, and Dallas benefitted from the residual heat.
  22. TNABaddboi

    TNA officially adopts 6-sided ring full time

    Amen....if this isn't an example of the blind TNA hate that people always talk about, then I don't know what is. No matter what move they make, they are going to be wrong in some eyes. For much of the beginning of their existence, people said they weren't doing anything but poorly imitating WWE, which is a point I can agree with because I have always believed to have any chance for success they have to differentiate themselves from WWE in any and every way possible, and IMHO, this is a good way for them to start doing that. As long as the matches don’t suddenly all start sucking, long time fans will get used to the hexagon ring (I was opposed to it myself when I first heard the rumors, but at the conclusion of the show, my first thought was I hope they used it on the PPVs too) and casual fans might take notice too. I feel your pain. I'd love to suggest they come to Atlanta, but from the shows I've attended in my 13 years of living here (granted I haven't been to that many, just all the RAWs between 1999-2001 that were here and one Nitro in 1995), the crowds are usually just as dead they are in Nashville. The only time I've seen a live crowd here was the RAW were ECW was added to the invasion, but that was because they hot shotted a year's worth of angles during that one episode.
  23. TNABaddboi

    TNA officially adopts 6-sided ring full time

    I remember reading that when they purchased these rings, they also brought 2 new regulars, which I don't understand now....
  24. TNABaddboi

    TNA officially adopts 6-sided ring full time

    If they move, I don't think they should do the pay per views at Universal either b/c they'll burn out the crowd there too. I think they should either find a nicer arena in Tennessee or move to another area of Florida.
  25. TNABaddboi

    TNA officially adopts 6-sided ring full time

    Me too. I think this is a great move on TNA's part. Agreed again. The worst thing that could happen was for new fans who liked the ring to buy the PPV and be disappointed.