Tim Cooke
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Everything posted by Tim Cooke
"Bottom line though is that everyone has their own opinion on what they feel is a good match and what isnt." That's great in the grand scheme of "opinions can't be wrong" but what I was pointing out were major flaws that prevented the match from even being able to take the form of a good match. If they would have laid out the match better (better face/heel structure which would lead to control segments) and positioned the spots in a manner where they would have got the best crowd reaction for each spot, then we wouldn't be having this discussion. Well, maybe we would. But at least the match would have had some structure. Whether it would have been my cup of tea, probably not, but all I would be arguing then is that the people giving it the MOTY hype are smoking the ratings bong. "My major argument was that a match that had me personally on my feet near the end of it in anticipation of the finish would no way get only *** 1/2 from me and I am really shocked that anyone would rate this match that low. But as I said, to each their own - but it's just something I still don't get after reading long winded post after long winded post here." I wouldn't say long winded, I would say analytical. I love 24 on Fox. I mark like hell for almost everything, regardless of if it makes sense. But I wouldn't argue the merits of an illogical storyline or scene if it was so, even if I am "standing on my feet during the segment marking out." Enjoying matches that make you pop is one thing. Debating their actual merits is another. "A lot of the points made about the structure of the match and build of it being weak - I didnt see personally, but I've only watched it a few times and I'm not one to breakdown a match piece by piece in most cases, which maybe is the difference here." I watched it once, didn't take one note, and write my case against it 24 hours later. I certainly didn't break the match down like scientists would break the atom down. It was just clear from paying attention what was going on. "I felt XXX had been established enough as the heels in the weeks past on Impact as well, with teams like the Naturals actually helping XXX assault AMW before, etc. I dont think I mind that the heels and faces werent defined though to the n'th degree but thats just me (and maybe my love to ECW)." Then why didn't XXX heel it up? Daniels sort of did but Skipper didn't follow and eventually Daniels stopped doing it. Just being able to show who is the face and who is the heel would help so much in getting the crowd into the early part. I have been to shows where a match can contain 50 million dives and indy innovation spots and get no response. And on that same card, two unknown wrestlers, who establish their characters early on and get the crowd engaged with them, have a simple match with a ton of heat. I'm not saying go Hulk Hogan and work the same lazy match each and every time out. What I am saying is make the early parts of the match matter more in the grand scheme of things so every PPV you don't have to risk killing yourself to get over. Look at where it got Jeff Hardy... "All I know was it started out fast with some good cage brawling" It was back and forth, back and forth, with no one showing any semblence of a storyline. The whole "we are equal" thing was done in the first two lock up's. After that, it was mindless. "early blood" Which will probably be expected the next time a cage match comes along since it was established here. "and in general, not wasting much time to get somewhere." They didn't waste much time getting no where early on, as indicated by the back and forth randomness. "Working the highspots at a certain time, such as doing Daniels elbow some other time, wasnt a big deal to me since logic concludes that he was up by the top of the cage anyway after the Skipper highspot and they were going to attempt to finish off Harris with the two big manuevers one after another." That's all well and good but it got much less heat and by that logic, failed to engage the crowd as much as it could have in a spot before the Skipper rana. "Example - even though I dont think it was the greatest match ever, Foley taking the fall from the HIAC match with Taker right away didnt make it a worse rated match if it would have been held til the end of the match." There is plenty of other stuff that is a mess in that match but that is for another thread, another time. If ***1/2 out of ***** is good but something you wouldn't watch again, then what is *****? Something worth watching 1 1/2 times? I might be on a 30 star scale with your system. Tim
"TNA has rarely been able to deliver a product that their audience wants. This match did just that, and considering TNA's recent circumstances, I can't see how that is a bad thing." It is short term thinking. Short term thinking will only end TNA up where WCW is now, dead. It's a no win situation. The X-Division started off fairly hot with lots of new and innovative spots that no one had seen before on TV. It was fresh. But then the freshness wore off, wrestlers had to try to up themselves, and the matches became either masturbatory or just a bunch of spots, have hit and half blown. If TNA had given their audience a product early on that actually followed some of the basic principles of wrestling, they would be fine by rolling out this glamorous spot fest because they could go back to having regular matches after the big spot fest was over and the crowd would be fine with it. But they didn't go that route so now they have to up the ante next time they want to put on something spectacular (unless they have some wrestlers who are able to connect with the audience through more than high spots). If the next TNA PPV doesn't have something as high risk as the cage match from December, will the show be praised? I doubt it, unless they have the worlds most solid undercard, which they really don't. Tim
First, my apologies to DK if my response came off as jerky. Wasn't in the greatest mood yesterday. Anyways..... "I couldn't agree with you more. I know that work is only half the battle and honestly they accomplished that half IMO. As far as the intelligence in this match.........it's extremely low. I thought it was a fun match to watch however and I didn't get the trainwreck feel that you did Tim. Would you mind elaborating on that some? I'm not being a smartass.....I really would like to hear your opinion on it." When I watched the match, I was never given something to latch on to and follow throughout the match. The opening minute or two at least established that both teams were pretty equal. Then they did a bunch of trading back and forth of moves before the face in peril segment happened. Then the high spots which climaxed at the top of the cage rana with everything afterwards losing me. Not that the cage rana had to end the match, but a little bit of spacing and thinking through of placement for spots would have been much appreciated. From what I have read, the weeks leading up to the PPV, XXX has hand cuffed AMW numerous times and beat them down. Wouldn't AMW want to come out guns blazing and destroy XXX to start until something was able to turn the tide for XXX to get the match back in their favor? So then the fans would be clamoring for AMW to make the hot tag (and XXX handcuffing one of the AMW guys would have complimented the match really well), hot tag is made, AMW cleans house briefly and then they run the the 8 minutes of high spots and near finishes building from small to big, climaxing with AMW getting the most important victory of their careers. Just some basic structure so that watching the match wasn't like trying to connect the dots of a biazzare picture. I doubt the match would have been as great as people are calling it now, but if it was at least laid out like that, they would have a better chance for crowd heat throughout the match (not just pleasing one person who likes to write some thoughts on wrestling). "Also, I WILL try and stick up for the fact that neither team was booked as face or heel at least IMO." Yea, I understand that. That is obviously the bookers responsibility first and foremost. But Daniels did try to heel it up a little but his partner couldn't be bothered to join in, probably worrying if he would die from the spot he would attempt later. AMW are natural faces. Honestly, I really liked them early on in TNA when they had Brian Lee and Slash to help them work through matches. They are a really neat southern babyface tag team, even modernized enough to work in 2004. But your point about no heels or faces being booked doesn't make up for the fact that the first 3/4's of the match are basically worthless because the crowd obviously didn't care at all and it wasn't like they were building to the bigger spots. A face/heel dynamic at the very least (and I suspect it would have helped a lot more) would have been able to get crowd reactions for smaller spots earlier on and then would have shocked the crowd later with the big high spots. But since their first cage match was based on high risk spots and they didn't use a face/heel dynamic, they crowd was waiting for the high risk stuff. "People always cheer Daniels no matter what and people always boo AMW no matter what. Not saying everyone, but the crowds are divided on those guys, so I would chalk this up to TNA being poor at not defining their roles for them in the match. The face in peril thing in essence shouldn't work well(and it really didn't in this case) if the roles aren't clear. I agree with you as far as the big spot should be the ending too..........." Yea, it is the overall booking of TNA that lead them to this- plus running one place for 2 years and then running the same place for the last 5 months doesn't help as the same fans over and over will eventually dictate what they want. As for the rana spot ending the match- it didn't have to if Daniels had hit his elbow prior off of the top of the cage, they figured a way to temporarily "KO" on member of XXX and then hit the finisher on the other member. "Honestly, I think it would have been good if AMW went dick heel in this match considering the amount of blood that Daniels lost for no reason. They could have had them build to his juice in the typical "look at us making your hero bleed spot" and then XXX could have done the "we need to hit highspots to win.....we have nothing left" type ending. Maybe that isn't explaining it enough, but I think you'll know what I mean." If AMW would have heeled it up, that would have been terrific. All I wanted to see was some type of heel/face dynamic, a staple of professional wrestling. Instead I got 4 guys beating each other up to stay together as a team. NO attachment. That's why I think most of the 2002 ROH stuff and some of the 2003-early 2004 ROH stuff is so over rated...too much face vs. face even though both act like heels throughout the match. "The only thing I will add is the "Best match ever" etc. chants from the crowd. Regardless if the match was technically perfect or not, for TNA to get a crowd excited like that is a step in the right direction. If that match sucked, they need to do a lot more matches that suck." Oh, the final minutes of the match no doubt satisfied the crowd. But what next? Surely the next matches will be disappointing if they don't feature such high risk stuff like rana's off of the top of the cage. The WWF had something special with their TLC matches and they have all but killed that gimmick off because of over use and bad booking with it. The next thing that would have had to happen to really pop the crowd would have been someone jump off of the roof of the building and go through a table. "I love wrestling more than just about anyone on this board" I love wrestling too, my bank statements prove that for better or for worse. In fact, 2004 was the best year I have had watching present wrestling since Feb-March 2001 with WCW. So your point? "but you people who write paragraphs and paragraphs about actual matches and why they do and don't make sense and how they build and etc. etc. really do need to get a life. You are quite sad." This is the best you can come back with? Honestly. I am writing this stuff while bored at work. I am not laboring on and on at all hours of the day just to get off by writing about a TNA match. But thanks for your contribution, I had a feeling this is what you would say. Tim
"On the positive side I will say that everyone in the match worked their asses off and it showed." Never disputed they worked hard. But that's only half the battle. Let's say I have a job that requires me to add up 100's of numbers for a final calculation. I bust my ass getting into work and staying late to produce a final product. While everyone else is taking a lunch break, I am working. And when I turn in my final analysis, the total sum of the numbers is wrong. Yea, I worked hard, but hard work only gets you so far. "I think the reason why so many people went apeshit after seeing the match was there hasn't been too much if any stuff in TNA's history like this." Agreed. "It was EVIDENT that everyone in the match was really busting their ass and trying to give this match a special feel to it." Agreed. "I also think that Tim is being critical of something that he needs to get over. Companies like TNA and WWE could give two shits if the matches are worked in the way that you were explaining. I'm not saying it's better that way and I would agree that it is lacking and actually somewhat insulting to the "smart" fan." I am talking Pro Wrestling 101. I'm not asking for the TNA guys to go out there and work a match that is based around selling. I am saying that if you want to work a spot fest, work it intelligently. Simple things like a hot face run to start the match (which they kind of did but there was still too much back and forth stuff for the fans to get into who to cheer), a face in peril segment (which they did, but had no heat because of the messed up first segment), and then go to your finishing spots with each spot building until you hit the biggest spot and take it home. "That IMO, is the reason why I watch Indy's and Puro stuff. It's about the only wrestling out there with a brain or is at least remotely reasonable when it comes to builds and selling etc." Again, this isn't asking to build a masterpiece. This is just common sense so that the crowd will at least have a chance to get into the early stages of the match. If the crowd still doesn't react, then the workers can at least say they did their best and the problem lies in the booking, etc. Non Lucha fans think lucha is spoteriffic. But most Lucha match builds from the ground to the rope running spots, to the flying spots. If this match would have built from a hot face run to a face in peril segment to the high spot near finishes, I bet it would have got more heat earlier in the match as well as got more heat for the dive spots at the end. I have no problem watching a fun spotfest. But watching this was like watching a train wreck, when a little bit of thinking could have made the match so much better. But since the TNA fans now see that TNA will give them high risk spots, they will only pop for those. But why shouldn't they? The wrestlers and the booking have given them no other reason to. Tim
"I thought the match built well until the Skipper spot, and then there was a bit of an anticlimax. The Skipper spot was to contrived and took too long to set up, but it served it's purpose of having everyone talking about that match." How did it build well? If it built well, they would have got heat at the very least for the hot tag (though, with the handcuffs gimmick, they pretty much squandered the notion of the hot tag). But they didn't do that. There was never a clear story presented in the ring. They both wanted to win so badly so they just went move after move after move without any thoughts or reasoning behind what they were doing? The Skipper spot was contrived. And it took forever to set up. But my real problem isn't with the spot. It is with the stuff that happens after, like Daniels elbow drop, which got little reaction. It is very telling when the crowd was dead silent through the first 3/4's of the match until the high risk spots came. What does TNA have to do next time to get heat, have someone jump off the roff of the building on to someone in the ring? Tim
"While I know everyone has a right to an opinion, I just dont get some people - I swear they have to "go against the grain" of a rating or overall majority feeling of a certain match just to be different or to act like they know more than anyone else. While I'm not saying this is the case here, I just think its a weird dynamic of some of the IWC." To go against something just to do it is ridiculous. To go against something for a reason that you can validate with some reasonable logic is another. I have watched enough TNA to know that the company is incapable of producing a great match. So when I read all the reviews and Meltzer smoking the ratings stash by giving it ****3/4, I wanted to check it out just to make sure I wasn't missing anything. "Whatever the case though, as it pertains to this opinion - I think it is sad though about some people's overcriticalness of a clearly very solid match" Very solid match? What was solid about the match? The moves were hit cleanly for the most part so that is defintely a plus but that makes a solid match? "as it just generally narrows the mind so much about the sport that you miss out on alot of aspects that make it great to be a fan of wrestling." This is just an off shoot of, "Don't think while you are watching a match." I've attended 3 shows in the past 3 months that have satisfied my wrestling fandom in more ways than I can imagine. There are no doubt people like this match. That's not the issue. I like the Mighty Mighty Bosstones a lot. But I would never say that they are an all time great. This match isn't close to being an all time great like some (even respected people) have said. "Again though, everyone has a right to their own opinion, but I just think its funny how nitpicking some people can be in general, as even the most hardcore book or film critics can't touch some IWC posters." I've seen plenty of TV/Film/Book critics who are way more critical than wrestling fans are. "It's like, why are you even bothering to watch if you are turning a viewing of a match into a intrical surgical breakdown of things without seeing the big picture, that is was just a fun match to watch?" Because, like I said in my intital post, the match may be fun to watch once, but a true "classic" or whatever key word or star ratings that are being thrown around for this match indicate, it is nothing more than a one time thing. A true classic or great match is able to stand up to a criteria that all great wrestling matches share aspects of. "It also demeans the hard work all 4 of these guys put forth in this match to do something worthwhile and memorable with the 20 minutes they were given." Nah, you know what is even more demaning? The quiet reaction Daniels got after he did his elbow off of the top of the cage. Daniels risking his body for a spot is admirable. But with a little pre-thinking, the reward of getting a large reaction would have made that spot even better. "The fact that there is a comparison here of this match and ROH Scramble matches (which are usually memorable but even MORE spotty and illogically built than this match in most cases) is something I definately dont agree with." So give me the reasons. The first scramble cage was designed to be a high risk spot fest where you climbed the cage to get to the platform to do the dives off of and try to win the match. Spot fu? Of course. But it didn't promise to be anything more. The latest Scramble Cage was designed to eliminate your opponent with a dive off of the plat form. Again, it didn't promise to be an epic, it promised to be a stunt extravaganza. "Dare I say this statement may have more to do with a "ROH Rules, TNA drools" mentality than anything." Sure you could dare to say that, but you would be wrong. I could have mentioned any of the TLC matches for at the very least building the match in an order of simpler spots to middle spots to the biggest spots. "Plus to say there was no build here - umm, they have been on and off feuding (and more "on" in the last 4-5 months) for a very long time." The BUILD of the match. You know, what is actually going on in the ring during the early portions of the match. Besides not hitting 2 moves off of the top of the cage, the opening of the match was wrestled the same as the middle and the ending. "That, to me, shows just a lack of knowledge about the current TNA product and their program than anything." See above. "I guess TNA, once again, can't do anything right, huh?" No, they could do it right. They could have layed the match out better so enhance better crowd reaction for the spots. I would rather watch a good spot fest than a poorly laid out and contrived spot fest. Tim
"Ricky Morton >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Everyone ever fucking created by God in being the face getting his ass kicked and getting the crowd support." Ricky Morton as the best babyface seller is almost a myth now. Take a look at a decent sample of RnR Express work from Mid South to NWA to Smokey Mountain. The face in peril segments are split fairly even between Morton and Gibson. And Gibson would get just as much heat for his comebacks as Morton would. This is not to say that Ricky Morton was useless by any means but his partner, who has always been considered of lesser quality than himself, has actually done just as well in that role when you go back and look at the tapes. Now take a look at Tommy Rogers and Bobby Fulton. I like Fulton much more than some other people. But that said, the difference between him in peril and Rogers in peril is night and day. Fulton was a very good face in peril. He would sell the beat down well, make little comebacks to show the crowd he wasn't dead, and get the hot tag. Same formula as Morton and Gibson. But Tommy Rogers was on another level. Rogers would sell the initial transition from him being on offense to the heels taking over in a BIG way to emphasize the change of momentum. But right after that, he would tone it down and work it back up throughout the beat down. If you look at the Clash 1 match, when Eaton and Lane do the drop toe hold/elbow drop, Rogers is virtually dead. Now Eaton and Lane supplied the great offense leading up to that and placed the move where it needed to be but some people would sell everything like death instead of a gradual build. Rogers wasn't flawless after making the hot tag as he would often recover too fast, but outside of the best AJPW guys, that is a constant. Tim
"You are out of your mind. Paul London only work an Indy style, which is far worse than teh Sports Entertanemnt Style. Kery Von Erich was an aweful heel, Rey Mystero is a one-trick pony, Tully never shined when it mattered most and Martel was mainly a mid-card loser for a reason." Rey as a one trick pony and London only working an indy style that as you put it so eloquently is "far worse than the sports enterainment style" is a pretty clear indication on yoru stance for wrestling. And Tommy Rogers > Shawn Michaels in terms of a babyface getting beat down and making his comebacks. Tim
Not even close. 6/3/94 by a mile. Tim
The OAO Mystery Science Theater 3000 Thread
Tim Cooke replied to DMann2003's topic in Television & Film
Can you list out the crucial must see's? Would love to track down the must see's that I haven't gotten yet. Thanks, Tim -
If this interview was done for real, then it is horrible. If this interview was done as a joke, it wasn't funny at all. Tim
Jesus Christ! RF Video doing a SABU shoot!
Tim Cooke replied to LucharesuFan619's topic in General Wrestling
So that was RF's huge announcement? Who cares about Sabu now anyway? Only impact he had was on ECW rube fans and Rey Jr./Konan in AAA. Tim -
Maybe the funniest thing I have ever read about wrestling. Russo couldn't even make this stuff up. Bob Ryder going to IHOP and asking for their opinions one week and then turning on them the next week is classic. But the heel section is so stupid in general. They said they should have went to 3PW or ROH. The last thing ROH needed during the heel sections "glory days" was a bunch of rag tag rubes going against the medium because they need to feel special.
Bob Barnett heard through the grapevine from a big mouth backstage that Jarrett/Mantel are out and Dusty is in. Tim
Regardless of who wins the match, I really hope they don't go the 60+ minute route. All along the story has had Punk as the smartest of Joe's challengers (through 10/2 when Danielson was able to do so) by figuring out a strategy that he could at least hang with him and get a re-match. I think it would be best for Punk to come out firing with a new strategy and be able take Joe out in 25-30 minutes. If they were doing the match in February of 2005 or later, going 60+ wouldn't be a problem with me. I guess it is more of a wait and see thing but I have my concerns about the rube Elizabeth crowd being able to handle a third 60 minute match, when most probably won't see 10/16 prior. Tim
Joe's title reign can come to an end against Punk. Not saying it will- but the booking to this point would make a lot of sense. What is more satisfying? Joe defeating Punk after Punk draws him twice or Punk finally overcoming Joe? I think the latter is clearly better. If Joe beats Punk, Punk is done with Joe and puts ROH into a deeper hole with how to end the Joe's reign, unless they have some brillant idea packed away. Punk winning the title leads to many more feuds as said above. Shelley, Danielson, Homicide, etc. Joe then has his situation with Ki, which is a main event angle that doesn't need a title to draw. Not saying Joe will lose on 12/4. But if the match goes to a draw some how or Punk just loses, it is very unsatisfying booking. See Baba waiting WAY too long to pull the trigger on Kawada to go over Misawa. Tim
What was wrong with it from being ****3/4 or *****? What matches have you given ***** in the past? Just curious... Tim
Thanks a ton! Tim
Apex AD-1100W DVD Player Will it play Region 2 DVD's without having to hack into the system? Looking at the machine, it has the option to switch from NTSC to PAL. Plus, I often pick up a UK based magazine for Game Cube called "Cube" and it comes with a Region 2 only DVD with game previews. This disc (which is half the size of a DVD) will play on my Apex machine as it fits right into the smaller slot on the DVD machine. I ask all of this because I am deeply into British comedy and ordered a DVD the other day from UK amazon and am hoping it will work so I can order more. If anyone can confirm or deny this, the help is appreciated. If it doesn't work, what is a CHEAP region free DVD player that won't run me more than 100.00 US? Thanks Tim
Apex AD-1100W DVD Player Will it play Region 2 DVD's without having to hack into the system? Looking at the machine, it has the option to switch from NTSC to PAL. Plus, I often pick up a UK based magazine for Game Cube called "Cube" and it comes with a Region 2 only DVD with game previews. This disc (which is half the size of a DVD) will play on my Apex machine as it fits right into the smaller slot on the DVD machine. I ask all of this because I am deeply into British comedy and ordered a DVD the other day from UK amazon and am hoping it will work so I can order more. If anyone can confirm or deny this, the help is appreciated. If it doesn't work, what is a CHEAP region free DVD player that won't run me more than 100.00 US? Thanks Tim
Bryan Danielson is an easy pick, at least for someone who gets to actually show up on tape. Everything below is an easy ***+ match: 4/16 vs. Rocky Romero (NJ-USA) - ***1/2 4/17 vs. Samoa Joe (PWG) - ***1/4 4/23 vs. C.M. Punk (ROH) - ***1/4 4/24 vs. Homicide (ROH) - ****1/2 6/24 vs. Jack Evans (ROH) - *** (may be a stretch to have this at *** but for being a purely fun match, it fits that rating in my mind) 6/24 vs. Austin Aries (ROH) - **** 7/31 vs. Arik Cannon (IWA-MS) - ***1/4 8/7 vs. Austin Aries (ROH) - ****1/4 8/21 vs. Chris Hero (IWA-MS) - ***1/2 9/11 vs. Alex Shelley (ROH) - ***1/4 9/15 vs. Chris Hero (IWA-MS) - *** (still need to re-watch this one so that is with a grain of salt) 9/16 vs. AJ Styles (IWA-MS) - ***1/2 9/17 vs. Alex Shelley (IWA-MS) - *** 9/18 vs. C.M. Punk (IWA-MS) - ***1/4 9/18 vs. Mike Quakenbush (IWA-MS) - ***1/2 10/2 vs. Samoa Joe (ROH) - ****1/4 11/5 vs. Jushin Liger (ROH) - ***3/4 11/6 w/ Low Ki vs. Liger/Joe (ROH) - ***3/4 Take into consideration that he was suppose to take on Romero on 7/23 and Walters on 7/24 in ROH but had to go to NJ at the last minute. The first would have been awesome and the second could have been Walters best match ever. He was supposed to take on Ian Rotten in 10/04 in IWA-MS which could have added another match. And these ratings are not *** on the "Idiot" SKeith rating system. *** means you should see. ***1/2+ means you should go out of your way to see. ****+ means if you don't see it, you are missing out on true MOTYC's. Tim
What's wrong with Danielson v Joe?
Ah the old "you look too much into matches" statement. The dumbest statement on the internet. Tim
Is this list of puroresu matches missing anything?
Tim Cooke replied to theintensifier's topic in General Wrestling
"The Destroyer vs. Mil Mascaras 10/9/73" Really good match, but their 07/74 re-match is the classic. Worth seeing though as a comparison to the 1974 match. "Lou Thesz & Karl Gotch vs. Antonio Inoki & Seiji Sakaguchi 10/14/73" Historically significant. Not so good otherwise. "JACK BRISCO v DORY FUNK JR 1/27/74" I would rather poke my eyes out than watch this ever again. "JACK BRISCO v JUMBO TSURUTA 1/30/74" World's better than the Brisco v Dory match but these two have had better against each. Get their 08/76 match. "MIL MASCARAS v THE DESTROYER 7/25/74" Classic. MOTDC. "Antonio Inoki vs. Billy Robinson 12/11/75" Great match. I don't like it as much as some others but it is still a very good match. "Jumbo Tsuruta vs. Terry Funk 6/11/76" MOTDC. "Jumbo Tsuruta vs Jack Brisco 8/28/76" This is their great match. "Harley Race vs. Jumbo Tsuruta 6/11/77" Excellent match. MOTYC but a shade below MOTDC for me. "Jumbo Tsuruta vs Mil Mascaras 8/25/77" Haven't seen yet. "Antonio Inoki vs. Bob Backlund 6/1/78" Lynch doesn't have this. Dan Ginnetty is the only person is the US who will have this match once he gets it in his latest batch of tapes. "Antonio Inoki vs. Bob Backlund 7/27/78" MOTYC. Maybe even MOTDC. Tons of excellent mat work and build throughout three falls of work. "Dynamite Kid vs Tiger Mask 4/23/81" Over rated. *Snip a lot of the 80's stuff as it isn't essential unless your a completionist" "Tsuruta/Tenryu vs Choshu/Yatsu 1/28/86" Tag Match of the Deacde. "JUMBO TSURUTA VS GENICHIRO TENRYU 6/5/89" MOTDC. There are plenty of pimping posts out there for 90's work. Do some looking around. John Williams posts at DVDVR in the Best Matches of the 90's section are a good place to start. Tim -
Spanky v Homicide is another match that does deserve mentioning. Left it off my list because I haven't seen it since I sent it to Mike. Very deserving. Homicide's follow up to his great match with Danielson.