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Tim Cooke

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Everything posted by Tim Cooke

  1. Tim Cooke

    Ric Flair: Greatest worker, wrestler...

    Vader didn't carry Sting. It was clearly Vader's match but Sting did everything in his role perfectly. Vader carried Inoki on 1/4/96. Jumbo didn't carry Kobashi on 5/24/91. They worked as an equal partnership, though it was clear that Kobashi was the young upstart who had little chance of dethroning Tsuruta. Vader and Sting worked together. Tim
  2. Tim Cooke

    Ric Flair: Greatest worker, wrestler...

    Jumbo too....don't know how that slipped...maybe it is my intense dislike of wrestling that I have been feeling for the past couple of days. Oh and to the guy who said Sting in his prime wasn't as good as Austin... Sting vs. Vader (7/12/92, 12/27/92, and 2/21/93). I'd put Austin's best against any of those. Survivor Series....haven;t seen in quite a while. Possibly... The WM match versus Hart has Austin bleeding but not adding to the match as much as Sting contributed in all three matches. Mania 17 was an outstandingly FUN match, but not MOTYC level of the Sting/Vader series. And the Benoit Smackdown match....nope, if just because the Raw match was better and that match doesn't come close to Vader/Sting. Tim
  3. Tim Cooke

    20 Most Essential Matches (1982-2001)

    GAB 90 actually. And yes, I would definetly be open to debating that against Eddy/Rey. Tim
  4. Tim Cooke


    I am a fan of America's Most Wanted. But as far as a babyface tag team following the RnR/Rockers persona, Spanky/London are worlds better. The Velocity match from tonight proved that (and they had a decent opponent in Stan Dupp to work with) but it also shows the quality of TNA's work. The Velocity match was no more than 6 minutes, yet it did so much without rushing through everything. Got the London/Spanky team over as being faster, put heat on London for a good segment, and then went to the finish. The hot tag wasn't perfect but I have NEVER seen AMW do a hot tag correctly. AMW needs to focus on the fundamentals that London/Spanky showed: * Don't start every match with a brawl. One of my favorite tags is the MX/Fantastics Clash I brawl. But that brawl meant something. Establish your characters, hit your moves, do some double teams, and by the time you are done, you should be ready to transition offense. * Learn how to make the hot tag. Always tease comebacks. The sunset flip spot is cliche, but it works. Build up the crowd for the hot tag. * Work smooth. Make everything count. Don't just do moves because you think you can do them. That's two weeks in a row of London/Spanky on Velocity and two weeks that I have been satisfied. Tim
  5. Tim Cooke

    20 Most Essential Matches (1982-2001)

    What's better than Rey/Eddy? The Flair/Steamboat series is nothing more than a faster paced version of 6/11/76 Jumbo vs Funk. That is of course if you were thinking Flair/Steamboat. Tim, waiting for a Bret Hart match to be nominated.
  6. Tim Cooke

    Ric Flair: Greatest worker, wrestler...

    Many people have documented his house show matches as being crappy when Bret wanted to be lazy and good when he wanted to be good. Tim
  7. Tim Cooke

    Ric Flair: Greatest worker, wrestler...

    In terms of North America: Juventud Guerrera (1994-3/96) Eddy Guerrero El Hijo del Santo Barry Windham Chris Benoit over Flair. So about 6th in the US. Oh, forgot Destroyer. Tim
  8. Tim Cooke

    Ric Flair: Greatest worker, wrestler...

    Define worker and wrestler or else this discussion is useless. I view worker and wrestler as characteristics in the same. Flair is praised for having so many great matches. Here is a list of wrestlers who had just as many great matches that were in most cases better than 95% of Flair's best matches. Mitsuharu Misawa Toshiaki Kawada Kenta Kobashi (just look at how his 1993 was better than any 3 years of Flair's combined) Jushin Liger Nobuhiko Takada Akira Hokuto Minami Toyota Aja Kong Volk Han So no, as much as I like Flair, he doesn't come close to the above wrestlers in terms of the quality and substance in matches. Tim
  9. Tim Cooke

    Tremendous ROH Rant I found...

    Because they wrestled at the Road to the Title and Dragon wanted a re-match to avenge the loss. So ROH set it up as a 30 minute iron man match. Sometimes simplicity is strong. Tim
  10. Tim Cooke

    ROH Fans

    They are real since UFC is REAL. Wow, that's a coincidence. Tim
  11. Tim Cooke

    Tremendous ROH Rant I found...

    This is McGovern you are talking about.....enough said. Tim
  12. Tim Cooke

    ROH Fans

    Funny stuff. ROH def has a weirder fan base that likes to get themselves over but the atmosphere added to 4/12....oh, but you don't like 4/12 that much. Nevermind. Tim
  13. Tim Cooke


    Was banned unjustly and received a public apology. Tim
  14. Tim Cooke


    They didn't team once in ROH. Tim
  15. Tim Cooke

    Benoit in OVW

    Seen the Basham match. Old school with Benoit controlling out of an arm bar for the first half, then a fairly weak heel transition to put Basham on offense. His offense was pretty good but had a few too many holes with stomps, etc. ***ish. Tim
  16. Tim Cooke

    Dynamite Kid/Tiger Mask

    DK as a shoot style winner. That is your winner of the day. Dan Ginnetty ([email protected]) has the original TM/DK comps that has been floating around. Tim
  17. Tim Cooke

    20 Most Essential Matches (1982-2001)

    Who wrote this since no site or credit was given (as is usual in these parts). The list is so inaccurate with facts that any of the choices are just icing on the cake. I would say someone like Nutty or Crimson Mask wrote this, but I know they didn't since it doesn't have Dory Funk or Jack Brisco on it. Tim
  18. Tim Cooke

    10 Essential Pay-Per-View Events

    Starrcade 1996 was the *height* of the up and down WCW card during the Bischoff era. Tim
  19. Tim Cooke

    This talk about TNA Expansion

    ROH makes more money than TNA. TNA has never made a profit. ROH has profitted on 75-80% of their shows, if not more. Tim
  20. Tim Cooke

    This talk about TNA Expansion

    Same lineage though. And as of the print deadline for today's WON, Hogan still had not signed a contract with TNA yet. Tim
  21. Tim Cooke

    Shocker vs Ultimo Guerrero

    When did this match air? Tim
  22. Tim Cooke

    This talk about TNA Expansion

    Double post. My bad.
  23. Tim Cooke

    This talk about TNA Expansion

    TNA has not made *any* profit in the history of their company. That is a fact. ROH, on the other hand, has to sell 400 tickets to break even on a show. Anything after 400 tickets and *all* video tape sales are profit. They have failed to reach 400 twice in 2003, both times in Pittsburgh, and they will not be returning there. It is a fact the TNA papers their audience. Meltzer reports in EVERY WON issue that TNA sells 250-300 tickets and papers the rest. About exposure: ECW got National TV on TNN and failed to produce in the ratings and also failed to deliver higher buy rates. WCW, in it's dying days, drew 2.5's on Nitro (which is more people watching their show then TNA could imagine possible) but couldn't deliver on PPV. Product was a problem but the last 3 PPV's were a much improved step up from the dismal 2000 PPV's which Russo produced. Bottom line, making money is how you suceed in the business. Panda will run out of money if TNA doesn't make a profit. WCW, with Ted Turner's large sums of money, ran out of money. No one ever thought that would happen. Regardless of TNA's wrestling and storylines, they have a small syndicated show which doesn't reach many of the top 20 markets and the one's they are in don't even show up in the ratings. Oh and Sting being a draw....when did he draw last? 1997 is the answer, against Hogan/NWO. Sting isn't a draw. In TNA, Jarrett and Raven and even Styles are more of a draw than Sting is. TNA keeps on hanging on, but only God knows how. Tim
  24. Tim Cooke

    Just watched...

    Underwhelmed. The best Wargames I have seen are the 1992 WCW version, the 1991 WCW version, and the 1987 NWA version. Very simply, the match is good at best. With the workers being as limited as they are, they do a good job in playing their roles respectivly. The faces are upbeat and play to the crowd, especially when Onyx comes in and is able to really show some fire. The heels do some nice work too, though they rely way too much on some standard sequences. Cross does the 360 into a leg drop at least twice. Yet before he does his first, he hits a release dragon suplex and a brainbuster which really lead to nothing but being plain spots. The opening five minutes have NOTHING on the 1991 (Windham/Pillman) or 1992 (Windham/Austin) segments in terms of wrestling, heat, or story. The rest of the match has its up's but also suffers it's downs as well. In the 1992 version, the heel beatdowns never get boring as there are so many spots brought to the table by Arn Anderson, Barry Windham, Steve Austin, and Dustin Rhodes that the action stays constantly hot. MOTYC? Not unless *** constitutes a MOTYC. A full review later possibly, though I don't know if I really want to sit through the match again. It was okay the first time around, but the second time around, I fear my head may spin off. Tim
  25. Tim Cooke

    Great Article On Hogan And How He Benefits TNA And

    Note the common courtesy. But that's it. Tim