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The Mandarin

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Everything posted by The Mandarin

  1. The Mandarin

    Interesting Article from 411

    Also in honour of American Idol starting this week: CHORUS: She bangs, she bangs Oh baby when she moves, she moves I go crazy 'cause she Looks like a flower But she stings like a bee Like every girl in history
  2. The Mandarin

    CM Funk's Once a Day *IN DEPTH* Match Review

    It's 12:06, so it's already Sunday. Here's the review you asked for: AND: Don't say I never did you any favours, so here's what you get: Monday- Won't have time to do a new review, so.. You get: Maven vs. Goldust- WrestleMania X8 PLUS Dudleyz vs. Lance Storm and William Regal- Royal Rumble 2003. Two for the price of one! After that, it's all new reviews.
  3. The Mandarin

    WWE Notes from the Observer

    Bitch. Moan. Gripe. Rejoice!
  4. The Mandarin

    Wrestling Link Game....

    ..which is a parody of the Blair Witch Project, which commercials started running for (on WWE television) the night after Fully Loaded '99, where Mideon lost the European Title to D'LO BROWN, who's cousin's roomate's dog is named Frank.
  5. The Mandarin

    TNA notes from the Torch's Jason Powell

    "SWOIVE! Religion is fo' bastahds!"
  6. The Mandarin

    CM Funk's Once a Day *IN DEPTH* Match Review

    Feedback (on the play by play, and my rating of the match) is highly welcomed, and in fact, demanded. Alright, it's not demanded, but please leave your choice for tomorrow's match. (see above for details)
  7. The Mandarin

    CM Funk's Once a Day *IN DEPTH* Match Review

    Whoops, I forgot to edit that. (I use the formatting of the previous match I wrote and use it for the next match. Last one I did before the SummerSlam match was the Flair/HHH match which did take place in Greenville.)
  8. The Mandarin

    CM Funk's Once a Day *IN DEPTH* Match Review

    Since today's a free day for me, I'm willing to do another review. TODAY- You pick the match. It's a ****+ extravaganza! (Warning: Some matches may not be ****+ depending on personal opinion.) : Razor Ramon vs. Shawn Michaels- Ladder Match, WM X Mankind vs. Shawn Michaels- Mind Games Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels- Hell in a Cell Angle vs. Benoit- Royal Rumble 2003 Angle vs. Lesnar- WM X-9 First person to reply gets their match chosen. TOMORROW: In Honor of the Dudleyz/Evolution Table Match at Royal Rumble.. Ric Flair vs. HHH- Heavyweight Title, Greenville, S.C. OR Dudleyz vs. Storm/Regal- Royal Rumble 2003. Both of those are already completed. So, vote away, please.
  9. The Mandarin

    Wrestling Link Game....

    Who beat AL SNOW AND STEVE BLACKMAN in their debut WrestleMania match as a stable.
  10. The Mandarin

    CM Funk's Once a Day *IN DEPTH* Match Review

    Just got it too, watching Flair/Race right now. Great DVD so far.
  11. The Mandarin

    CM Funk's Once a Day *IN DEPTH* Match Review

    Also: Expect reviews from the Ric Flair DVD soon. TOMORROW: Brock Lesnar vs. The Rock- WWE Undisputed Title- SummerSlam 2002 OR Hulk Hogan vs. The Rock- WrestleMania X-8
  12. The Mandarin

    Best Match Ever Involving a Cage?

    While it's not the best, I was very entertained by The Rock vs. Mankind vs. Ken Shamrock from Breakdown: IYH of 1998. 'Twas a lot better than the main event.
  13. Hart Foundation..if it still counts.
  14. The Mandarin

    Hulk Hogan Set For Jimmy Kimmel This Week

    Reminder: It's tonight, just in case someone was planning on watching it. Although nobody reminded me about Bob Sapp on Kimmel last time.
  15. The Mandarin

    The One And Only Smackdown Thread (01/22/04)

    51, his birthday is Jan. 7th. O/T: Hah, I got my question in the latest Lance Storm commentary. "If you had a WWE DVD released of you, what would you want on it?"
  16. The Mandarin

    A preview of my MPro Comp. Review

    Taking a break between making more reviews.. You went specific to the point where I could actually imagine this match taking place. And I don't even watch puro. Crabwalk Elbowdrop sounds pretty unique. Great job, and I'll be sure to read the full review of the comp. whenever I can.
  17. The Mandarin

    CM Funk's Once a Day *IN DEPTH* Match Review

    Damnit, I double posted. Therefore, for your pleasure (or displeasure), you get Dawn Marie vs. Torrie Wilson- Royal Rumble 2003. Don't say I didn't warn you. TOMORROW: Edge vs. Booker T- WrestleMania X8 OR Maven vs. Goldust- WrestleMania X8 (both are already done)
  18. The Mandarin

    CM Funk's Once a Day *IN DEPTH* Match Review

    Please vote for tomorrow's match. TOMORROW: Edge vs. Booker T- WrestleMania X8 OR Maven vs. Goldust- WrestleMania X8 (both are already done)
  19. The Mandarin

    Chavo on TLC

    So technically, he's..Dude Guerrero? *SHAMELESS PLUG* Check out my match reviews. Click the second link in my sig. */SHAMELESS PLUG*
  20. The Mandarin

    Wrestling Link Game....

    Who has likely never met KWANG.. Jeremy Borash writes colums for nwatna.com, along with BOB RYDER.
  21. The Mandarin

    7 Teens Killed During Police Car Chase

    Exactly. As least they didn't take any innocent people out with them..other than that tree.
  22. The Mandarin

    CM Funk's Once a Day *IN DEPTH* Match Review

    Yeah, I'm pretty generous in my star ratings. Won't be generous if Steiner/HHH gets picked, though. Ugh. Thanks for replying.
  23. The Mandarin

    American Idol 3

    That's the first person I've ever seen being upset after being voted through.
  24. The Mandarin

    The Match Review Link Game!

    Basically, the purpose of this is to write a review (doesn't have to be too lengthy or in detail) of a match. But it has to link up to the last match posted. So, for example, I start off by reviewing Michaels/Jericho from WrestleMania 19. Now you have to link THAT match to the match you're now reviewing. Links can be made in many different ways: Wrestlers- HBK/Y2J from WM19 to HBK/Foley from Mind Games Titles- Angle/Benoit from RR2003 for the Undisputed Title to Rock/Angle/Undertaker from Vengeance 2002 for the Undisputed Title Reviews (of the snowflake variety)- (example) Steve Austin/Kurt Angle from SummerSlam 2001- **** to Rob Van Dam/Jerry Lynn from Hardcore Heaven from 1999- ****. For that one, even if you disagree with the previous writer's review of a match (Royal Rumble 1992- **1/2), follow up on that review with one of your own that you would give **1/2. You can also link in various other creative ways (managers, refs, people announcing, the guy with the fuzzy hat at ringside). It's all up to you. Only notes- make sure to express your thoughts on the match (even if it's just tons of PBP with a one line review), and YOU are the writer of this review (but feel free to just copy and paste a review if you've already written one in the past). So have fun, and if someone wants to start this off before I can post a review, go right ahead.