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The Mandarin

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Everything posted by The Mandarin

  1. The Mandarin

    Smackdown rating 3.4

    No way, dude. I'm pretty sure it's UPN's top rated show.
  2. The Mandarin

    When did you...

    I started watching in '97, I hold the same attitude towards wrestling now as I did then. I was always a mark, just more educated aboute the business than others. I do read more dirtsheets now than I did in '97, though.
  3. The Mandarin

    Jericho's Wife

  4. The Mandarin

    The O.C.

    It would have been great if Ryan didn't make it in time because he thought the door was pull instead of push. "Damnit! NO! NO! OPEN!"
  5. The Mandarin

    Benoit Deserves A Title Run

    The guys at TSN.ca are awesome writers. They have a way better section on wrestling than Canoe, IMO.
  6. The Mandarin

    Best King of the Ring Winner?

    And Bret Hart, I'm pretty sure he won in '92, meaning he was a 2 time winner in 1993.
  7. The Mandarin

    the top ten quotes of all time

    "Weeell, excuse ME, Mr. Umphus!" -Dusty Rhodes at his best
  8. The Mandarin


    The cage match? ..I actually..liked it.
  9. The Mandarin

    The OAO WWE RAW 12-15-03 Thread

    Why are people embarrassed to be wrestling fans? That can make for some strange situations. "Uh, hi, I'd like to order a pay-per-view.." "Which one?" "Um..channel 287 at 8:00." "The wrestling show?" "Uh, no. Not that one." "That's what's playing at 8, sir." "I know..but..er..uh..how about the one at 11:00, same channel." "Sir, that's the replay of the same show." "I'll take the one at 8, then."
  10. The Mandarin

    The OAO WWE RAW 12-15-03 Thread

    I would have had Dudleyz take on Garrison Cade and Jindrak as a bonus attraction tables match after the show. Do the house show routine with the kids and Dudleys waving the flag, and that would be decent.
  11. The Mandarin

    The OAO WWE RAW 12-15-03 Thread

    And hey, it was an effective cliffhanger. RAW's not gonna be on for two more weeks, so technically that was the season finale. Eh, I just really liked it. Orton spitting in his eye was totally awesome.
  12. The Mandarin

    The OAO WWE RAW 12-15-03 Thread

    Brilliant. That was simply brilliant. Foley knows he's not in proper condition to defend himself, he hasn't wrestled a match in 4 years, and he wouldn't want to embarrass himself out there by losing to Orton. So he defies his hardcore character, and walks. That was awesome.
  13. The Mandarin

    The OAO WWE RAW 12-15-03 Thread

    That's a big negative on the link. to be fair, the copy and paste part was added to the original post afterwards.. Yeah, I know, I was just trying to show the link, so it wouldn't be missed by the frequent posting in this thread. Server seems to be down..nobody will be able to see JR the Hutt and Princess Heidi.
  14. The Mandarin

    The OAO WWE RAW 12-15-03 Thread

    That's a big negative on the link.
  15. The Mandarin

    The OAO WWE RAW 12-15-03 Thread

    RIP the JR and Heidenreich relationship COPY AND PASTE FOR MANLY LOVE
  16. The Mandarin

    The OAO WWE RAW 12-15-03 Thread

    Rico's rockin' the singlet. I dig it.
  17. The Mandarin

    The OAO WWE RAW 12-15-03 Thread

    Yes, Jericho won the Last Man Standing Match. .. ..no, you didn't, it's up soon. Anyways, that was the best match of the past two days.
  18. The Mandarin

    The OAO WWE RAW 12-15-03 Thread

    This match is great, as has been the whole show.
  19. The Mandarin

    The OAO WWE RAW 12-15-03 Thread

    Cena's new house show rap is awesome.
  20. The Mandarin

    The OAO WWE RAW 12-15-03 Thread

    Actually, he seems to be progressing. Have you seen KOTR 2001? He keeps calling Benoit- Jericho and vice versa as Heyman corrects him, until the point he screws up Jericho and AUSTIN's names. It's just so sad. I'm pretty sure he hit a low blow as RVD came off the top.
  21. The Mandarin

    The OAO WWE RAW 12-15-03 Thread

    Evil twin Hefner? Playboy bunnies-- that Hugh Hefner? Well, I mean, the Brown Bunny didn't seem like it could have been hatched from any mortal being, but..
  22. The Mandarin

    The OAO WWE RAW 12-15-03 Thread

    Holy crap, Shawn Michaels looks old.
  23. The Mandarin

    The OAO WWE RAW 12-15-03 Thread

    I saw Bloodbath today for the first time. Pretty good, I liked watching Owen/Bret again..haven't seen that since '97.