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The Mandarin

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Everything posted by The Mandarin

  1. The Mandarin

    Well, this is a first...

    I can just imagine this all taking place in Spanky's apartment. Getting a gun put to his head because he refused to job to Matt Morgan in Iraq. "Now, what does Matt Morgan look like?" "Uh..he's big?" "Go on." "Uh..kind of lacking in talent." "Does he look like a hoss?" "What?" (gunshot to the shoulder)
  2. The Mandarin

    HILARIOUS Beef Wellington IWS Promos

  3. The Mandarin

    One good thing about 2003

    Hey, it could be a LOT worse. And that's a little over half a year. ..wow.
  4. The Mandarin

    WWE to head to Iraq

    Hell, I bet XFL is has just started to air in Iraq.
  5. The Mandarin

    The One and Only Smackdown Thread

    Benoit/Cena was good, Benoit/Lesnar was also good. Good show all around.
  6. The Mandarin

    The One and Only Smackdown Thread

    Isn't there a rumor that Heyman is gay? And you know Lance Storm just wants Dawn to show up in his bedroom dressed like that.
  7. The Mandarin

    Grammy Nominees Announced

    I'd be content with Clocks, Hey Ya, or even Lose Yourself winning Best Record. Just not Where is the Love. Ugh.
  8. The Mandarin

    New WWE Book

    Oh, no. Please. Stop. This is turning into WWE Unscripted. I don't want to be blamed for two of them.
  9. The Mandarin

    New WWE Book

    Chapter 18: That time I sorta' pissed in the aisle of an airplane.
  10. The Mandarin


    Didn't Jason also break his neck legit at one point?
  11. The Mandarin

    The O.C.

    http://www.rachel-bilson.com/chrismukka.html Now, throw in Anna dressed as Catwoman, and you've got a fight.
  12. The Mandarin

    Raw Rating...

    My closed captioning called Goldberg "Smaffles", but then later called him "Goirk". So he's Smaffles Goirk. All in the RAW thread, folks. *SMAFFLES* *CRACKLE* *GOIRK* Kellogs' Rice Krispies.
  13. Best Superstar: AJ Styles Tag Team: Triple X Match: Juvi-Sabin X Division: Daniels Finisher: Styles Clash Babe: Lollipop Moment: AJ Title Win Who to Watch: Punk/other guy
  14. The Mandarin

    Raw Rating...

    6.2 Source: WWE.com
  15. The Mandarin

    The Dames' Diatribe on WWE Raw - 12/1/03

    Where's the love for Smaffles?
  16. The Mandarin

    Spike regains feeling in left arm

    I swear, he would ruin matches that way.
  17. The Mandarin

    Petition Idea

    ON JULY NINTH HUNDREDS OF PEOPLE WILL BOYCOTT RAW CUZ IT SUX .. How many people did that one again? Five?
  18. The Mandarin

    Fueds you'd like to see...

    I knew that'd be the first reply. I swear to God, that is the most commonly botched word I've ever seen.
  19. The Mandarin

    Triple H to Ric Flair opponent Comparisons

    Oh yeah...well...
  20. The Mandarin

    One and Only "Stone Cold Truth" thread

    Bahahahaha, Morgan looked so scared. "Nn..nii...niiicee tooo...mm..mmmeeet..y'...s...honor.." Austin: "YAP."
  21. The Mandarin

    Triple H to Ric Flair opponent Comparisons

    Well, EXCUUUSE ME, Mr. Umphus!
  22. The Mandarin

    Rise and Fall Of WCW

    It's all the spaceship's fault. It wasn't ready for that big of a push.
  23. The Mandarin

    Triple H to Ric Flair opponent Comparisons

    Race vs Flair and Foley vs HHH was the turning point to becoming the top guy. I was just joking, I just wanted somebody to stomp on my ass for saying that Vince was better than Terry Funk. That's all. Now on the other hand, Dusty Rhodes is in way better shape and has better tights than Booker T EVER did. So, choke on your words.
  24. The Mandarin

    Triple H to Ric Flair opponent Comparisons

    Vince McMahon was always a better wrestler than Terry Funk. And Mick Foley is a way better technical wrestler than Harley Race. WAY better. So I don't see how you could draw those comparisons. I'm joking. Please don't hurt me.
  25. The Mandarin

    Stasiak wins title, Hogan/Orndorff & Bret/HBK cage

    He was "symbol"ized, as Vince would have you know it. No crucifying in WWE, dag'gummit.