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The Mandarin

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Everything posted by The Mandarin

  1. The Mandarin

    Triple H to Ric Flair opponent Comparisons

    Gooker = Kwang
  2. The Mandarin

    The Most Underrated Match of 2003

    I agree, their WM X-Seven match was epic. In fact, I honestly think it's the best match I've ever seen. And to get back on topic, that Filthy Animals/TWGTT match shown on the day of the blackout was AWESOME. Too bad quite a number of people missed it. Due to, y'know, no power and all.
  3. The Mandarin

    The Most Underrated Match of 2003

    Rock/Austin was, in my opinion, WrestleMania's best match. Their entire series is classic, but this is a fitting end. Seemed really magical. I think Angle/Lesnar from SummerSlam was the best match from their feud. On another note, I'm suprised that the Iron Man match got completely shit on. I thought it was very, very good.
  4. The Mandarin

    WWF: Rebooked

    I have all the results done (see "Book your Own WrestleMania"), I just haven't gotten around to putting it into storyline terms. I'll make sure to do some more this week, though.
  5. The Mandarin

    WWF: Rebooked

    Yeah, I've taken this out of the book your own WrestleMania topics and added a few more months of booking. I'm only going by the "Big 5"- RR (starting in 1989), WM, KOTR (starting in '93), SummerSlam (starting in 1988) and Survivor Series (starting in 1987). Most of it is kept true to form. Ergo, since Vader wasn't in WWF in 2001, then he isn't in my federation in 2001. Too bad. I'll start updating in 20 minutes. It should be more detailed, as in how feuds were started, and give other notes during that time. Nifty.
  6. The Mandarin

    Has anyone else done this?

    When Raven returned to ECW looking all badass, I was instantly drawn to both him and the promotion.
  7. The Mandarin

    The SMARK Awards

    I was already weeping when I saw the card.
  8. HMM, SOMEONE WHO CRITICIZES WWE YET IS STILL ATTRACTED TO IT. I've never heard of such a thing. Oh, wait.
  9. The Mandarin

    After a year of being away, RAW came back to LV

    BAHAHAHAHA. That's awesome. Sounds like you had a great time and enjoyed yourself. I know some people complain about the product while watching it at home, but seriously though, watching it live is AMAZING.
  10. The Mandarin

    The OAO Velocidental Thread

    HOLY CRAP. Did anyone see the Velocity commercial? That was awesome. Plus, it's Larry King's birthday. He's had a different wife in SIX different decades. 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's, 90's, and 2000's. Seriously, that guy is crazy.
  11. The Mandarin

    CM Funk's Wrestler of the Week

    Eh, I sort of have a different standard towards women's matches. I usually tend to rate them higher, yeah. I'm going to change the MOTW regardless, because I think the battle royal deserved more than *** stars. Thanks for checking it out. ..and yes, Victoria was smokin'.
  12. The Mandarin

    The OAO Velocidental Thread

    Hopefully they'll do episodes on 1997 and 2000.
  13. The Mandarin

    The OAO Velocidental Thread

    Hah, I did stole Snuka's frogsplash while using the BIG SHOW on HCTP. It was pretty damn funny. And did anyone else think the original Mission Impossible for N64 was one of the greatest games ever (up to the train levels, screw the extra missions)? Anyone? Anyone? Triple H taking the bottle away from Mae Young is hilarious. And Nowinski is awesome.
  14. The Mandarin

    The OAO Velocidental Thread

    Lawler's house is pretty cool.
  15. The Mandarin

    The OAO Velocidental Thread

  16. The Mandarin

    Book your own WrestleMania!

    Feel free to participate. Title says what it says. Y'know the deal. WrestleMania X- April 3, 1994 World Title Undertaker d. Yokozuna © Bret Hart d. Owen Hart Intercontinental Title Shawn Michaels d. Razor Ramon ©- Ladder Match Lex Luger d. I.R.S. Tag Team Titles The Quebecers © d. Bushwackers Bam Bam Bigelow d. Randy Savage Doink d. Kwang Rick Martel d. 1-2-3 Kid Diesel d. Earthquake Now, off you go.
  17. The Mandarin

    Top Ten Matches in WWE in 2003...

  18. The Mandarin

    The OAO Velocidental Thread

    Mirrors and rolled up $100 bills? Yep, he's like Tony Montana come to life.
  19. The Mandarin

    The OAO Velocidental Thread

    Well, Confidential is an old one, once again. Damn. Lawler has MOUNTAINS of Coke products.
  20. The Mandarin

    Triple H vs Chris Benoit

    Just the image of Hunter sending Benoit flowers and chocolate while also getting the Radicalz to put in a good name for him is one of the funniest things I've seen today. Thanks.
  21. The Mandarin

    Top Ten Matches in WWE in 2003...

    I agree with that. The women have really stepped up their game this year. The weekly women's match is actually one of my favourite things on RAW every week. I'd put that match somewhere around 10 to 15.
  22. The Mandarin

    Top Ten Matches in WWE in 2003...

    Damnit, I double posted. So I'll just add my top 5 worst BIG matches of the year. Now, I'm sure there are some jobber squashes that sucked WAY more then these, but these matches were some that were supposed to be main-event matches, some headlining RAWs, SDs, and PPVs. These matches sucked for all the buildup they had been given. So here they are: 1. Steiner/HHH (NWO) 2. Torrie/Dawn Marie (RR) 3. Ross and Lawler/Coach and Snow (Unforgiven) 4. Dudleyz/La Resistance- Tables Match (Unforgiven) 5. Steiner/Test (Bad Blood)
  23. WOW. That just summed up everything right there. I can't think of anything to add to that. Nicely done.
  24. The Mandarin

    Top Ten Matches in WWE in 2003...

    Alright. 1. Benoit/Angle (RR) 2. Lesnar/Angle (SummerSlam) 3. Rock/Austin (WM) 4. Lesnar/Angle (WM) 5. HBK/Jericho (WM) 6. Lesnar/Angle- Iron Man (SD) 7. Ten Man Tag- RAW (Survivor Series) 8. HBK/Jericho (RAW) 9. Royal Rumble (RR) 10. Flair/HHH (RAW)
  25. The Mandarin

    CM Funk's Wrestler of the Week
