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The Mandarin

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Everything posted by The Mandarin

  1. The Mandarin

    Crash Holly passes away

    That's what I was about to say. I bet you more than 3/4s of the wrestlers that use pain killers dislike them, but they NEED them, and by now they can't stop. Just to clarify, I'm not supporting painkillers or any locker room drug, though. It's a seedy business, and delusional kids who think they're going to go and make millions are gonna have their dreams shot down. If they can even make it IN, of course.
  2. The Mandarin

    Crash Holly passes away

    Sadly, that's how it is in the wrestling business.
  3. The Mandarin

    One and Only WWE Smackdown Thread!

    Very, very boring show tonight. I just flipped over halfway through and forgot about it.
  4. The Mandarin

    Crash Holly passes away

    ... I *think* Yokozuna's wasn't a substance related death. I think it was just a heart attack.
  5. The Mandarin

    Crash Holly passes away

    Woah, he was found dead at STEVIE'S house?! .. That can't be good.
  6. The Mandarin

    One and Only WWE Smackdown Thread!

    Bret. Screwed. Bret.
  7. The Mandarin

    One and Only WWE Smackdown Thread!

    Bahah. That was pretty funny.
  8. The Mandarin

    Crash Holly passes away

    OH MY GOD! Seriously?! Oh, crap, I can't imagine how Steven Richards is feeling right now. Rest in peace, Crash. ..and HollywoodSpike, Hawk died, not Animal.
  9. The Mandarin

    Survivor Series will be great!

    Anyone find it funny when they repeat Undertaker's quote during the Survivor Series commercials? "THA MAYTCH...EEESSS BURRR-EEEED AHLAVHE." It just sounds so hilarious.
  10. The Mandarin

    Smackdown Survivor match

    1. Holly gets impatient after about 5 minutes and grabs a chair, runs in and smashes Brock right on the noggin. When Angle questions him about it, he blasts him too. Blade job by Angle. DQ- Holly (Angle's Team- 4, Brock's Team- 5) 2. Bradshaw by A-Train after a Big Show Chokeslam(Angle- 3, Brock- 5) 3. Morgan by Cena (Angle- 3, Brock- 4) 4. Jones disqualification- he chokes out Cena on the ropes with his foot (Cena's out cold after about 1 1/2 mins). Ref counts to five and DQs Jones, but he won't let go. It's all part of the plan. (3-3 Brock) 5. Cena by Big Show- Show makes the easy cover. (2-3 Brock) 6. A-Train by Angle (2-2) 7. Big Show by Benoit (2-1) 8. Lesnar by Benoit/Angle double team submission hold.
  11. WM 13....that's right! I'm such an idiot! Hah, I forgot about WM VIII. Anyway, I don't think Yokozuna's such a bad worker, I actually liked his heel World Title run. King Kong Bundy, though, is horrible, and bored me to tears while watching WM II.
  12. Team ECK. (Edge, Christian, Kurt)
  13. The Mandarin

    Best Homestar Runner spinoff

    Gotta be TGS, but I love all three.
  14. The Mandarin

    Is there any chance that...

    Woah, woah, woah. Maybe it was pretty crappy compared to the numbers they had been pulling in the past few years, but it was certainly not "terrible". "Terrible" is WrestleMania IX or XI. Even WrestleMania II didn't do great numbers, yet it's still considered a part of the success of the Hulkamania sensation in the mid-80's.
  15. The Mandarin

    Is there any chance that...

    Yep. Vince/Hogan did get more advertising space than Angle/Brock and Rock/Austin, that's for sure. But the triple threat DID get more air time than Gowen/McMahon at Vengeance. And Shane vs. Bischoff was just a side attraction at Summerslam, while Shane vs. Kane did get a lot more hype for Unforgiven. And Steph/Vince was basically the primal focus of the buildup towards No Mercy, although I think it should have gone to Angle/Cena. But none of the McMahon's have actually appeared in the main event. I wish they'd treat the main event like the actual MAIN EVENT more often. Those crazy McMahons.
  16. The Mandarin

    "The Ultimate Ric Flair Collection"

    Can someone give me the listing of FULL matches? Thanks in advance.
  17. The Mandarin

    Which is the best Tarantino flick?

    Reservoir Dogs edges out Pulp Fiction by a small fraction.
  18. The Mandarin

    The One And Only 24 Season 3 Thread

    It was okay. I didn't really get into it, but at least next week looks really good.
  19. The Mandarin

    PPV Buy Rates at Scary Low

    No help at all. I don't know why some people consider themselves wrestling fans, but want to see the death of WWE. That would be a huuuugggee blow to pro wrestling on our shores. It's not WWF and WCW anymore. If WWE dies, that's it. Wrestling loses all of it's mainstream marketability, and American wrestling is screwed for a good number of years. But WWE's just not going to die. Plain and simple. If they could survive the "New WWF Generation", then they can survive now, when they're still lingering on to the business they had back in '99 or '00. It's not as profitable now, sure, but they're still a multi-million dollar company.
  20. The Mandarin

    PPV Buy Rates at Scary Low

    Dude, if the WWE goes kaput, indies are pretty much screwed. When people get into wrestling, they pretty much start with WWE and then branch out to other forms of wrestling. Maybe the indies could pick up SOME star power, but the federations wouldn't really have the name value of a WWE. Japan is a WHOLE different territory. Japan's going to be the same, with or without Vince's federations. Besides, there is little to no chance the company is gonna go down the tubes in the next 5 years. WWE is a lot stronger than most people think. I just don't understand why a great deal of people are just waiting for the WWE's death. I can't see it happening. Big Show, Armaggeddon. Then again, I can recite, by heart, every WWF Heavyweight Title champion from 1984 to now in under a minute. It's pretty sad.
  21. The Mandarin


    .. The Cheat is pretty awesome.
  22. The Mandarin

    Ultimate Warrior's latest post...

    ..Wait.."stroke"? Wait, I think I've solved it. He's headed off to TNA to work for the Jarretts! .. Who cares what the hell that piece of luggage says? It's mostly mumbled garbage anyways.
  23. The Mandarin


    Yep, I'm pretty sure Stevie's had neck/back problems before. And besides, I don't understand the requests of some people to "send wrestlers back" to OVW. It's a developmental program. They'll just keep him there for a month or two, realize he's basically accomplished everything he can there, and call him back. And repeat the process. There's really no point. On the plus side, though, Big Show's been a HELL of a lot better ever since they shipped him over.
  24. The Mandarin

    Anything appealing at SurSer?

    RAW's 5 on 5 promises to be a pretty entertaining match. Too bad the Dudleyz are in it, they're pretty boring. SmackDown's 5 on 5 won't be the best wrestling-wise, but with some of my favourite wrestlers (Cena, Benoit, Angle, Lesnar) in it, I don't mind. Undertaker/Vince should be overbooked crap, which I don't mind. Sounds pretty good. Molly/Lita is a change from the usual "Trish vs. Molly, Victoria or Jazz" we get. With Lita in it, it won't be THAT great, but it should be okay. I'm a pretty big fan of women's wrestling. Hopefully Jazz comes back soon. Goldberg vs. HHH could be alright. I'm liking their feud so far. I didn't mind the Unforgiven match. Kane/Shane should have ended at Unforgiven. If the match is anything like Unforgiven, it will be entertaining, but I'm growing pretty weary of Hopefully they'll throw in a Tajiri match, and a WGTT match. Possibly Tajiri/Yang/Sakoda/Bashams vs. Eddie/Chavo (he could turn near the end of this match)/WGTT (playing a tweener role) and Billy Kidman and Rey. THAT would be awesome. And then they could throw in something like John Heidenreich vs. Rodney Mack on Heat. All in all, it seems pretty good. I'm quite the optimist, while clearly some of you are downers about everything WWE does.
  25. The Mandarin

    John Heidenreich

    Who was it they injured? I'm not really sure, so can someone kindly tell me?