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The Mandarin

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Everything posted by The Mandarin

  1. The Mandarin

    Used Xbox nearly burns down my home and kills me

    Pocket Pikachu double parked outside of my place of work.
  2. The Mandarin

    The OAO Fantasy League Thread

    I couldn't find ANY Xplosion/Impact results, so if someone could link me (sans popups) to some, I'd allow them to go buy that Christmas calendar with the chocolates inside that they had their eye on. Could someone also give me confirmation on who was tagging with Roderick Strong on Saturday?
  3. The Mandarin


    I eat pasta like a mofo. Hell, I was honestly just eating some rigatoni before I made this post. ..I'm still 6', 140. I guess it's better than being noodle-loving and 340 pounds.
  4. If that means Maven loses a push, I'm all for it.
  5. The Mandarin

    Happy Birthday Bill Walton!

    Happy 52, Big B.
  6. The Mandarin

    Best/Worst Looking Champions

    On terms of "who looks most like a star"? ..Don't talk about your crush on Ron Simmons. For the WCW title, I'd go with Sting (pre-Crow era). He was built, had a cool haircut and usually had interesting facial paint. Bob Backlund looked like a total chump during his 80's run. He had the face of a twelve year old boy.
  7. The Mandarin

    Man commits suicide due to election outcome.

    Almost as stupid as that kid who flew a plane into the building in Florida. If you recall, the people who worked there covered up the hole that was made with an American flag. I don't think anyone's going to cover an American flag over the hole in this guy's head.
  8. The Mandarin

    The OAO Jakks Classic Superstars Thread

    Did you ever come across a Dude Love? Those things are supposedly rare.
  9. The Mandarin

    Used Xbox nearly burns down my home and kills me

    I'm glad they're banned now, because a bootleg N64 family were burning crosses in the backyard next door.
  10. I've been doing a bit of snooping (please don't be so shocked!), and while I'm not 100% with the name, apparently it's a friend of Jericho and his lovely wife. Now all you need is an ice pick and a plane ticket.
  11. The Mandarin

    Used Xbox nearly burns down my home and kills me

    Did I mention the Atari 2600 ate my cat?
  12. The Mandarin

    Used Xbox nearly burns down my home and kills me

    Consider yourself lucky, I had a Gamecube rape my wife and pillage my neighbourhood.
  13. The Mandarin

    Best and Worst Entrances and Music ever

    Best Entrance Music: Raven, "Gotta Keep 'em Seperated" Best Entrance: I really liked the Sting/Blue Blazer enterance. It's a shame that carelessness led to not just the entrance being scrapped, but a good man's death. Worst Entrance Music: Booker T/RVD Remix Worst Entrance: Bushwackers
  14. Does anyone here believe every word of the 245 Ways to Please Your Man literally? If not, do you believe some, but compromise on some issues? Or perhaps find the whole thing to be trash? After years of study, it seems I cannot deny it. It's absolutely inerrant. Try to present some arguments against it if you want, I can counter anything. I'm amazed at my conclusions.
  15. The Mandarin

    The OAO Fantasy League Thread

    I didn't watch SmackDown, so I need some clarification- did Kurt Angle wrestle any actual matches? NWA-TNA (all three) and today's RoH up tomorrow. I also need Heat spoilers, or the results from the broadcast if there is none.
  16. The Mandarin

    Making your own movie

    Your movie should be made as of this moment. I'm an old-school Piven fan. Heat, Serendipity. None of that new "Ari" shit (although I hear it's good).
  17. The Mandarin

    Making your own movie

    Jesus Christ, Equestrian Star. Starring Tom Sizemore as "Phil".
  18. I didn't order any PPVs this year. Went out to watch Rumble (for the Rumble itself), No Way Out (to see Eddie win), WrestleMania (because it's WrestleMania) and Backlash (for the double main event), which were all good-very good. I also went out to watch Vengeance (Chris Benoit vs. Triple H) and Unforgiven (for Regal/Benoit vs. Flair/Batista), which were poor. I attended Summerslam, which was average, but fun. I'm not going to watch Survivor Series after seeing the quality of TV from the last few months.
  19. The Mandarin

    The OAO Fantasy League Thread

    for Steviekick.
  20. The Mandarin

    The One and Only WWE Firing Thread.

    Rico was the only guy who actually cared to interact with the fans outside of the arena. Real class act who is also pretty damn good in the ring. So he gets fired, of course. Like Tawren said, it's probably the worst firing since Goldust (who, in my opinion, was one of WWE's top wrestlers in 2002). Of course, regularly pleasing the fans hasn't been a priority in years.
  21. The Mandarin

    GTA: San Andreas

    True dat. I've stopped for two days to try and do this frigging mission.
  22. The Mandarin

    If you were a indy wresltler

    Ring Name: Steve Stardom Attire: Black shorts with wrist tape. In ring skills: Probably limited. Persona: Whatever they give me. Signature moves: Blatant choke, thumb to the eye, kick to the stomach. Finisher Move(s): I probably wouldn't get to use it too often.
  23. The Mandarin

    Most boring matches ever?

    Christian vs. Randy Orton has the potential to be a resthold catastrophe. A more recent example of a boring match involving Christian was Christian vs. Jericho vs. RVD. Of course, RVD can't really keep me entertained when he isn't doing spot wrestling, and Jericho was boring me to tears during most of his last two year heel run.
  24. The Mandarin

    3 MORE WWE Wrestlers released...

    Someone needs to call Stevie Richards' house, make sure it doesn't have a busy signal.