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The Mandarin

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Everything posted by The Mandarin

  1. The Mandarin

    Raw is English, 10/11/04

    Superstar Shawn Daivari is in the praying room right now. HBK should pitch a hissy fit to Vince.
  2. The Mandarin

    Raw is English, 10/11/04

    Where's Sylvan? He hasn't posted in over a page. I'm starting to worry.
  3. The Mandarin

    Raw is English, 10/11/04

    Why did Michaels just walk in there like that? Did he want to see Benoit naked? ..speaking of which, does Benoit have a picture of Carmella's head over his genitals?
  4. The Mandarin

    Raw is English, 10/11/04

    A black man!
  5. The Mandarin

    Raw is English, 10/11/04

    Batista was EONS more styling than Maynard.
  6. The Mandarin

    Raw is English, 10/11/04

    Jericho needs to land on his head and mess up some springboards.
  7. The Mandarin

    Raw is English, 10/11/04

    Remember Summerslam 2001 where Jericho got goofy and blew half the match? Hilarious.
  8. The Mandarin

    Raw is English, 10/11/04

    To be fair, the other girl grabbed her left tit first. She had to re-adjust them.
  9. The Mandarin

    Raw is English, 10/11/04

  10. The Mandarin

    Raw is English, 10/11/04

    I'm 100% sure that when Emmy season arrives, WWE just sends in tapes of the thirty minutes dedicated to Triple H each week and pretend the other hour doesn't exist.
  11. The Mandarin

    Raw is English, 10/11/04

    You have no reason to get so angry, if you've been watching for as long as it seems you should be desensitized to this kind of shitty booking by now.
  12. The Mandarin

    Raw is English, 10/11/04

    "Especially Regal..because he's not retarded, so it would mean more to him."
  13. The Mandarin

    Raw is English, 10/11/04

    Why are their chants so quick?
  14. The Mandarin

    Raw is English, 10/11/04

    Regal should just use his old heel music.
  15. The Mandarin

    Raw is English, 10/11/04

    I just saw Nicola S, but I couldn't tell the other 3 because of the terrible production values. Union Jack flags are huge over in Philadelphia.
  16. The Mandarin

    Raw is English, 10/11/04

    Nova invented the man-titty.
  17. The Mandarin

    Raw is English, 10/11/04

  18. The Mandarin

    Dynamite kid loses leg

    From what I've heard, Tom treated his body and others horribly, so it's not like this happened to a completely undeserving fellow. But best wishes anyways.
  19. The Mandarin

    Raw is English, 10/11/04

    At ya rekwast, pri' ministah. Sou gn'ubble wit' fa snip spabble, ya blendah spig der fappo.
  20. The Mandarin

    The OAO Fantasy League Thread

    I guess we'll go with that since I didn't hear any TNA matches get pimped this week (although I heard Monty/Raven was "ok"). I thought HBK/Christian was about **3/4-***, which is good enough. And after all that debate earlier about changing my name, I've come to a conclusion- I'll use my real name, Budro Jiggler. Now, now, I liked CM Funk too, but it's been one year of that and I've had enough. Zack, if you would kindly do the deed, it would be greatly appreciated. I would have asked Agent of Oblivion since he was actually calling for a name switch, but he wanted me to be called "Sizzlechest". .. Don't cry for me, Fantasy Booking and Columns forum.
  21. The Mandarin

    The OAO Fantasy League Thread

  22. The Mandarin

    RAW Spoilers

    All right, Nikkala! ..uh, I mean-- crazy brits.
  23. The Mandarin

    The OAO Fantasy League Thread

    1) I added 15 points for Zack. 2) I was just about to add the MOTW, but I can't remember any good matches this week. Make your case for one that you liked, and then I'll choose.
  24. The Mandarin

    What Gasoline Station Do You Rely On?

    My mouth.
  25. The Mandarin

    Raw is English, 10/11/04

    Ric Flair says in his book that Triple H doesn't drink, though. Maybe it's because Flair gets to them all before he even has a shot.