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The Mandarin

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Everything posted by The Mandarin

  1. The Mandarin

    Favorite nonsensical turns

    Wait, how did Show turn face at WM15? ..speaking of which, when did he turn face between the Ministry and his World Title win? And how did he turn between WM2000 and Backlash? And why did he "come back" to team with (Lita?) vs. Shane and Stephanie? And then what did he do before disappearing again to go to OVW? And then how did he turn face between Backlash (loss to Shane) and the invasion? And then what was his last angle before not being booked at WrestleMania X-8? I know I've seen all this, but I cannot, for the life of me, remember anything about that man's career.
  2. The Mandarin

    Los Guerreros Vignettes

    After buying the Eddie DVD, I watched these for the first time since they aired and I fell in love with them all over again. StonedRVD-level comedy. (Eddie hits a wild shot while golfing) "Quatro!" "You know what Emily means in Spanish? .. Light. ...of God."
  3. The Mandarin

    No Mercy PPV.. Looks Good/Bad?.. Discuss It Here.

    Because they've never let the US Title go dormant without a defense for months at a time following No Mercy. *cough*BigShow*cough* How many defenses did he have during that period of time? I recall 2- vs. Bob Holly (where he debuted his Cobra Clutch) vs. Cena (WrestleMania XX)
  4. Nope, but I bet dollars to donuts I'd have a new pick for "worst movie ever" if I saw Manos and the Hands of Fate.
  5. The Mandarin

    No Mercy PPV.. Looks Good/Bad?.. Discuss It Here.

    I demand details/pics. Details? What more details do you need other then she was topless? "You get to see girls' boobies." ..I'm sorry, I still have the hilariously childish Road Trip trailer stuck in my head. "AND BOYS' BUM-BUMS! *Tom Green hyperventilates*"
  6. I kept razzing on Gigli with friends all of last summer, so of course when it finally came out on DVD, of course I saw it. Worst movie ever. It even tops this AWFUL Meat Loaf stalker movie I saw once. I can't believe it graced my Playstation 2. So I reserve the right to call it a steaming pile of shit.
  7. The Mandarin

    Least imposing wrestlers

    Zach Gowen looks like breakfast.
  8. The Mandarin

    The OAO Fantasy League Thread

    Pre-show cards aren't put on DVD, so they're only seen by the few people in attendance. I personally don't think we should count them, but it's up for debate. Sorry for not updating, but here we are-- Note- Only those left at the end in elimination matches get full "win" points. Also, I failed to previously mention to spice things up, I'll be awarding points for "Match of the Week". Matches of the Week don't have to specifically have any drafted wrestlers in them, but 10 points will be awarded to you if you do have one (per wrestler). The points are awarded judged on IWC buzz. If there's no clear MOTW, I'll name one myself. This week's MOTW.. Samoa Joe vs. Bryan Danielson, which went over a half hour and is said to be ****+. 10 more points to both Voice and King Cucharacha. Scores updated (they haven't been since SmackDown)/No Mercy results up about 11:00 EST.
  9. The Mandarin

    Territorial Team Warfare

    The best wrestling team is obviously Stampede, no questions asked, but I'm loving Minnesota and Texas. Texas for obvious reasons (minus Kerry von Erich-- Guerrero was a way better drug-riddled wrestler), but Minnesota has the awesome charisma duo of Rude and Hennig that bring back nothing but good memories. You've got Brock Lesnar who is incredible, and of course, the Road Warriors up the bad-ass level by 10. If Texas and Minnesota were to go head to head, I'd like to see: Rick Rude vs. Eddie Guerrero Curt Hennig vs. Steve Austin Brock Lesnar vs. Terry Funk LOD vs. Kerry von Erich/Ted DiBiase in a cage
  10. Obviously, this is for the ones here who have actual wrestling collections. Not just a bootleg tape and two packs of WWE Power Pasta. You have a budget of $500. Sadly, you can't buy your life back for $500, so you'll have to make do. You also have the option to keep the $500 and have no wrestling-related materials (other than what you've got on the computer and the television) in your house. Personally, I'd probably buy (Canadian funds): I'd use the other $57 for tickets to a house show and camera film to take pictures while I'm there.
  11. The Mandarin

    Rank the WrestleMania Matches

    Eh, what the hell. Triple H vs. Benoit (XX) vs. Booker T (XIX) vs. Chris Jericho (X8) vs. Owen (XIV) vs. Undertaker (X-7) vs. Rock, Show, Foley (2000) vs. Goldust (XIII) vs. Kane (XV) vs. Warrior (XII) Big Bossman
  12. The Mandarin

    The almighty "Myrtle Beach Mike"

    Did you sleep last night?
  13. The Mandarin

    Regarding Name Changes

    Before you go, Mr. Woolery, I have to ask-- what became of your reality show? And I'm not big on Sizzlechest. Can you come up with a few more?
  14. The Mandarin

    Your favourite WWE PPVs.

    SummerSlam 2002, WrestleMania XIX and WrestleMania XX are my three favourites of the past few years, but several of the PPVs of 2001 smoke 'em.
  15. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind- ****/**** Still a classic. I cared more about the Lacuna Inc. staff on my second viewing, but they still don't compare to Joel and Clementine. Great chemistry there. Jim Carrey works wonders in any film.
  16. The Mandarin

    The OAO Fantasy League Thread

    Hot tip: We're not counting the RoH pre-shows
  17. The Mandarin

    PWI 500

    -500. 2004 PWI 500 ($6.95, 70 pages, 25, N/A) This year's PWI 500 is a bust ... Found today in a local supermarket ... Easily the least detailed PWI 500 of all time ...No "full" biographies on numbers 2-10 (or 20)... Chalk it up to being busy with the 25th Anniversary Book, but it's still a disappointment ... Didn't buy it for the first time in eight years ... I miss WOW Magazine.
  18. The Mandarin

    Favorite Horror Movie Moments

    There's too many scenes to name from The Shining, but here's a couple- The conversation about cannibals on the way to the Overlook Jack going to the bar for the first time Jack and Delbert conversing in the bathroom Wendy finding Scatman Crothers' body The ending sequences.
  19. The Mandarin

    Mid-carder winning the Royal Rumble??

    They should have RVD come in at 4, get eliminated, and come back in at 20.
  20. The Mandarin

    The OAO Fantasy League Thread

    You should only have 40 points, sorry. That's what I get for tallying whilst I'm tired. EDIT: I see where I went wrong. I got distracted while tallying up the last Xplosion points and then added points that I had already counted. So Zach, G_Money and Voice all lose points. But it's not that much. Honest.
  21. The Mandarin

    The OAO Fantasy League Thread

    Scores updated. G_Money's cleaning up.
  22. The Mandarin

    Um, is this bad?

    Well, we know it's not the Kool-Aid Man.
  23. Super Size Me- 9/10 Excellent documentary with some big laughs (kids don't recognize Jesus). THIS is why I don't eat fast food.
  24. The Mandarin

    Regarding Name Changes

    You're right. I suggested a name change to Zack Malibu last week, but he talked me out of it. I was thinking "Waingro", "Nose Candy" or "Devil's Muzak", but now I'm REALLY leaning towards "Rodney King is Sex".