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The Mandarin

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Everything posted by The Mandarin

  1. The Mandarin

    OAO Raw Thread - June/5th/06.

    Someone please upload Lillian's tope suicida or whatever. I wasn't watching.
  2. The Mandarin

    State Your Unpopular Opinions

    Disagree if you must: ECW One Night Stand seemingly got better after a second viewing and having the show once a year is fine; I'm looking forward to this one SmackDown is not compelling television. I am not anticipating a Chris Jericho return. You look forward to PPVs more if you watch minimal WWE programming. Watching WWE is not mandatory and it's okay to not know everything that is going on The Mickie James/Trish feud wasn't very orgasmic Cena vs. Flair at Vengeance in North Carolina would have been a bad match but I would have lost my shit anyway (putting the belt on Flair doesn't matter to me; I couldn't care less if WWE loses money)
  3. The Mandarin

    I'm back...

    Thus ends the streak of not having seen "goatse" or whatever the fuck that is called. Kinda disappointed though. Don't know why.
  4. The Mandarin

    Best indy matches 2004-now?

    Oh yeah, UWA Hardcore Wrestling (Toronto-area promotion) had a ****+ match in Josh Prohibition (yes, him) vs. Austin Aries last March. It's really quite excellent; give it a look if possible.
  5. The Mandarin

    Best Movie trailers?

    MI:3's was absolutely insane and probably the best in recent memory. ROTS looked really good too.
  6. The Mandarin

    Best indy matches 2004-now?

    From PWG- Joey Ryan vs. Super Dragon in an Iron Man. Great stuff there. Sick bumps, good story. I would get that. You also need Roderick Strong vs. Danielson II from Vendetta. Holy shit was that amazing.
  7. The Mandarin

    The Office, Season Two

    Double post. "OH-- my God. You haven't seen that since 1983."
  8. The Mandarin

    The Office, Season Two

    (paraphrasing) "...Why are you the way that you are? Honestly, every time I try and do something good and fun, you try to make it not that way. I hate everything.. about what you choose to be." Best moment in comedy so far this year. And holy shit was that good television.
  9. The Mandarin

    Fav. Cartoon To watch while your drunk/high

    I was about to write "Deal or No Deal" before I realized everyone wrote down cartoon shows and was like, "WTF?" Attribute that to drinking.
  10. The Mandarin

    The Worst Wrestling Show of All-Time

    Great American Bash 2005 and Royal Rumble 2006 offered absolutely nothing. Survivor Series 2005 was pretty awful as well with a negative star WWE Title match.
  11. In honor of that absolutely disgusting Island Driver on TNA tonight, I'd like to see what head bumps made everybody else cringe. "Head drops" does not include weapon shots to the head or stiff punches to the face, obviously. My current top five: 1) Joey Ryan's Duff Drop to the outside cement floor on Super Dragon. I just can't understand how Super Dragon is still alive, honestly. Just blew my mind. Totally awesome match, too. 2) Piledriver at SummerSlam 1997. 'Nuff said. 3) Ganso Bomb. See above. 4) Benoit's powerbomb on Eddie; Nitro 1995. He took it with his neck and shoulders but his head REBOUNDING off the mat was absolutely disgusting. What a noise that made. 5) Pepsi Plunge on one of the Briscoes at Reborn: Stage Two. That's one of my most replayed spots in history. He just went CRASHING down onto his skull from the top. Great finish. Holla back.
  12. The Mandarin

    Mission Impossible 3

    Intense movie. Good stuff. Movie ending here--
  13. The Mandarin

    Pilsbury Doughboy Kidnapped

    I guess this will delay Fahrenheit 9/11½.
  14. The Mandarin

    Mission Impossible 3

    I can't fucking wait for this movie, the trailer looked absolutely phenominal. Tom Cruise runs off a building! Tom Cruise thrown into a car! Tom Cruise with tears in his eyes! Phillip Seymour Hoffman yelling at him! Hooolllly shit.
  15. The Mandarin

    La Parka: A Poll and Discussion

    I voted for 7th Parka too. How strange.
  16. The Mandarin

    Four Square

    God yes; I hardly remember the game but I know I had a great time playing it. I can't fathom playing it with a tennis ball though. Although looking at Wikipedia's list of four square moves is strange. "Tiananemen Square"? "Peppermint Sticks"? I don't remember what we called those (we still used them), but they weren't those names.
  17. The Mandarin

    Awesome 80s Movie Moments

    Daniel-san fucking up Johnny Sean Penn having the pizza delivered in the classroom Old granny taking a bump through the window in Gremlins Jack Nicholson explaining that he had a "horrible nightmare" where he cut Wendy and the kid up into little pieces in The Shining; Scatman getting axed (too much to mention from the movie) The final scene of Raging Bull Droopy Dog's cameo in Who Framed Roger Rabbit?
  18. The Mandarin

    The OAO Raw Thread 5/1/06

    Why is Joey Styles screaming?
  19. The Mandarin

    The WWE Backlash '06 Thread...

    Royal Rumble was much worse, it didn't even feature a match better than RVD/Shelton. And I didn't even see NYR or Taboo Tuesday but heard bad things.
  20. The Mandarin

    The WWE Backlash '06 Thread...

    I might as well do star ratings for the first time in ages (even though nobody does them anymore): I didn't pay much attention to Carlito vs. Masters and Big Show vs. Kane but they both looked like shit anyway. Trish vs. Mickie: 1/2*- Really good beginning, they didn't wrestle but rather Trish started beating the shit out of her, bad finish however. Really a shame Trish got hurt, could have been good. Ric Flair vs. Umaga: 1/4*, Umaga looked like shit but at least they tried to put him over RVD vs. Shelton: ***, cool spots and all but there wasn't much heat; RVD's back was injured and subsequently ignored-- I thought they could have done more with that Shawn Michaels vs. Vince and Shane: **1/4; entertaining crap. I can't believe these old goofs are still doing crazy spots. Shitty finish. "Father, son, holy Spirit Squad" is creative. Cena vs. HHH vs. Edge: ***3/4 approx, probably will hold up much better than the Backlash 2004 triple threat. John Cena impressed. Good stuff.
  21. The Mandarin

    The WWE Backlash '06 Thread...

    Holy shit that was a good main. I could watch those retards beat each other up all month. Highlight of the night was Lita dropping a chair on her head and then being unintentionally spinebustered onto the unfolded chair.
  22. The Mandarin

    So, does anybody speak Latin?

    La plume de ma tante.