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The Mandarin

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Everything posted by The Mandarin

  1. The Mandarin

    Favourite/Least Fav. Regular Spots

    Actually, if I may say so, I hate how when rest holds are used in every match nowadays, they go on for at least more than one minute, and they ignore the crowd support. I miss the good old days when fans clapping would get a face out of a chinlock. But no more! Thanks, Randy Orton and Christian. Keep on boring us to tears.
  2. The Mandarin

    History has been made today.

    The last time I threw up was while watching Collateral Damage. True story.
  3. The Mandarin

    Make a statement

    Statement: One and a half hours of reading the Scummiest Wrestling Urban Legends thread over at the DVD boards has WARPED MY MIND. You know what I'm talking about, Rudo. (Saw your name on the members list)
  4. The Mandarin

    History has been made today.

    Why was this? EDIT: I want to vomit looking at your avatar. That's MXC's greatest moment, though.
  5. The Mandarin

    Best on the stick

    I'd say the same thing about Chris Jericho, but this is just opening a giant can of worm..ass. (Not to say I think Chris Jericho's such a bad wrestler. I just consider him okay.)
  6. The Mandarin

    The OAO Fantasy League Thread

    24 hour rule. Real F'n Show, it's your turn. Draft two guys. (Voice can make his pick at any time)
  7. The Mandarin

    Johnny Ramone passes away

    I actually believed that he was going to be okay (after the report came out that he denied being on his "deathbed"). RIP.
  8. The Mandarin

    Favorite OAORaw Over-Used Joke

    Statement: By the end of December, "Superstar" Shawn (Magic Carpet) Daivari will be a OAORaw Over-Used joke without ever wrestling on the show.
  9. The Mandarin

    Which video game character are you?

    I got Ms. Pac Man.
  10. The Mandarin

    Jamie Noble released from WWE

    I'll miss not watching him wrestle.
  11. The Mandarin


    **1/2, too many restholds during the middle.
  12. The Mandarin

    The OAO Fantasy League Thread

  13. The Mandarin

    Favorite OAORaw Over-Used Joke

    What was it suppose to say on the closed caption? Goldberg. Wow...how did THAT kind of an error happen? Goldberg...Smaffles. Sounds like a new kind of cereal mixed with waffles. Actually, Smaffles sounds like a lovable animal of some sort, like a mammoth or wildebeast. Or a pimping bear.
  14. The Mandarin

    What will Vince say next week?

    Maybe he'll go for the Oprah route. "EVERBODY IN THE AUDIENCE GETS CARS!" *cheers* "VOLVOS!" *clapping stops*
  15. The Mandarin

    Favorite OAORaw Over-Used Joke

    What was it suppose to say on the closed caption? Goldberg.
  16. The Mandarin

    The OAO Fantasy League Thread

    Wow, I can't believe the Undertaker was forgotten this long. What, you guys weren't feelin' it?
  17. The Mandarin

    Unforgiven this Sunday

    Sorry to interrupt (if there's still more pictures to come). How much did the seats run you?
  18. The Mandarin

    Favorite OAORaw Over-Used Joke

    Smaffles was the greatest thing to ever hit closed captioning. Now the name has been immortalized under the guise of a pimping bear. Also, "One, two goirks" was awesome as well.
  19. The Mandarin

    What will Vince say next week?

    According to the commercials I saw last night, the fans are going to pick the Heavyweight Title contender for Taboo Tuesday.
  20. The Mandarin

    The OAO Raw IS Diva SearcHHH thread

    ...that was the quietest snapmare ever. Nobody in the audience made a sound. They were just observing it.
  21. The Mandarin

    The OAO Raw IS Diva SearcHHH thread

    He punched himself after botching a Chapstick apply. Does that mean Kane is Ross Geller?
  22. The Mandarin

    The OAO Raw IS Diva SearcHHH thread

    I shall never make a Star Trek reference again. Only TEKWAR from now on.
  23. The Mandarin

    The OAO Raw IS Diva SearcHHH thread

    Kane: "..and that's because you're having MY baby!" *walks out* Lita: "Get back here!" *silence* Lita: "...KHAAAAAAAN!"
  24. The Mandarin

    The OAO Raw IS Diva SearcHHH thread
