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the pinjockey

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Everything posted by the pinjockey

  1. the pinjockey

    Philles Get Wagner

    I wouldn't worry about the two inning deal. With Cormier, they have an 8th inning man if they put him in that position. They do need to pick up a couple of good arms for the 6th and 7th inning, but they don't need to worry about getting a premium set up man.
  2. the pinjockey

    Philles Get Wagner

    Rumors have been thrown around about Vazquez and Schilling. Schilling, especially, is quite the mentioned topic. And there is no way in hell Millwood will want to come back.
  3. the pinjockey

    Philles Get Wagner

    Well, one of the prospects is Taylor Buchholz. He is a good prospect who would probably jump into the Astros rotation this year or next. So the Astros did get a player out of this. And they got a Class A pitcher, who isn't Cole Hamels, so whatever.
  4. the pinjockey

    Philles Get Wagner

    They aren't resigning Millwood. First of all, he isn't worth what some team will end up paying for him. Second, he would turn into a Mesa situation very quickly if he had one bad outing. For reference, he was the only player booed during the Vet closing ceremonies and when he tossed his hat into the crowd the fans chanted throw it back.
  5. the pinjockey

    Philles Get Wagner

    YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES I can't believe that is all they had to give up (assuming the other player isn't a big prospect, which they usually aren't). Giving up nothing, while not having to take on Hidalgo's contract is awesome.
  6. the pinjockey

    WWE: We never have off-seasons

    Part of their contracts is guaranteed, isn't it? So that should provide a paycheck during time off. I would let them wrestle minimally, maybe like one indy show a week. I want them getting healthy. And the problem with cycling is they are struggling for star power as it is. I don't know if they could get people out, without ending the split.
  7. the pinjockey

    WWE: We never have off-seasons

    I think an offseason would be a good idea. At first I though about jester's point (people might realize they dont need it), but I think the rut they are in now needs solving. At this rate they are going to stay in the 3.0-3.9 ratings range forever. Is there a chance people will tune out? Yes. But I think you need to take the gamble and come back fresh. It should result in better matches due to people being healthier. As well as giving new guys a built in reason to care about them. With a season set up you could present the new guys as actual rookies, like in regular sports. Instead of just having them appear out of nowhere, with no purpose, this gives people at least some reason to care. Look at regular sports, people are interested to see the incoming rookies, see how they do, see who ends up Rookie of the Year.
  8. the pinjockey

    The One And Only 24 Season 3 Thread

    I can see him, though, like the one Yakuza guy in that episode of the Simpsons. Stands around, silent, doing nothing, then all of a sudden kicks everyone's ass. Of course the only way you could really get him out in the field would be to kill off Michelle and they already did a wife death.
  9. the pinjockey

    The One And Only 24 Season 3 Thread

    If Kiefer leaves after this season, I want Tony to be the main man next season. He has the "unfuckwithable" (to steal Dames' title) vibe to him. Unless, I am surprised throughout this season by the new guy, because he isn't really giving off a main character vibe right now.
  10. the pinjockey

    The One And Only 24 Season 3 Thread

    Abso-fucking-lutely. It was still the best thing on TV last year.
  11. the pinjockey

    The OAO Week 9 NFL Thread

    Come on Culpepper, sneak this 1 foot in yourself.
  12. the pinjockey

    The OAO Week 9 NFL Thread

    As long as Culpepper throws it to him, I don't care who gets the TD.
  13. the pinjockey

    So who is going to go broke?

    I think once Manhunt comes out that will be the one to break me.
  14. the pinjockey

    Horror Movie Tourney

    Dawn of the Dead The Exorcist Friday the 13th (choice) Texas Chainsaw Massacre
  15. the pinjockey

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    I would imagine it was just a school that one of the writers went to and it was a major party school. Either that or someone on the staff is a Pulp Fiction fan.
  16. the pinjockey

    Rich Girls on MTV...

    Oh, if I were rich I would live the high life. Give me some Ferraris and mansions. But I would give some to charity and wouldn't look for acclaim for it. And my kids I would give them each 2 grand for their first car. If you want better, get a job. But I would spoil the hell out of my parents. Mansions? you got it. Antique cars? you got it. Personal Asian massuse? you got it. Whatever they want.
  17. the pinjockey

    Rich Girls on MTV...

    I know it isn't bad that it is just a small percentage. But when they are treated like heroes for giving up the cost of one party they throw a year to charity that is when I have a problem with it. If it was just charity, walk into a homeless shelter, hand them a check, tell them you want to see what happens with the money, then walk out. No photo op, no big hoopla.
  18. the pinjockey

    Rich Girls on MTV...

    I don't think I would hate you for that. I would hate you if you threw a crumb to the peasants then acted like a grand, charitable person. I wouldn't have a problem with Puff's walk in closet if they didn't pull the charity card. And I wouldn't hate anyone who got rich and spent their money. But I would hate their spoiled kids if they never did anything other than live off it. I am lazy as fuck, but even I would realize I need to pull some kind of weight.
  19. the pinjockey

    Rich Girls on MTV...

    All this charity stuff makes me laugh. Watching the Fabulous Life of Puff Daddy, I think it was, they were talking about how he gives X amount (million range?) to charity. Then they talk about how he has a 16 million dollar home in NY that he uses as a giant walk in closet. What a fucking joke? Congratulations for giving about 1% of you income to charity, in front of cameras, in perfect photo op territory.
  20. the pinjockey

    Rich Girls on MTV...

    I was flipping around, saw them being driven around in a limo and said fuck that noise.
  21. the pinjockey

    WWE Bloodbath DVD

    If by IS you mean ISN'T, then yes the phrase is cut off your nose despite your face.
  22. the pinjockey

    Rich Girls on MTV...

    At least out of the Osbournes one wouldn't even be on the show and Jack seems to be trying to make something of himself with that record label or whatever. So 2 out of 3 ain't bad, with only Kelly being an obnoxious coattail rider.
  23. the pinjockey

    Rich Girls on MTV...

    One of them is a Hilfiger, no idea on the other one. And I despise the Hilton sisters. Of course they do provide me amusement when people are on TV fawning all over how beautiful the sisters are. Ahem.....FUCK NO. And the motorcycle incident was GOLD.
  24. the pinjockey

    Rich Girls on MTV...

    I really don't get the point of this show. I understand that Cribs and The Fabulous Life of (insert celebrity) do well. But people care about those shows, because people care about those being featured first and foremost. I don't give a flying fuck what some little spoiled brat does to get ready for her weekend or whatever. And I agree on making my kids be normal. I wouldn't quite go Wal-Mart style, because what is the point of being that successful if you aren't going to be generous to your family. But there would be no conversations like "I'm bored can I have the credit card" "Sure honey" "Here is the $5000 receipt" "Awww, you did good saving this weekend hon"
  25. the pinjockey

    Official College Football thread

    I doubt they will ever get rid of the current OT, because it is too entertaining for them to dump now. But it is retarded that they take ST and Def out of the equation completely.