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the pinjockey

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Everything posted by the pinjockey

  1. the pinjockey

    Yankees Lose

    If Vazquez or Schilling doesn't happen, don't be surprised to see Pettite in Philly. They have had a bit of a hard on for him for years.
  2. the pinjockey

    Yankees Lose

    I don't see Maddux as the type to worry about the money as much as other players though. He has had the success and 845 division titles, so he doesn't need to make a last ditch run on a winner. And don't underestimate the effect NY had on Glavine. I don't doubt that Maddux saw that and realized he doesn't need that shit times 10 being on the Yankees compared to the Mets.
  3. the pinjockey

    Yankees Lose

    Maddux won't go to the Yankees. He doesn't need to deal with the pressure. And Soriano is going nowhere. You don't get rid of a 40-40 second baseman. I would be surprised if George didn't make a run at Vlad and two of the big pitchers. Or Vlad, Tejada, and one big pitcher.
  4. the pinjockey

    Do any of you miss the Ross Report?

    I miss it. It was an amusing read, just to see how full of shit he was.
  5. the pinjockey

    The ONE and ONLY World Series Thread

    Quiet you. Mr. Technicality They'll trade him for a good enough offer. Which better be made.
  6. the pinjockey

    The ONE and ONLY World Series Thread

    No Marvin, Vazquez is to be mine this offseason. MINE MINE MINE
  7. the pinjockey

    The ONE and ONLY World Series Thread

    :note to self never ever ever piss off Sandman: AS, I am sure you could take a nice piss on the corpse or something. I am worried now, though, because I see George making a run at Colon, Vazquez, and another big pitcher. I don't want him being the black hole of FA this year.
  8. the pinjockey

    The ONE and ONLY World Series Thread

    Yeah, but with Weaver weren't they expecting their ace of the future, once Clemens and Wells are gone?
  9. the pinjockey

    The ONE and ONLY World Series Thread

    Good to see McKeon shoved back in line. Not like they owe him their souls or anything.
  10. the pinjockey

    The ONE and ONLY World Series Thread

    Is Weaver going to go down as the biggest Yankee bust acquisition ever?
  11. the pinjockey

    Is anyone else getting Tired of Mysterio

    Same thing happened to him as everyone else. WWE style + 4 minute matches
  12. the pinjockey

    The ONE and ONLY World Series Thread

    I can hear the printers in Yankees offices buzzing, printing out resumes right now. Is it just me or do most of the Yankees not even look disappointed, more just like an oh well ho hum type of reaction.
  13. the pinjockey

    Congrats to Paul and Stephanie

    Why is it so bad to not wish these people luck? It isn't like wishing death or phyiscal harm to them. As far as I care, they have ruined/are ruining wrestling. Therefore I don't like them, and if I don't like them, then fuck em. I hope the marriage fails and they are miserable.
  14. the pinjockey

    ~The Official MMA News Thead~

    That would turn the most wild and exciting field into being the boss of the accounts payable group. I could imagine being his boss and tell him he did his TPS reports wrong.
  15. the pinjockey

    ~The Official MMA News Thead~

    He doesn't look like he has enough fun in life, from the pics. He needs to lighten up a little.
  16. the pinjockey

    Trade Me To Dallas

    I think they are looking for McGahee to give them any type of reason to keep him over Henry. If he is remotely solid in the second half of the season, with the carries he gets, they will dump Henry.
  17. the pinjockey

    ~The Official MMA News Thead~

    I already knew that stuff.
  18. the pinjockey

    Trade Me To Dallas

    Throw in the fact that Buffalo is going to have an extra RB available and Duce Staley becoming a FA, and you can have a logjam of RBs pretty quickly to expect much for Dillon. I am not a big fan of Duce Staley, but with Dillon being much more expensive and costing a pick I would prefer Duce.
  19. the pinjockey

    ~The Official MMA News Thead~

    Rampage on JACKASS~! right now.
  20. the pinjockey

    ~The Official MMA News Thead~

    Learn something new everyday, ghetto apple = onion. There is no way in hell, if he ever decided to get into wrestling, he wouldn't be a star in America.
  21. the pinjockey

    "UNCUT" movies on TV piss me off

    Yippee-Ki-Yay Mister Falcon I am surprised SpikeTV hasn't tried what Comedy Central did over the summer with South Park. It seems like the perfect marketing plan, for what they are going after.
  22. the pinjockey

    "UNCUT" movies on TV piss me off

    My problem with the UNCUT movies is the fact they just have silence over the swears. It is much more fun to listen to edited dialogue, than listen to blank spots. :weeps for the day Dorn's "What's the matter little lady, can't you take a freaking joke." is taken out of Major League:
  23. the pinjockey

    The OaO 2003-2004 NBA Season Thread!

    Well, dominating or not, the Lakers are going to be the focus of much of the NBA discussion this year. And that is one of the two main reasons this year is going to suck. Between "Ohmigawd Lebron scored 30 points, he is the greatest", "Haha Lebron scored 5 points, told you he sucks", and every Laker game being flooded with "this team has issues" and "it will be interesting to see how his teammates and the fans react." I just summed up right there, about 80% of all NBA discussion this year.
  24. the pinjockey

    Fantasy NBA League?

    I am not really interested in any of the Mavericks right now. I need to see how they spread all of the minutes/shots out. Sorry I didn't reply to your pm, I had it up and got into something else and forgot about it.
  25. the pinjockey

    Sci/Fi Horror Site

    You could have like a Villian of the week section. Each week, take a horror villain, and give the history, background, major moments, etc. etc.