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the pinjockey

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Everything posted by the pinjockey

  1. the pinjockey

    28 Days Later

    Pretty much, that is what I thought. My thinking was when they had the one chained up, he mentioned that he learned how long it takes for them to starve to death. So as long as they could stay holed up and out last the infected, then England would be their's essentially, to rebuild. The other guy said fuck all that and was starting to corrupt the minds of the new people, so they had to get rid of him. As long as he was just spewing his "the virus didn't spread" stuff around them, who didn't care, then they didn't mind. But once other people heard and believed him, time to kill him.
  2. the pinjockey

    Looking Ahead to the 2004 MLB Season

    Not going to be any changes in the Phillies lineup. Lieberthal Thome Polanco Rollins Bell Abreu Byrd Burrell They need to add a left handed bench bat in the offseason, but with Utley (provided they don't trade him), Tomas Perez, Todd Pratt (they better resign him), and Ricky Ledee they have a solid remaining bench. The pitching needs some additions in the offseason. 3/5ths of the starting rotation is set with Padilla, Wolf, and Myers. I would like to see them bring up a kid from the minors for the 5 slot (Ryan Madson or Taylor Buckholz). No need to go nutty for a 5th when they are stocked on arms in the minors. For an ace, I would love to see them make a run at Javier Vazquez. I don't care how much it costs to get him. For the bullpen they need to sign Keith Foulke. I don't trust Tom Gordon's health enough, to proclaim him a top priority like Wade has. If Foulke goes somewhere else, they could trade for Billy Wagner or Troy Percival. I would also run at Ricardo Rincon and one more solid bullpen arm. Then hopefully they can convince Pleasac to come back. I would resign Terry Adams, because he found a niche in the set up role. I would gamble on him recovering from his injury A set up of: Closer - Foulke Set up men - Cormier, Adams, Rincon Lefty ace - Pleasac Round out - FA (the other arm), Silva, Geoff Geary, Eric Junge (two guys I would bring up), Duckworth (if they don't trade him) With the money they are losing from Mesa, Williams, and Millwood, I think it is a reasonable plan to get (Vazquez, Foulke, Rincon, another bullpen arm, and a left handed bench bat).
  3. the pinjockey

    Upcoming WWE storylines

    Is that what happened? If that is the case he is a sicker fuck than I ever thought.
  4. the pinjockey

    WWE news from the Torch

    "- They wanted to call Tajiri's new stable "the Yakuza", but Tajiri refused because he doesn't want to be killed in Japan. " GOLD
  5. the pinjockey

    Upcoming WWE storylines

    So Stacy is beaten for not liking beer and apologizes for it. Stephanie is beaten by her father, but loves him even more afterwards. Vince must have been abused by some woman as a child. That is the only explanation I can figure.
  6. the pinjockey

    ~The Official MMA News Thead~

    Why does Pride wait until the very last minute to announce matches? Do they always do this or do they only do this when they don't have big matches planned for the open slots? Not that it really matters for me, knowing few of the fighters anyway. But it just seems like a really odd practice.
  7. the pinjockey

    Smartmarks Fake Baseball League

    Wow, just realized that none of the 9 players so far are on the same team. Hopefully we will get some teammates in the next draft. I sure could use a Juan Pierre type hitting in front of me. 40 HR season a comin~!
  8. the pinjockey

    Trade Me To Dallas

    James Stewart last year ran for 1021 yards with a better YPC than Dillon. Out of the top 12 RB in yards last year Dillon had the lowest YPC at 4.2.
  9. the pinjockey

    Trade Me To Dallas

    To get 1000 yards you only need to average 60 yards and change a game. Throw in the fact he usually gets one or two big games a year, and that number drops quite a bit for the rest.
  10. the pinjockey

    Trade Me To Dallas

    Rushing for 1000 yards isn't that much of an accomplishment. Add in the fact he is crossing the RB age limits and he doesn't come near top 3.
  11. the pinjockey

    SmartMarks Horror Movie Tourney

    Alien An American Werewolf in London Friday the 13th (choice) (damn you for making me go against AoD this early) Black Christmas Blair Witch Project Night of the Living Dead (1968) Psycho (1960) Dawn of the Dead The Exorcist Evil Dead Evil Dead 2 Halloween (choice) The Thing Texas Chainsaw Massacre From Dusk Til Dawn The Shining
  12. the pinjockey

    Conversation tips...

    Last time I tried "Seen any good movies?", the answer I got was Lizzie McGuire. From a 21 year old girl. Quickest end to a conversation I ever had.
  13. the pinjockey

    Official College Football thread

    I could see the biggest non-BCS bowl going after N.Illinois. It would be a good story and if it ends up with a one loss team in the championship the bowl can claim to have one of the best two teams. (provided NIU holds on to undefeated record)
  14. the pinjockey

    Seau is a RACIST~!

    Watermelon Italian Ice is even better If you are talking about real italian ice, I agree. But if it is that shitty grocery store, frozen, comes with a wooden stick kind, that stuff blows.
  15. the pinjockey

    Trade Me To Dallas

    Fuck Dillon. He had his chance to escape via FA and didn't. Throw in the fact he is the king of the 200 yard game followed by the 20 yard game. He killed me last year.
  16. the pinjockey

    One and Only South Park thread

    If Jesse James and the Tuetels hunted down the home decorating people, that would be my favorite episode ever.
  17. the pinjockey

    Week Eight Prediction Thread.

    Carolina New England Tampa Bay Denver Chicago Minnesota Seattle St. Louis Tennessee San Francisco Indianapolis Philadelphia Kansas City San Diego (Monday Night)
  18. the pinjockey

    One and Only South Park thread

    Butters owns your face. That is all.
  19. the pinjockey

    Spielburg to do Star Wars 7-9

    Unless episode three kicks some serious ass, I don't see the point of a third trilogy. By the time it would get made, the generation of movie goers is going to be more familiar with the second trilogy as opposed to the first. And those people certainly aren't going to be flocking to the theaters in droves for more Star Wars.
  20. the pinjockey

    One and Only South Park thread

    I claim being the one calling out Dutchman for calling out Mik.
  21. the pinjockey

    What would make me tune back in

    Send Jericho over to SD. Then you can mix and match Jericho Angle Benoit Eddy Hardy Benjamin Mysterio That could give you months of matches that would get my money.
  22. the pinjockey

    Goldberg angry again...

    I hate Goldberg as much as the next guy, but come on now. Headline: GOLDBERG HAS A BAD DAY. BIG NEWZ! Hasn't Mark Henry been around long enough to realize a rib when he sees one? I assume Long wasn't there, otherwise he would have told him. I would kill to see Long's face, when he got there and realized what had happened.
  23. the pinjockey

    One and Only South Park thread

    Midnight tonight
  24. the pinjockey

    Smackdown Spoilers Thread

    This is what the Rock is going to be used for now. To be the celebrity outsider, to opine about matches to give the big hype job.
  25. the pinjockey

    28 Days Later

    It was weird as hell watching the radical alternate ending, done only in storyboards. After watching that I was glad they put in the soldier story, because I liked that much better. But at the time of watching it in the theater, it was a little much. And I would certainly put this ahead of Kill Bill. I am having a hard time thinking of a movie I saw this year I would put it behind.