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the pinjockey

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Everything posted by the pinjockey

  1. the pinjockey

    Desert Island Draft

  2. the pinjockey

    Desert Island Draft

    Round 16 would start at midnight going by the earlier plan.
  3. the pinjockey

    Desert Island Draft

    The next time the clock hits 12am. Each day, starting at midnight, will be a new round and you can pick whenever you show up on that date.
  4. the pinjockey

    Desert Island Draft

    darthtiki's time passed Transformers I was definitely a Transformers guy.
  5. the pinjockey

    Desert Island Draft

    That is fine, either way. Anything that provides a little more freedom and a little less dead area.
  6. the pinjockey

    Desert Island Draft

    And Brandon's time has passed, Milky has a few more hours then Darthtiki is on the clock.
  7. the pinjockey

    Desert Island Draft

    What if, for rounds 16-20, we just do a pick as you show up order. Personally, at this point, I am not going to be crushed if someone steals one of the shows I was interested in given that there have been plenty of opportunities to take your priority shows and the pace has really slowed down. Everyone can make one pick whenever they show up and once everyone has gone in the round, we start the process over again. It might get a little confusing, but as long as the first person to make the pick in each round (which will obviously be whoever made the last pick in the previous round) copies and pastes the participant list into their post to signify the beginning of a new round it should stay relatively sane. And selfishly I would like to wrap this up before 8/5 as I am going away for a week and a half and if this is still going on after I get back it means this is reallllllly dragging.
  8. the pinjockey

    NHL Offseason Thread

    Works for me, he was tearing it up before Hatcher laid him out last year and then he got the ankle sprain right after coming back. As long as the money they will have next offseason (when Knuble and Hatcher are done) is earmarked for Coburn, it is all good.
  9. the pinjockey

    This Week in Baseball 7/14 - 7/20

    I guess that also means the end of Happ's chances to pitch with the big club unless Myers still shits the bed upon his return. Is Blanton really going to be that much/any better than Happ would have been? If they were going to give up that package for Blanton they really should have just gone ahead and shot their wad for Harden. Would cost more (maybe not that much, though), but at least you get quality in return.
  10. the pinjockey

    This Week in Baseball 7/14 - 7/20

    Cardenas has been rumored to have been taken out of the Clearwater lineup.
  11. the pinjockey

    TSM Fantasy Baseball 2008

  12. the pinjockey

    Broadway Brett beats retirement!

    Let him run the scout team/4th quarters of the preseason games and save Brohm the abuse.
  13. the pinjockey

    Broadway Brett beats retirement!

    I think they would trade him for anything as long as he was out of the division. Just make him the backup. Sitting on the bench will make him pine for the farm in no time.
  14. the pinjockey

    Broadway Brett beats retirement!

    Well, he did tend to complete a ton of passes to Vikings, which is what they would want him to do.
  15. the pinjockey

    Broadway Brett beats retirement!

    He couldn't even do the non-douchebag thing and ask for a trade to a non-NFC North team? I have to think they would have given into that.
  16. the pinjockey

    Desert Island Draft

    Iron Chef I may need to know how to cook a live octopus on an island, so this can come in handy.
  17. the pinjockey

    Desert Island Draft

    Martin Martin Lawrence is a funny dude and Tisha Campbell is nice to look at, so there we go.
  18. the pinjockey

    TSM Fantasy Baseball 2008

  19. the pinjockey

    NHL Offseason Thread

    I am curious to know what they could have possibly done. They are hamstrung by Hatcher's indecision. They can't use his 3.5 and besides that they made their move last offseason. You can only play the big spender so often when there is a cap in place. I really don't like how much money Randy Jones got, but beyond that the only thing they lost was RJ Umberger who was bolstered by the Montreal series. Replace him with Giroux and that has a very good chance of being an upgrade. Jason Smith sucked ass, so I am not counting him as a loss. The only thing they need IMO is a #3 DMan. That, for now, is Hatcher. If he proves to not be healthy enough to play this season, they can then explore a trade.
  20. the pinjockey

    Desert Island Draft

    Picking from work again so no pic Project Greenlight Each season provided some solid entertainment: completely overwhelmed guy in season 1, douchebaggery at it's highest form in the season 2 director pairing and whatever the hell Gulager was in season 3. And of course Chris Moore's ass breaking a chair.
  21. the pinjockey

    Desert Island Draft

    Saved by the Bell Jessie is so excited by being selected here.
  22. the pinjockey

    NHL Offseason Thread

    As much fun as that would be, any resources for the Flyers need to go to the blueline. Especially if Hatcher is not coming back. They have plenty of forward depth, but beyond Timonen and Coburn there are a lot of 4/5/6 type defensemen.
  23. the pinjockey

    Fantasy Football

    Just a note, I am not interested in participating in the above. If some or all of you guys want to we'll close the league (I can't leave it since I set it up, it would make me close it) and someone else can set up a new one with it (or those interested could just start a new one anyway).
  24. the pinjockey

    TSM Fantasy Baseball 2008

    I set up the one league last year, I'll go ahead and get it up and running. I like that you can just transfer setting from the previous year's leagues.