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Everything posted by deancoles

  1. deancoles

    English Football

    I started posting a few weeks before our 11 game winning streak which really should have guaranteed automatic promotion. Since then we've gone into the dreaded "transition" phase.
  2. deancoles

    English Football

    The Luke Beckett signing seemed pointless, he played a few times then was off to Huddersfield and Oldham. Edit: How many of these have actually got 5+ goals this year? Ward Liddell Kabba(Best one out the lot) Cadamarteri Tommy Johnson Beckett Gray Webber Paul Shaw We're actually getting like them in Striker terms, we've got 6 with Stewart to probably arrive soon but only 1 Goalie in the 1st team squad. Lita Brooker Heffernan Gillespie Miller Cotterill
  3. deancoles

    English Football

    Show's how crap our defence is then, Proudlock always scores when he's at our ground.
  4. deancoles

    English Football

    With your Away record you should go through, any preference on who you play? If you do go through will Maclean be fit? you looked far better with him or Proudlock in the team when I've seen you play.
  5. deancoles

    English Football

    To be honest we need to get successful League 1/2 Players on a free instead of failed Prem/Championship ones for big money by our standards.We're getting Swindon's CB and Left Winger which is a good start, I'm just hoping Chelsea and Arsenal release some quality(at our level) Defenders/Midfielders from their Academies.
  6. deancoles

    English Football

    I'd rather have Darren Bent, he's younger and has never played for Bristol Rovers. Edit: Miller's in the Scotland squad, Aberdeen and Leicester are interested but neither can afford the fee, with Stewart coming in and his contract running out we pretty much have to shift him this summer.
  7. deancoles

    English Football

    Is that the one who used to play for Wimbledon? There was an Adam Nowland on CM with great potential ability, I'd always get him,Reo-Coker,Mcanuff and Lionel Morgan on the cheap and most would fetch about 2.5 million or make the 1st team(usually Morgan and Mcanuff)
  8. deancoles

    English Football

    Hull are supposed to be getting Sam Parkin though and he's the best striker in our league while Johnson would be on double his wages with a bad injury record and has fallen out with a couple of managers. I Could see them after Lita as well.
  9. deancoles

    English Football

    I know it's awful for the players but as a fan I think all the players being released is great, us League 1 clubs are waiting for the bigger prem clubs to release their academy kids(we got Lita from Chelsea with this method) since the better players on frees wouldn't be interested unless they are local lads. Edit: We released a couple of players, none were really a surprise, I know Forest and Leciester released a load, any who'd realistically do a good job for us bearing in mind a commanding CB is what we really need.
  10. deancoles

    English Football

    If your injuries are that bad you can take him, just be prepared to sub him after an hour. Edit: Get Dinning as well, on Loan and he's great, give him a contract and he's crap.
  11. deancoles

    English Football

    Tony Pulis did his own overhaul with us, the transfers/wages put us in the shit and his long ball style was awful. "so your crap/past it and no one wants you" "right" "have a 3 year contract son" Mortimer,Steve Jones,Burns,Beadle and Holland were all flops and most of them were on the wage bill for years. Edit: The day in January when i'd found out he went to Portsmouth was the best day in my life, we even got 100k for him.
  12. deancoles

    English Football

    Question for the Championship guys, how's Marcus Stewart been this year? I know he's got 17 in the league but he's been having a great team around him instead of us(he's from Bristol and has been tipped by everyone to join us)
  13. deancoles

    WWF/E Tidbits from the past

    I think he'd have faced Earthquake had he stayed around. At least with Undertaker coming back they had a decent Kayfabe explanation.
  14. deancoles

    Request for everyone

    At least in American football they hit each other really hard. Not as hard as in rugby, true, but we Yanks gotta take what we can get. Ya well, we run on the field for 90 consecutive minutes, compaired to an average of 10 seconds per play after the snap. Depends what players your on about, we've had our share of Lazy Players who spend 85 minutes stood in the centre circle looking in the stands for the scouts and the other 5 doing tricks and going for 30 yarders in view of those scouts.
  15. deancoles

    English Football

    Peacock's form with us was weird, he'd usually get 10-15 before January and maybe 5 at the most before the end of the season.By the 03/04 season it was obvious that he was Wilson's favourite striker and despite his crap form in 2004 he was still 1st choice forward. Still he wasn't a bad player as long as you had a Tony Thorpe or a Mark Robins type who would get the tap ins and 1 on 1's with the Goalie.He actually reminded me of Akinbiyi in that he'd miss more than he scored. Speaking of Forwards, Miller's worrying me, he hasn't scored in 2 now that the Hearts manager looks as though he's getting the bullet. Torquay going down was a surprise, I thought Oldham would win with Beckett up front and Moore being a great manager at this level but MK Dons beating Tranmere seemed unlikely. Edit: Just seen highlights of Chelsea, that Makelele goal seems very "convenient", all the Chelsea fans/Players seemed to want him to get one and the only way he'd get a Goal was a tap in or penalty, reminded me of those testimonial penalties you used to see given.
  16. deancoles

    English Football

    Will your Goalie miss the Play offs? is Lucas injured or was he rested? he's a lot better than the guy you had in today(peacock was as well) who was at fault for at least 1 and maybe 2 goals. Edit: Funnily enough you seemed to be lacking a Steve Brooker to hold the ball up.
  17. deancoles

    English Football

    What about if you draw(which I think will happen) I can see you beating a reserve Man U team and Charlton/Palace could go either way depending on which Charlton turn up. Edit: Didn't know the Goal Difference was so close, it could come down to a single Goal like the Scottish league did a few years ago. I guess if you did go down you'll start going through your games looking at draws which should have been wins(especially home games), I know I did last year when we came 3rd.
  18. deancoles

    Worked in 4 Feds...worked in only one fed

    Erik Watts was in TNA,WCW,WWF and had a short ECW run. Stan Hansen was in AWA,WCW,ECW and WWF. Harley Race was in JCP,TNA,WCW,WWF and must take the record for most promotions ever worked(either him or Andre) when you consider all the territories he's wrestled in at least 1 time.
  19. deancoles

    WCW facts, tidbits, and stuff people forgot

    Scott Hall was left off the card as well. Edit: Hall/DDP could have been done since Hall cost DDP a few matches against Savage.
  20. deancoles

    Character or Gimmick Spinoffs

    Nikita Koloff was Ivan's nephew. Glacier had James Vandenburg,Wrath and Mortis. Cactus Jack and Abdullah the Butcher were brought in to WCW in 91 to feud with Sting for a few months. Faarooq,Crush and Savio Vega had guys brought in to be part of their groups. Jeff Jarrett had the Roadie. Tank Abbott had that Big Al guy in 2000. Hilbilly Jim had Cousin Luke and Uncle Elmer. In the 70s and 80s Sammartino and Backlund had loads of guys brought in to feud for a couple of months, lose and then leave the company.
  21. deancoles

    The History of the Horsemen

    Look at the number of short reigns he had in the 90s 92: Has the WWF Title for 2 months. 92: Wins it back only to lose it nearly 2 months later. 93: Has the NWA Title for 2 months. 95. Wins the WCW Title at Starrcade and holds it for a couple of weeks. 96: Has the belt from February-April. 99. Has the belt for a Month. and there's some that might not be on the WWE's version of his Title History, the quick switches with Rhodes,Race and Von Erich,the 2000 Jarrett win and Nash giving flair the belt back(althought that might not have been counted by anyone as an official title run) a few weeks later.
  22. deancoles

    Hulk Hogan killed Harley Race?

    Here's a Challenge Squash match with the Picture popping up about 2 minutes in. Rockers Challenge Debut Edit: The file isn't very big(3.05 mb) because the match lasts about 3 minutes.
  23. deancoles

    English Football

    Plus Palace at home usually means at least 1 penalty.
  24. deancoles

    Hulk Hogan killed Harley Race?

    One of the first times I can remember seeing it was when Gorilla mentioned Rick Martel's injury, Heenan said "you think I'm gonna concern myself with Rick Martel's condition? what about the King? he went through major surgery and had to abdicate the throne" and as soon as he mentioned Race the purple clouds would appear. Edit: The moment of silence bit with the Heenan Family was good as well.
  25. deancoles

    English Football

    I wonder how Michael Owen feels now?