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Posts posted by deancoles

  1. Since the 2 are going to feud in the next few months i thought it fitting that i do this topic.If it's in the wrong folder then i apologise in advance.


    1)Kane had a better fuck up at summerslam.


    2)Kane threw Chris Jericho through bullet proof glass on his first try while goldberg had try two times.


    3)Kane will job to anyone,even Rene Dupree.


    4)Kane has won more titles than Goldberg.


    5)Kane drove a golf cart at wrestlemania 17.

  2. they had a match on Raw in 99 just before the greater power angle.Vince won by dq.Vince had to win for Austin to get a title shot.


    UNDERTAKER (with Paul Bearer) v. VINCENT K. in a nontitle match - Back in

    a locker room, we see Steve Austin watching this match on a monitor.

    Vince has no music and no announced weight. He does a lot of that

    "dramatic" gulping that he's made famous in acting clinic around the

    nation. Running in and sliding under the bottom rope, it's on as

    Undertaker immediately goes to stomping and kicking, then punching, now

    more kicking. Nothing for Vince here. Head to the turnbuckle. You know,

    on a REALISM basis, you wouldn't EXPECT the nonwrestler to get any shots

    in. Vince tries to rake the face but it doesn't work. Blatant chokehold

    as Paul Bearer talks turkey with referee "Blind" Mike Chioda. Chioda

    finally notices what's going on and tries the five count, but Undertaker

    chases him out of the ring. Bearer doing it to Chioda OUTSIDE the ring,

    too, but now Vince manages a Golotta - now he's on him with rights, body

    work, right, left, right, left, repeat, but Undertaker has a double choke

    - and Vince is put in the corner. Now Undertaker RAINING down rights and

    lefts, now kicks. Chioda again attempts a count and Undertaker shoots him

    a scary look. Crowd chants "Vince Vince Vince" and Undertaker now SHOVES

    Chioda away. Everybody see what's coming? While Undertaker continues his

    assault, the referee again attemps to force a break, and again Undertaker

    shoves him away. Well, Chioda finally calls for the bell (DQ 2:12) and

    how stupid is the Undertaker, anyway? Ross plays this as some brilliant

    psychological warfare by McMahon, but I'm not sure I buy it. Anyway,

    Patterson and Brisco try to rescue their fellow Musketeer, but Undertaker

    gets in good shots on both men before chasing Chioda to the back through

    the crowd.


    Taken from Slashwrestling
