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Everything posted by JoeDirt

  1. IWA Mid-South Wrestling, in association with NWA Midwest, presented "2004: An IWA Freak-A-Thon" on Friday, 11/19 at the National Guard Armory in Bloomington, IN. Here's what went down... 1. JC BAILEY def. DANNY DEMANTO after hitting the Bardstown Bam top rope legdrop. 2. DAVEY ANDREWS def. BRANDON THOMASELLI & JOSH ABERCROMBIE in a three-way bout when Andrews pinned Abercrombie. 3. "Spyder" NATE WEBB & MATT SYDAL def. PETEY WILLIAMS & DELIRIOUS when Sydal pinned Delirious. 4. DAIZEE HAZE def. TRACY BROOKS & MICKIE KNUCKLES in a three-way match after Haze hit the Daizee Cutter on Brooks. 5. BJ WHITMER def. IAN ROTTEN when JIM FANNIN tripped Rotten and held his leg down during the count. 6. ALEX SHELLEY def. "The New Age Punisher" B-BOY via submission with the Border City Stretch. 7. CM PUNK def. JIMMY JACOBS via submission with the Anaconda Vise. The event was filmed for home video release by Smart Mark Video, with commentary by Dave Prazak, CM Punk, Jim Fannin, and Nate Webb. ================== From RealDeal on the IWA boards for the 11/20 results: "Crowd was down, I'd say it was the lowest since the June show, but that's just a guess. I'd say close to 200 people were there, again just a guess. Ian came out to open the show with CM Punk. Punk said he just wanted to clear up the rumors as to why he was not going to be on the show at first. He said it was because Ian sold tapes to the boy toucher & he hates that guy & doesn't want to put money in his pockets. Punk said he was prepared to forfeit the belt a couple of weeks ago when this happened but Ian promised him he wouldn't sell tapes to the guy again. Punk said there are three places to get tapes from, IWA, SMV & the guy who tried to solicit a 14 year old boy for sex, don't buy tapes from him as he charges to much S&H & his service sucks. Punk left & Ian talked about the money problems, he said thy weren't that bad & everythng will be straightened out soon. Ian announced that some of the Wilside guys including Rainman will be on the 12/12 show & also Terry Funk will be there. Oh yeah, Balls Mahoney called Ian while he was giving his speech. Highland told Balls hello. No big deal, just thought I'd add that little tidbit. They had the battle royal to start& it was over in about two minutes. I'm almost positive Punk came out in a Conquistadors type outfit, with mask & all. He just kept thrusting people in the throat until he was eliminated. Brandon Thomaselli won by eliminating Webb & Andrews at the same time. Trik Davis beat Chandler McClure by DQ when Cash Flo interfered. Crpl. Robinson made the save. It turned into a tag match & Davis pinned McClure. Corp did nothing. Davey Andrews over Matt Turner & Josh Abercrombie. This was kinda sloppy & Abercrombie looks kinda gay. I'm sure his a nice guy & all, but is he getting booked because he's Jimmy Jacobs roommate. I mean he was greener then the trainees. Maybe it was just who he was in there with, I don't know. After the match, Andrews spit on an albino kid. No really, an albino. Buy the tape. Alex Shelley came out & said Petey Williams got hurt last night & couldn't wrestle but he had a special tag team partner who has recovered from his injury. Arik Cannon's music hit & Petey came out with a trash bag on & padding to make it look like he had a gut. They ran down Cannon for quitting just because he broke his collarbone. Shelley said what kind of guy quits from a broken collarbone. The irony of it all. Boz & Bradley over Shelley & Williams. Petey mimicked the Road Dogg & Jeff Jarrett in this match, which was kind of depressing. I have no idea why they ran down Cannon like that, seeing as though he was a heel. I guess when he comes back he won't be. Rain over Mickie, I love Mickie's jailhouse/homemade tatoo on her forearm. It's HOT. Whitmer beat Daniels in a finishers match. The action was pretty good, but the logic was retarded. They tried to pin each other with the other guys finisher, when the rules of the match clearly stated you couldn't get a pinfall that way. Fannin took a piledriver. Whitmer gave Daniels three exploder suplexes before he could finish him. Daizee Haze beat Traci Brooks. This was alright (seriously, it was) & Traci looked pretty nice tonight. I still prefer the school girl outfit from the tag tourney but what can ya do. Daizee worked over Traci's leg most of the match. Traci sold really well. Maybe next month Daizee & Lacey will have their iron woman match. Steve Stone over Ian Rotten in what turned out to just be a tables match. Ring announcer Joey Eastman said later that Ian broke his collarbone. I saw Ian after the show & he was all bandaged up. Seems legit but who knows. Matt Sydal won a triple threat match with B-Boy & Nate Webb by pinning B-Boy. Match was a lot of fun, but just a TON of highspots & kicking out of all kinds of devasting moves. Everyone danced afterward. Good times. Jacobs over Delirious in a first blood match when Delirious hit the title belt & his hand started bleeding. They brawled afterwards & will have a title versus mask match on 12/12. CM Punk beat Thomaselli. Good match. Punk beat he shit out of him for a long time. Good nearfalls at the end. I'm glad Punk won though. Good show, nothing can't miss really, except for the albino. But worth my time & money for the evening. Now if they would just announce some matches for Valpo. Oh yeah, Ian said they will be running in Joliet in the new year."
  2. JoeDirt

    IWA-MS 11/19 and 11/20 results

    Check out this picture of Ian's spider bite... (CAUTION, IT'S NASTY!)
  3. JoeDirt

    Great short matches?

    What are the best matches you can think of under 5 minutes? Under 10 minutes? Here's two that come to mind for me: Owen Hart vs. 123 Kid from KOTR 94, was under 4 minutes. Angle vs. Misterio from Summerslam 2002, about 8-9 minutes, I've always loved this match. What do you think?
  4. I think Stevie Richards is a good pick. Even today, he is SO incredibly underused by the WWE. He could be a GREAT heel manager. He gets into every role he plays and works his ass off to make it work. Stevie is truly an under appreciated talent and it's too bad he never really got a bigger push anywhere.
  5. JoeDirt

    Matt Sydal

    Sydal's very good. I think he's seen as "less" than some other stars because of the whole "he's a flippity floppity cruiserweight" mentality some people have. But I think he's very good.
  6. JoeDirt

    Great short matches?

    Funk wrestled Candido at Wrestlepalooza 97, and beats him with a roll up to retain his title. Taz wrestles Sabu and then Douglas.
  7. JoeDirt

    What's the worst WCW Nitro Ever?

    I'll post my pick later after doing some research, but we need a thread for worst Thunder ever too.
  8. JoeDirt

    WWE News and Notes from 11/29 Observer

    Exactly. And I doubt the talent wants to do half their shows in Europe and Japan.
  9. JoeDirt

    This Monday's Battle Royal...

    If they were really thinking, they'd have Edge get injured or something earlier in the show so he couldn't be in the battle royal. Play off his bitter heel character even more. But that would make too much sense.
  10. I know very very little about wrestling before the WWF. What were some of the best time periods for wrestling in the different territories around the U.S, from Florida to Georgia to Tennessee to Mid-Atlantic to Mid-South to Smoky Mountain, etc? Who were the big stars in each territory and what were some of the best matches, angles, and feuds?
  11. JoeDirt

    Meltzer piece on TNA from 11/29 Observer

    Yeah, that was just a typo by HTQ I'm sure.
  12. JoeDirt

    IWA-MS 11/19 and 11/20 results Go there to download a B-Boy vs. Webb vs. Sydal match clip.
  13. JoeDirt

    Meltzer piece on TNA from 11/29 Observer

    The piece says maybe 90 days. They don't have anything booked for after Final Resolution in January, as far as I know. Either Panda is going to close shop, or they're going to have to make a sale to someone else willing to invest and lose money.
  14. JoeDirt

    Meltzer piece on TNA from 11/29 Observer

    Wow. That sounds bad for TNA.
  15. JoeDirt

    WWE News and Notes from 11/29 Observer

    Thanks HTQ. I'll buy you a beer if I ever meet you.
  16. JoeDirt

    Create a tag team

    This is a simple thread. Take two wrestlers and make a tag team. You have to give them a name, though. So my first tag team is: Undertaker and IRS... Death and Taxes!
  17. Happy Thanksgiving, everybody.
  18. Raven wanted Chastity's full name to be Chastity Slutworth when she came in to WCW.
  19. JoeDirt

    Hilarious Wrestling Moments

    Final Four, in Feb. 1997. Vader and Steve Austin are fighting outside. Austin whips Vader towards the steps, but Vader decides at the last second he doesn't want to go into the steps, so he changes directions and crashes into some guy sitting against the guard rail.
  20. JoeDirt

    OAO Thanksgiving Smackdown thread

    I didn't want to start a new thread for this, but can someone tell me why there are two Smackdown TV tapings back to back, one on Tuesday, 12/28, and the other on Wednesday, 12/29? Plus they have a TV taping the next Tuesday on 1/4/05, and throughout the rest of the month as well. Just a typo?
  21. JoeDirt

    Raw rating holds steady

    Kreski writes for the Daily Show? I didn't know that. Good for him. WWE was great in 2000 up until the time Steph took over the book in October or so.
  22. How about a guy who wants to suck up to the fans to get over but always fails miserably? "So everybody...how about that local sports team? Boy, that was quite a game they had the other night, wasn't it?"
  23. JoeDirt

    OAO Thanksgiving Smackdown thread

    Be afraid, AS...be very afraid. I see RVD and Rey winning the tag titles at Armageddon and then going on to feud with them... Uggh.