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Brett Favre

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Everything posted by Brett Favre

  1. Brett Favre

    This Week in Baseball 6/18 - 6/24

    If it isn't a problem, update us on Tyler Clippard. I hope the Yankees haven't given up on him, he has good stuff, just needs to get his control down pat.
  2. Brett Favre

    NBA Roundtable Discussion

    If there's other options which there is, Boston wouldn't be number one. Same thing happened with Griffey. And Marion doesn't want to go there either.
  3. Brett Favre

    NBA Roundtable Discussion

    I wouldn't do that. Jefferson is overrated and always hurt. Keep your draft pick and draft Horford, Wright, Brewer, Green, or even YJ.
  4. Brett Favre

    This Week in Baseball 6/18 - 6/24

    Ichiro has stolen 22 out of 24 bases this year. What more could you want? And I really wouldn't mind the Yankees picking up Elijah Dukes. Dude has too much talent to pass up.
  5. Brett Favre

    This Week in Baseball 6/18 - 6/24

    We need to address center field, unless you're confident Cabrera can take the job.
  6. Brett Favre

    This Week in Baseball 6/18 - 6/24

    Damon is going to become the new Giambi. I hope the Yankees go after Ichiro when he becomes a FA.
  7. Brett Favre

    NBA Roundtable Discussion

    Most players don't want to go to Boston because they feel the area is still a bit racist. Not that I agree with them, but that's part of the reason.
  8. Brett Favre

    This Week in Baseball 6/18 - 6/24

    This just in, Mike Francesa thinks the Yankees can sweep the Giants if they win the first game. If they win this first game, they might be able to sweep the series.
  9. Brett Favre

    Cleveland Cavaliers vs San Antonio Spurs

  10. Brett Favre

    NBA Roundtable Discussion

    That ain't happening anymore. I remember seeing a 3 way trade with KG going to Phoenix, Marion going to Boston, the #5 and the #24 picks along with fillers (expiring contracts of KT and Theo) going to Minny.
  11. Brett Favre

    This Week in Baseball 6/18 - 6/24

    The Yankees should go after him with Damon probably going on the DL. Heck, they should go after him anyway, we need a better bench.
  12. Brett Favre

    Apparently, I live next door to a crime scene

    That sucks. This reminded me of Kiss Kiss Bang Bang. "I gotta go. I gotta go."
  13. Brett Favre

    This Week in Baseball 6/18 - 6/24

    How does Magglio not start?
  14. Brett Favre

    This Week in Baseball 6/18 - 6/24

    Congrats to Sammy. And a "Rockie" first two games for the Yankees.
  15. Brett Favre

    Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

    Same here. Hardcover is only 17 bucks. I think i'll read the whole thing in one sleep less night.
  16. Brett Favre

    2007 NBA Draft Thread

    Everyone thinks the Knicks promised Wilson Chandler a spot. I really doubt they'd let it out in the open like that, the Knicks. And theres no way we pass up o Derrick Byars or should.
  17. Brett Favre

    Cleveland Cavaliers vs San Antonio Spurs

    Well yeah, that goes without saying. West Coast: NWA East Coast: Wu-Tang Clan East Coast wins.
  18. Brett Favre

    The Dark Knight

    I trust Christopher Nolan.
  19. Brett Favre

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    What's the name of that song that Dan Patrick always plays on his show?
  20. Brett Favre

    Where does Kobe Go?

    There's a rumor that KG got dealt to Phoenix. It's probably not true, but if it is, there's also a chance that Amare got dealt to Chicago in a 3 way trade. If it's not announced in these two days it's fake.
  21. Brett Favre


    My mistake. And I wasn't saying that in a negative context, either. I was simply saying that the term originated in African American urban culture. It's cool, I know what you meant. I could pass for a black guy anyway.
  22. Brett Favre

    Best movie of 2007 so far?

    I've only seen 5 movies so: 1. Grindhouse 2. Pirates 3 3. Spiderman 3 4. Fantastic Four 2 5. 300 I really didn't like 300 that much.
  23. Brett Favre

    Fantastic Four 2

  24. Brett Favre

    2007 NBA Draft Thread

    Isiah has known him since he was a kid, so there's a good chance the Knicks will take him.
  25. Brett Favre


    I'm not black (half dominican, half venezuelan), but thanks. Learn something new every day.